The Switch 7.0.0 system update was released on January 28, 2019. This Switch update was released for the following regions: ALL.

Security flaws fixed: <fill this in manually later, see the updatedetails page from the ninupdates-report page(s) once available for now>.


Official ALL change-log:

  • Select from six new New Super Mario Bros.™ U Deluxe icons for your user
  • To edit your user icon, head to your My Page > Profile on the top left of the HOME menu
  • Added additional language support to the HOME Menu for Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese
  • To change the language, head to the System Settings > System > Language
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience


All files under RomFS were updated.


NX bootloader was updated, and is now stored compressed. Before executing, a small stub now uncompresses the bootloader to 0x40004000, size 0x1C000.

Secure Monitor

The Secure Monitor was updated, and is now stored compressed. Before executing, a small stub now uncompresses the main TrustZone image to 0x7C010800 size 0xC800, and environment setup code to 0x40032000 size 0xC000.

  • The 0x100 region used for NX_BOOTLOADER <-> SecureMonitor communications is now 0x40000000 instead of 0x40002E00.
  • Memory permissions for .rodata have been fixed, it is now correctly mapped R-- instead of RW-.
  • Sealed old keys are now stored in the auxilliary data page (0x1F01FA000) instead of in .rwdata.
    • An 0x10 block in the auxilliary page is now used for intermediate key derivation, instead of a block on the stack. This block is only memcleared once at the end, instead of after every time it is used.

[more details to be filled in later].


  • The firmware revision magic was changed from 0xA8 to 0x129.

System Titles

All titles were updated, except: "Chinese and Korean dictionaries", "European English and Japanese dictionaries", EULA, "Blacklist URL", "Dummy file", "Hoag system config", and flog.


  • Localization data etc was updated in applets, likewise for 8XX titles.
  • CAction title: new directory "/table" was added. The new file "/table/431FA316E20941779452DD0EBFA05E0E/ApplicationId" contains string "0x01003a400c3da000".
  • Web-applets were updated. "/whitelist/WhitelistEc.txt" in LibAppletShop was updated: "^https://([0-9A-Za-z\-]+\.)*eshop\.nintendo\.net($|/)" was changed to "^https://([0-9A-Za-z\-]+\.)*nintendo\.net(/|$)".
  • ControllerFirmware: "/ukyosakyo_ep2_ota.bin" and the .csv were updated.
  • Titles BrowserDll and AvatarImage were updated.
  • Both bad-word-list titles were updated.
  • HID-sysmodule RomFS added new file: "/ftmFwUpdate: NTD_4CD_xxxx.fts256".


  • New services were added.
  • bluetooth-sysmodule now has access to svcCreateSharedMemory.
  • HID-sysmodule now has access to new service usb:qdb.
  • ldn-sysmodule now has access to service psc:m.
  • account-sysmodule: now has access to service npns:s.
  • ns-sysmodule: service access to prepo:s was replaced with srepo:u. FS permissions now have bitmask 0x0000000400000000 set (CanFormatSdCard).
  • nfc-sysmodule: now has access to services: psm, i2c, and gpio.
  • am-sysmodule: now has access to services lm and nvgem:cd.
  • btm-sysmodule: now has access to service srepo:u.
  • npns-sysmodule: main thread stack size changed from 0x8000 to 0x4000. Removed service access for acc:aa and acc:u1, added access to pm:bm.
  • glue-sysmodule: now has access to service srepo:u.
  • Various applets now have access to service "banana" (which still doesn't exist on retail).

<fill this in (manually) later>

See Also

System update report(s):

Nintendo Switch System Versions