Line 1,628:
Line 1,628:
| 1 || [[#UpdateLastForegroundCaptureImage]]
| 1 || [[#UpdateLastForegroundCaptureImage]]
| 2 || GetLastApplicationCaptureImage
| 2 || [[#GetLastApplicationCaptureImage]]
| 3 || GetCallerAppletCaptureImage
| 3 || [[#GetCallerAppletCaptureImage]]
| 4 || UpdateCallerAppletCaptureImage
| 4 || [[#UpdateCallerAppletCaptureImage]]
| 5 || GetLastForegroundCaptureImageEx
| 5 || [[#GetLastForegroundCaptureImageEx]]
| 6 || GetLastApplicationCaptureImageEx
| 6 || GetLastApplicationCaptureImageEx
Line 1,687:
Line 1,687:
=== UpdateLastForegroundCaptureImage ===
=== UpdateLastForegroundCaptureImage ===
Takes an input u8 bool, no output.
No input/output.
The input bool is ignored.
=== GetLastApplicationCaptureImage ===
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer.
Stubbed, just returns an error.
=== GetCallerAppletCaptureImage ===
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer.
Stubbed, just returns an error.
=== UpdateCallerAppletCaptureImage ===
No input/output.
=== GetLastForegroundCaptureImageEx ===
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer, returns an output u8 bool.
The buffer size must match 0x384000.
=== AcquireLastApplicationCaptureBuffer ===
=== AcquireLastApplicationCaptureBuffer ===