Line 6:
Line 6:
Reads from both of these keyslots are disabled by the bootROM.
Reads from both of these keyslots are disabled by the bootROM.
These keys is stored in fuses, and can no longer be accessed after bootrom.
The SBK is stored in [[Fuses#FUSE_PRIVATE_KEY|FUSE_PRIVATE_KEY]], which are locked to read out only FFs after the bootrom finishes.
SBK should be shared amongst all consoles, and SSK console-unique. But we don't know this is the case.
SBK should be shared amongst all consoles, but we don't know this is the case.
The SSK is derived on boot via the SBK, the 32-bit console-unique "Device Key", and hardware information stored in fuses.
== Falcon coprocessor ==
== Falcon coprocessor ==