Homebrew ABI

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Entrypoint is at binary_ptr+0. At this offset, there is a branch instruction that jumps past the NRO0 header. This is for (.text) file format polyglot compatibility with NSO0.

Every application should clean itself up before returning to loader.

This includes tasks like:

  • Not leaking handles
  • Resetting MemoryState
  • No leftover threads running in the background

Original LR given to entrypoint should be returned to, X0 contains an error code. If original LR is NULL, svcExitProcess should be used.

Entrypoint Arguments

NSO0: the system executes binary_ptr+0 with X0=NULL, X1=main_thread_handle.

NRO0: the homebrew loader puts X0=loader_config_ptr, X1=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [INVALID_HANDLE].

Loader Config

Loader config allows overriding functionality to workaround limitations in a limited homebrew environment.

It is an array of tuples:

struct LoaderConfig {
  LoaderConfigEntry Entries[];

Each entry is key-value pair:

struct LoaderConfigEntry {
  u32 Key;
  u32 Flags;
  u64 Value[2];
enum LoaderConfigFlags {
  IsRecognitionMandatory = BIT(0),

Loader Config Keys

A loader key can be marked as recognition-mandatory or not recognition-mandatory in its Flags field. The presence-mandatory field is part of the specification and does not go in the Flags field, but any complying loader must pass all fields specified to be presence-mandatory.

If a key is marked as recognition-mandatory and is not recognized by the application, the program should jump to #LoaderReturnAddr with result_code=346 | ((100 + key) << 9);, as the default behaviour may be unsafe.

If a key that is presence-mandatory is not found (for example with an outdated loader), use result_code=346 | ((200 + key) << 9);.

If there is some error encountered while validating an entry's values, use result_code = 346 | ((300 + key) << 9);.



EndOfList is the final entry in the LoaderConfig.

  • Key: 0
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: True, because not recognizing this tag would send the loader off the end of the list.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: True, because the list must be terminated.
  • Value[0]: Ignored.
  • Value[1]: Ignored.


This is the handle to the thread that is executing the entrypoint. Required for mutex to function.

  • Key: 1
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: True.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: True if entry function was called with INVALID_HANDLE.
  • Value[0]: Handle to the main thread.
  • Value[1]: Ignored.
  • DefaultBehavior: Use main thread handle from entry function arguments.


Homebrew menu uses this pointer to write the path of next NRO to load, before returning back to Homebrew loader.

  • Key: 2
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: Pointer to buffer of size 300 of next NRO to load. Should start with "sdmc:/".
  • Value[1]: Ignored.
  • DefaultBehavior: Returns back to where LR was when the program entered, or exits process using svcExitProcess if LR was NULL.


If the NRO loader has reserved some space in the heap for itself, the application must not manipulate the heap.

  • Key: 3
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: True, because the default behaviour may be unsafe if this key is not handled correctly.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: Base address of heap. Must be MemoryType 4, 5, or 9 with all reference counts being zero.
  • Value[1]: Size of heap.
  • DefaultBehavior: Allocates heap using svcSetHeapSize instead.


The NRO loader should be able to steal handles from more priliveged processes. In this case, the homebrew should use this handle instead of the normal one.

Homebrew should allow up to 32 service overrides.

Note: Overridden service handles should not be converted to domains or closed.

Note: For services that authenticate with pid, the app should not attempt re-authentication with an overridden handle.

Note: There needs be special handling for the file system service. If the original fsp-srv handle doesn't allow MountSdcard, it shall fallback to the stolen one, etc etc.

  • Key: 4
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: Name of service, same format as for sm.
  • Value[1]: Service handle.
  • DefaultBehavior: Fetches service from "sm:" named port.


The NRO loader should be able to send argv.

  • Key: 5
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: Argc.
  • Value[1]: Argv string pointer.
  • DefaultBehavior: Setting (argc == 1, argv[0] == "unknown", argv[1] == NULL), or argv parsed in NSO0 fashion.


Homebrew doesn't know if any privileged syscalls are available.

This entry allows loader to give hints about having access to rare syscalls (such as JIT).

  • Key: 6
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: 64-bit mask for the 0-0x3F SVC range. n:th bit set means SVC is accessible.
  • Value[1]: 64-bit mask for the 0x40-0x7F SVC range.
  • DefaultBehavior: If NSO0, assume kernelhax thus all rare syscalls are allowed. If NRO0, assume all rare syscalls are inaccessible.


Specifies the AM AppletType, used for selecting which Open*Proxy command to use.

  • Key: 7
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: Application-defined. Depends on whether the application is using any applet services or not.
  • Value[0]: AppletType
  • Value[1]: Ignored.
enum LoaderConfigAppletType {
  LoaderConfigAppletType_Application = 0,
  LoaderConfigAppletType_SystemApplet = 1,
  LoaderConfigAppletType_LibraryApplet = 2,
  LoaderConfigAppletType_OverlayApplet = 3,
  LoaderConfigAppletType_SystemApplication = 4,


This flag means that AM services is broken, and must not be used.

  • Key: 8
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: True, because the default behaviour (using applet services) is unsafe if this tag is passed.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: AppletResourceUserId
  • Value[1]: Ignored.


Use these sockets for standard input/output/error. There must be an #OverrideService key present for either bsd:u or bsd:s, depending on which is indicated.

  • Key: 9
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: First word: stdout file descriptor, second word: stdin file descriptor
  • Value[1]: Third word: stderr file descriptor, fourth word: SocketService
enum LoaderConfigSocketService {
  LoaderConfigSocketService_BsdU = 0,
  LoaderConfigSocketService_BsdS = 1,


Handle to self process.

  • Key: 10
  • IsRecognitionMandatory: False.
  • IsPresenceMandatory: False.
  • Value[0]: Process handle.
  • Value[1]: Ignored.