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884 bytes removed ,  23:08, 26 September 2024
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|  GPT header, Bis-storage also allows raw access to the entire NAND eMMC sectors starting at sector0. The official name for this partition is "UserDataRoot".
|  GPT header, Bis-storage also allows raw access to the entire NAND eMMC sectors starting at sector0. The official name for this partition is "UserDataRoot".
|  [[Calibration|PRODINFO]]
|  [[Calibration#CalibrationBinary|PRODINFO]]
|  {98109E25-64E2-4C95-8A77-414916F5BCEB}
|  {98109E25-64E2-4C95-8A77-414916F5BCEB}
|  0x00004400
|  0x00004400
Line 189: Line 189:  
|  "CAL0" raw partition containing set:cal data. The official name for this partition is "CalibrationBinary".
|  "CAL0" raw partition containing set:cal data. The official name for this partition is "CalibrationBinary".
|  [[Calibration|PRODINFOF]]
|  [[Calibration#CalibrationFile|PRODINFOF]]
|  {F3056AEC-5449-494C-9F2C-5FDCB75B6E6E}
|  {F3056AEC-5449-494C-9F2C-5FDCB75B6E6E}
|  0x00400000
|  0x00400000
Line 285: Line 285:     
Encrypted partitions use AES-XTS using the same non-standard tweak (tweak[0] = sectorIdx[MSB] .. tweak[15] = sectorIdx[LSB], if using 32bit sectorIdx that means tweak[0]..tweak[11] are 0, with tweak[12]..tweak[15] containing big-endian sectorIdx) as other Nintendo AES-XTS code, initial_sector = 0, and sector size 0x4000. All encrypted partitions use console unique keydata.
Encrypted partitions use AES-XTS using the same non-standard tweak (tweak[0] = sectorIdx[MSB] .. tweak[15] = sectorIdx[LSB], if using 32bit sectorIdx that means tweak[0]..tweak[11] are 0, with tweak[12]..tweak[15] containing big-endian sectorIdx) as other Nintendo AES-XTS code, initial_sector = 0, and sector size 0x4000. All encrypted partitions use console unique keydata.
├── Certifications
│  └── WirelessCertification.png
└── ptd
    ├── DeviceIdWithEmsBit.dat
    ├── Ecid.dat
    ├── prodCode.dat
    └── log
        ├── Process_asm1.log
        ├── Process_board1.log
        ├── TestFlagLine.log
        ├── TestFlagQc.log
        ├── AGING
        │  └── Sequence.log
        ├── BOARD_TEST
        │  └── Sequence.log
        ├── BOARD_WIRELESS
        │  └── Sequence.log
        ├── FINAL_CHECK
        │  └── Sequence.log
        ├── LCD_AND_KEY
        │  └── Sequence.log
        └── USB_AND_HP
            └── Sequence.log
==== DeviceIdWithEmsBit.dat ====
Contains a 0x10-byte uppercase hex string, identical to the DeviceId in the [[Settings_services|DeviceCert]].
=== SYSTEM ===
=== SYSTEM ===

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