Line 45:
Line 45:
| 0x04
| 0x04
| SecProvisioningKeyNumInsecure
| SecProvisioningKeyNumInsecure
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning. Always 0.
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning (always 0)
| 0x0424
| 0x0424
| 0x20
| 0x20
| SecProvisioningKey
| SecProvisioningKey
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning. Always empty.
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning (always 0)
| 0x0444
| 0x0444
| 0xC4
| 0xC4
| [[#CustomerData|CustomerData]]
| [[#CustomerData|CustomerData]]
| Data block available for the customer. Used in key generation.
| Data block available for the customer (used in key generation)
0x0444: Reserved (0x0C bytes)
0x0444: Reserved (0x0C bytes)
0x0450: [[Flash_Filesystem#Keyblob|Keyblob]] (0xB0 bytes)
0x0450: [[Flash_Filesystem#Keyblob|Keyblob]] (0xB0 bytes)
Line 63:
Line 63:
| 0x04
| 0x04
| OdmData
| OdmData
| Legacy field. Unused.
| Legacy field (unused)
| 0x050C
| 0x050C
| 0x04
| 0x04
| Reserved
| Reserved
| Legacy field. Unused.
| Legacy field (unused)
| 0x0510
| 0x0510
| 0x10
| 0x10
| RandomAesBlock
| RandomAesBlock
| Always empty.
| Always empty
| 0x0520
| 0x0520
| 0x10
| 0x10
| UniqueChipId
| UniqueChipId
| Always empty.
| Always empty
| 0x0530
| 0x0530
| 0x04
| 0x04
| BootDataVersion
| BootDataVersion
| Set to 0x00210001 (BOOTDATA_VERSION_T210).
| Set to 0x00210001 (BOOTDATA_VERSION_T210)
| 0x0534
| 0x0534
| 0x04
| 0x04
| BlockSizeLog2
| BlockSizeLog2
| Always 0x0E.
| Always 0x0E
| 0x0538
| 0x0538
| 0x04
| 0x04
| PageSizeLog2
| PageSizeLog2
| Always 0x09.
| Always 0x09
| 0x053C
| 0x053C
| 0x04
| 0x04
| PartitionSize
| PartitionSize
| Always 0x01000000.
| Always 0x01000000
| 0x0540
| 0x0540
| 0x04
| 0x04
| NumParamSets
| NumParamSets
| Number of device parameter sets. Always 0x01.
| Number of device parameter sets (always 0x01)
| 0x0544
| 0x0544
| 0x04
| 0x04
| DevType
| DevType
| Device type. Set to 0x04 (Sdmmc).
| Device type (0x04 == Sdmmc)
| 0x0548
| 0x0548
Line 120:
Line 120:
| 0x04
| 0x04
| NumSdramSets
| NumSdramSets
| Number of SDRAM parameter sets. Always set to 0, but parameters are used despite this.
| Number of SDRAM parameter sets (always set to 0, but parameters are used despite this)
| 0x058C
| 0x058C
| 0x768
| 0x768
| SdramParams0
| SdramParams0
| Default values filled in.
| Default values filled in
| 0x0CF4
| 0x0CF4
| 0x768
| 0x768
| SdramParams1
| SdramParams1
| Default values filled in.
| Default values filled in
| 0x145C
| 0x145C
| 0x768
| 0x768
| SdramParams2
| SdramParams2
| Default values filled in.
| Default values filled in
| 0x1BC4
| 0x1BC4
| 0x768
| 0x768
| SdramParams3
| SdramParams3
| Default values filled in.
| Default values filled in
| 0x232C
| 0x232C
| 0x04
| 0x04
| BootLoadersUsed
| BootLoadersUsed
| Number of bootloaders installed. Always 0x02 (maximum is 0x04).
| Number of bootloaders installed (always 0x02, maximum is 0x04)
| 0x2330
| 0x2330
| 0x12C
| 0x12C
| [[#BootLoader0|BootLoader0]]
| [[#BootLoader0|BootLoader0]]
| Configuration parameters for bootloader 0 (normal).
| Configuration parameters for bootloader 0 (normal)
0x2330: Version (variable)
0x2330: Version (variable)
0x2334: StartBlock (0x00000040)
0x2334: StartBlock (0x00000040)
Line 164:
Line 164:
| 0x12C
| 0x12C
| BootLoader1
| BootLoader1
| Configuration parameters for bootloader 1 (safe mode).
| Configuration parameters for bootloader 1 (safe mode)
0x245C: Version (variable)
0x245C: Version (variable)
0x2460: StartBlock (0x00000050)
0x2460: StartBlock (0x00000050)
Line 178:
Line 178:
| 0x12C
| 0x12C
| BootLoader2
| BootLoader2
| Reserved space for bootloader 2 (unused).
| Reserved space for bootloader 2 (unused)
| 0x26B4
| 0x26B4
| 0x12C
| 0x12C
| BootLoader3
| BootLoader3
| Reserved space for bootloader 3 (unused).
| Reserved space for bootloader 3 (unused)
| 0x27E0
| 0x27E0
| 0x01
| 0x01
| EnableFailBack
| EnableFailBack
| Always 0.
| Always 0
| 0x27E1
| 0x27E1
| 0x04
| 0x04
| SecureJtagControl
| SecureJtagControl
| Always 0.
| Always 0
| 0x27E5
| 0x27E5
| 0x04
| 0x04
| SecProvisioningKeyNumSecure
| SecProvisioningKeyNumSecure
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning. Always 0.
| Used for Factory Secure Provisioning (always 0)
| 0x27E9
| 0x27E9
| 0x12
| 0x12
| Reserved
| Reserved
| Always starts with 0x80000000 (NVBOOT padding pattern).
| Always starts with 0x80000000 (NVBOOT padding pattern)
| 0x27FB
| 0x27FB
| 0x05
| 0x05
| Padding
| Padding
| Empty. Not part of BCT data.
| Empty
Line 262:
Line 262:
| 0x0160
| 0x0160
| Empty.
| Empty
| 0x0480
| 0x0480
| 0x2380
| 0x2380
| Encrypted BCT data.
| Encrypted BCT data