Shared Database services
This is "nn::pl::detail::IPlatformServiceManager".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #RequestSharedFontLoad |
1 | #GetSharedFontLoadState |
2 | #GetSharedFontSize |
3 | #GetSharedFontAddress |
4 | #GetSharedFontSharedMemoryHandle |
5 | #GetSharedFontInOrderOfPriority |
6 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedFontInOrderOfPriorityForSystem |
100 | [8.0.0+] RequestApplicationFunctionAuthorization |
101 | [8.0.0+] RequestApplicationFunctionAuthorizationForSystem |
Takes a #SharedFontType (uint32), no output.
Takes a #SharedFontType (uint32), returns the #LoadState (uint32).
Value | Description |
0x00 | Loading |
0x01 | Loaded |
Takes a #SharedFontType (uint32), returns the Font Size (uint32).
Takes a #SharedFontType (uint32), returns the offset (uint32) to the Font Address.
No input, returns an output SharedMemory handle.
User-processes map this SharedMemory with size=0x1100000 and permissions=R--.
Font data is TTF, located at the offset returned by #GetSharedFontAddress.
Takes an input u64 LanguageCode and 3 type-0x6 output buffers, returns an output u8 and u32. The u8 is a bool to specify if the fonts are loaded or not and the u32 is the font count. The first buffer contains a list of Shared font types, the second buffer contains the font offsets and the final buffer contains the font sizes. The buffers are an array of u32s which specify information about a specific font. Buffer1[n] is related to Buffer2[n] and Buffer3[n]. Example: Font index 0s offset is at Buffer2[0], size is at Buffer3[0]. The fonts are relative to the shared memory created by #GetSharedFontSharedMemoryHandle
Value | Description |
0x00 | Japan, US and Europe (Standard) |
0x01 | Chinese Simplified |
0x02 | Extended Chinese Simplified |
0x03 | Chinese Traditional |
0x04 | Korean (Hangul) |
0x05 | Nintendo Extended |
- Nintendo Extended: Contains Nintendo-specific characters, including HID buttons, HID controller styles, applet icons, Wii(U) icons, etc.
mii:u, mii:e
This is "nn::mii::detail::IStaticService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetDatabaseService |
This is "nn::mii::detail::IDatabaseService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | IsUpdated |
1 | IsFullDatabase |
2 | GetCount |
3 | Get |
4 | Get1 |
5 | UpdateLatest |
6 | BuildRandom |
7 | BuildDefault |
8 | Get2 |
9 | Get3 |
10 | UpdateLatest1 |
11 | FindIndex |
12 | Move |
13 | AddOrReplace |
14 | Delete |
15 | DestroyFile |
16 | DeleteFile |
17 | Format |
18 | Import |
19 | Export |
20 | IsBrokenDatabaseWithClearFlag |
21 | GetIndex |
22 | [5.0.0+] SetInterfaceVersion |
23 | [5.0.0+] Convert |
24 | [7.0.0+] ConvertCoreDataToCharInfo |
25 | [7.0.0+] ConvertCharInfoToCoreData |
This is "nn::mii::detail::IImageDatabaseService".
This was added with [5.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | Initialize |
10 | Reload |
11 | GetCount |
12 | IsEmpty |
13 | IsFull |
14 | GetAttribute |
15 | LoadImage |
16 | AddOrUpdateImage |
17 | DeleteImages |
100 | DeleteFile |
101 | DestroyFile |
102 | ImportFile |
103 | ExportFile |
104 | ForceInitialize |
This is "nn::pdm::detail::INotifyService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | NotifyAppletEvent |
2 | NotifyOperationModeChangeEvent |
3 | NotifyPowerStateChangeEvent |
4 | NotifyClearAllEvent |
5 | NotifyEventForDebug |
6 | [4.0.0+] SuspendUserAccountEventService |
7 | [4.0.0+] ResumeUserAccountEventService |
8 | [6.0.0+] |
9 | [8.0.0+] |
This is "nn::pdm::detail::IQueryService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #QueryApplicationEvent |
[1.0.0-6.2.0] 1 | QueryPlayStatistics |
[1.0.0-6.2.0] 2 | QueryPlayStatisticsByUserAccountId |
[1.0.0-6.2.0] 3 | QueryPlayStatisticsByNetworkServiceAccountId |
4 | #QueryPlayStatisticsByApplicationId |
5 | #QueryPlayStatisticsByApplicationIdAndUserAccountId |
[1.0.0-6.2.0] 6 | QueryPlayStatisticsByApplicationIdAndNetworkServiceAccountId |
7 | #QueryLastPlayTime |
8 | #QueryPlayEvent |
9 | #GetAvailablePlayEventRange |
10 | #QueryAccountEvent |
11 | [4.0.0+] #QueryAccountPlayEvent |
12 | [4.0.0+] #GetAvailableAccountPlayEventRange |
13 | [5.0.0+] #QueryApplicationPlayStatisticsForSystem |
14 | [6.0.0+] |
15 | [6.0.0+] |
16 | [6.0.0+] |
Takes an input u32, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #ApplicationEvent, and returns an output u32 for actual total output entries.
Takes an input u64 titleID and returns an output #PlayStatistics.
Takes an input u64 titleID, an input u128 userID, and returns an output #PlayStatistics.
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #LastPlayTime, and a type-0x5 input buffer containing an array of u64 titleIDs. Returns an output u32 for actual total output entries.
Takes an input u32 entryoffset, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #PlayEvent, and returns an output u32 for actual total output entries.
No input, returns 3 output u32s.
Takes an input u32, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #AccountEvent, and returns an output u32 for actual total output entries.
Takes an input u32, an input u128, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array where the struct size is 0x28-bytes, and returns an output u32.
Takes an input u128 and returns 3 output u32s.
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #ApplicationPlayStatistics and a type-0x5 input buffer containing an array of u64 titleIDs. Returns an output s32 for actual total output entries.
The number of entries in each array is the same.
Takes an input u128, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of u64s, and returns an output u32.
No input, returns an output handle.
Takes a u128 userID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #ApplicationPlayStatistics and a type-0x5 input buffer containing an array of u64 titleIDs. Returns an output s32 for actual total output entries.
Same as #QueryApplicationPlayStatisticsForSystem except this gets playstats specific to userIDs.
This is "nn::avm::srv::IAvmService".
This was added with [6.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
100 | |
101 | |
102 | |
103 | No input, returns an #IVersionListImporter. |
200 | |
202 | |
1000 | |
1001 | |
1002 |
This is "nn::avm::srv::IVersionListImporter".
This was added with [6.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | |
1 | |
2 |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | titleID |
0x8 | 0x10 | ? |
This is a 0x18-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | titleID |
0x8 | 0x20 | ? |
This is a 0x28-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | titleID |
0x8 | 0x10 | ? |
This is a 0x18-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x38 | ? |
This is a 0x38-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x10 | userID |
0x10 | 0x28 | ? |
This is a 0x38-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | titleID |
0x8 | 0x8 | Total play-time in nanoseconds. |
0x10 | 0x8 | Total times the application title was launched. |
This is "nn::pdm::ApplicationPlayStatistics".
This is a 0x18-byte struct.