Profile Selector

From Nintendo Switch Brew
Revision as of 02:34, 29 November 2019 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs)
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This is the applet presented when launching a game that allows the user to select a user.

See AM_services#Library_Applets. The profile selector expects a two IStorage inputs and a single IStorage output.

Library Applet Versions

System Version Value
[1.0.0+] 0x1
[2.0.0+] 0x10000
[6.0.0+] 0x20000


This has size 0xA0 and seems to only affect the UI display. Typical value is all zero with byte 0x96 equal to 0x01. Setting the first byte to 1 will make the applet display in order to create a new user. "starter" sets the first byte to 5 in order to display initial user setup.


This is 0x18-bytes.

Offset Size Notes
0x0 0x8 Result (0 = Success, 2 = Failure)
0x8 0x10 UUID of selected user


User-processes should push a common arguments struct and the typical UserSelectionConfig struct as well. After pushing in the data and calling start, user-processes should wait upon the PopOutDataEvent and then pop a single IStorage to obtain the result structure described above.