* "update.pua": This is the firmware update data for the Kart. This is likely encrypted: one of the strings in here is "generic/tee.bin.aes".
* "update.pua": This is the firmware update data for the Kart. This is a tar archive. The extracted archive contains "update.pui" and "pui.hash". The latter is a binary 0x100-byte file. The former is another tar archive, the content of that archive is the following:
** "config.txt": Contains config which includes fields for efuse_key, efuse_fw, secure_boot, etc. Also references the data under generic/.
** "audiofw_sha": 0x20-byte binary SHA256 hash for the "bluecore.audio.aes" file.
** "dtb_sha": 0x20-byte binary SHA256 hash for the .dtb file.
** "rootfs_sha": 0x20-byte binary SHA256 hash for the "root.nand.cpio.gz_pad.img.aes" file.
** "tee_sha": 0x20-byte binary SHA256 hash for the tee file.
** "uImage_sha": 0x20-byte binary SHA256 hash for the "nand.uImage.aes" file.