Parental Control services

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PCTL handles all parental controls management.

pctl:s, pctl:r, pctl:a, pctl

These are "nn::pctl::detail::ipc::IParentalControlServiceFactory".

The max_sessions are these are: pctl has 6, pctl:s has 8, pctl:a has 1, and pctl:r has 1.

Cmd Name
0 CreateService
1 [4.0.0+] CreateServiceWithoutInitialize


This is "nn::pctl::detail::ipc::IParentalControlService".

Cmd Name
1 [4.0.0+] Initialize
1001 CheckFreeCommunicationPermission
1002 ConfirmLaunchApplicationPermission
1003 ConfirmResumeApplicationPermission
1004 ConfirmSnsPostPermission
1005 ConfirmSystemSettingsPermission
1006 IsRestrictionTemporaryUnlocked
1007 RevertRestrictionTemporaryUnlocked
1008 EnterRestrictedSystemSettings
1009 LeaveRestrictedSystemSettings
1010 IsRestrictedSystemSettingsEntered
1011 RevertRestrictedSystemSettingsEntered
1012 GetRestrictedFeatures
1013 [4.0.0+] ConfirmStereoVisionPermission
1014 [5.0.0+] ConfirmPlayableApplicationVideoOld
1015 [5.0.0+] ConfirmPlayableApplicationVideo
1016 [6.0.0+] ConfirmShowNewsPermission
1017 [10.0.0+] EndFreeCommunication
1018 [10.0.0+] IsFreeCommunicationAvailable
1031 IsRestrictionEnabled
1032 GetSafetyLevel
1033 SetSafetyLevel
1034 GetSafetyLevelSettings
1035 GetCurrentSettings
1036 SetCustomSafetyLevelSettings
1037 GetDefaultRatingOrganization
1038 SetDefaultRatingOrganization
1039 GetFreeCommunicationApplicationListCount
1042 AddToFreeCommunicationApplicationList
1043 DeleteSettings
1044 GetFreeCommunicationApplicationList
1045 UpdateFreeCommunicationApplicationList
1046 DisableFeaturesForReset
1047 [3.0.0+] NotifyApplicationDownloadStarted
1048 [6.0.0+] NotifyNetworkProfileCreated
1049 [11.0.0+] ResetFreeCommunicationApplicationList
1061 [4.0.0+] ConfirmStereoVisionRestrictionConfigurable
1062 [4.0.0+] GetStereoVisionRestriction
1063 [4.0.0+] SetStereoVisionRestriction
1064 [5.0.0+] ResetConfirmedStereoVisionPermission
1065 [5.0.0+] #IsStereoVisionPermitted
1201 UnlockRestrictionTemporarily
1202 UnlockSystemSettingsRestriction
1203 SetPinCode
1204 #GenerateInquiryCode
1205 #CheckMasterKey
1206 GetPinCodeLength
1207 GetPinCodeChangedEvent
1208 [4.0.0+] GetPinCode
1403 IsPairingActive
1406 GetSettingsLastUpdated
1411 GetPairingAccountInfo
1421 GetAccountNickname
1424 GetAccountState
1425 [6.0.0+] RequestPostEvents
1426 [11.0.0+] GetPostEventInterval
1427 [11.0.0+] SetPostEventInterval
1432 GetSynchronizationEvent
1451 StartPlayTimer
1452 StopPlayTimer
1453 IsPlayTimerEnabled
1454 GetPlayTimerRemainingTime
1455 IsRestrictedByPlayTimer
1456 [18.0.0+] GetPlayTimerSettingsOld ([1.0.0-17.0.1] GetPlayTimerSettings)
1457 GetPlayTimerEventToRequestSuspension
1458 [4.0.0+] IsPlayTimerAlarmDisabled
1471 NotifyWrongPinCodeInputManyTimes
1472 CancelNetworkRequest
1473 GetUnlinkedEvent
1474 ClearUnlinkedEvent
1475 [18.0.0+] GetExtendedPlayTimerEvent
1601 DisableAllFeatures
1602 PostEnableAllFeatures
1603 IsAllFeaturesDisabled
1901 DeleteFromFreeCommunicationApplicationListForDebug
1902 ClearFreeCommunicationApplicationListForDebug
1903 [5.0.0+] GetExemptApplicationListCountForDebug
1904 [5.0.0+] GetExemptApplicationListForDebug
1905 [5.0.0+] UpdateExemptApplicationListForDebug
1906 [5.0.0+] AddToExemptApplicationListForDebug
1907 [5.0.0+] DeleteFromExemptApplicationListForDebug
1908 [5.0.0+] ClearExemptApplicationListForDebug
1941 DeletePairing
1951 [18.0.0+] SetPlayTimerSettingsForDebugOld ([1.0.0-17.0.1] SetPlayTimerSettingsForDebug)
1952 GetPlayTimerSpentTimeForTest
1953 [4.0.0+] SetPlayTimerAlarmDisabledForDebug
1954 [18.0.0+] IsBedtimeAlarmEnabled
1955 [18.0.0+] GetBedtimeAlarmTime
1956 [18.0.0+] GetBedtimeAlarmTimeHour
1957 [18.0.0+] GetBedtimeAlarmTimeMinute
2001 RequestPairingAsync
2002 FinishRequestPairing
2003 [19.0.0+] AuthorizePairingAsyncOld ([1.0.0-18.1.0] AuthorizePairingAsync)
2004 FinishAuthorizePairing
2005 RetrievePairingInfoAsync
2006 FinishRetrievePairingInfo
2007 UnlinkPairingAsync
2008 FinishUnlinkPairing
2009 GetAccountMiiImageAsync
2010 FinishGetAccountMiiImage
2011 GetAccountMiiImageContentTypeAsync
2012 FinishGetAccountMiiImageContentType
2013 SynchronizeParentalControlSettingsAsync
2014 FinishSynchronizeParentalControlSettings
2015 FinishSynchronizeParentalControlSettingsWithLastUpdated
2016 [5.0.0+] RequestUpdateExemptionListAsync
2017 [19.0.0+] AuthorizePairingAsync
2019 [19.0.0+] RequestUpdateDeviceUsersBackground
145601 [18.0.0+] GetPlayTimerSettings
195101 [18.0.0+] SetPlayTimerSettingsForDebug


No input, returns an output u8 bool. True indicates that VrMode is allowed, false otherwise.


This cmd takes no input, and produces 0x20 bytes of raw output containing snprintf("%02d%08llu", 10, [inquiry_rnd]) on <= 3.0.0. This changed on 3.0.1 to produce "11(...)" instead of "10(...)".

The random number generation relies on TinyMT.


This cmd takes the 0x20 bytes produced by GenerateInquiryCode, and an 0x20 byte X descriptor containing snprintf("%08llu", master_key), and returns a bool 00 if the master key is not valid, and 01 if it is.

Master Keys are validated as follows on <= 3.0.0: first, svcSleepThread(1000000000LL) is called to introduce a delay to prevent brute force attacks. Then, strlen(master_key) is called -- if this is not 8, 0 is returned. Next, the inquiry code is regenerated and snprintf("%02d%08llu", 10, generated_inquiry_rnd) is compared to the inquiry data passed in as an argument. If this doesn't match, 0 is returned. Then, hmac-sha256(snprintf("%02d%08llu", 10, generated_inquiry_rnd)) is called using hardcoded keydata, and the master key argument is compared to snprintf("%08llu", (hmac_result & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) % 100000000). If this matches, 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned.

On 3.0.1 this was changed to use different hardcoded keydata, and to pass 11 as the snprintf argument instead of 10.


nnMain will skip various functionality when the output from pm:bm GetBootMode is Maintenance. This includes psc:m init/deinit, bgtc:t functionality (including init/deinit), {various init/deinit}.