
Revision as of 17:20, 8 February 2018 by Wedr (talk | contribs)


Acronyms Full Name Notes
AM Applet Manager
APM Applet Profile Manager
BCAT Background Content Asymmetric synchronized delivery and Transmission
BCT Boot Configuration Table
BNVIB Binary NX Vibration
BPC Board Power Control Manager This is related to the PCV Services.
EMMC pinout Embedded Multi-Media Controller pinout
Eupld Error upload services
ExeFS Executable File System
Falcon A microprocessor used in various Tegra specific engines like TSEC, NVDEC, VIC, etc. See the manual for more information.
Flog NES Golf, spelled backwards
GRC Game Recording services
HID Human Interface Device services
Homebrew ABI Homebrew Application Binary Interface
IMKV IM Key Value databases found in FS and NCM savedata archives
INI1 Part of the Package2 section containing built-in system modules
IPC Marshalling Inter-Process Communication Marshalling