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Revision as of 07:12, 31 October 2018 by SciresM (talk | contribs) (→‎Structure)
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Roughly equivalent to non-gfx areas of 3DS SMDH. All strings for language-entries are UTF-8, unlike SMDH which uses UTF-16.

Total size is 0x4000-bytes.


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x3000 (0x300*0x10) Title entries
0x3000 0x25 Isbn
0x3025 0x1 StartupUserAccount
0x3026 0x1 ?
0x3027 0x1 ?
0x3028 0x4 ApplicationAttribute
0x302C 0x4 SupportedLanguages
0x3030 0x4 ParentalControl
0x3034 0x1 isScreenshotEnabled
0x3035 0x1 #VideoCaptureMode
0x3036 0x1 isDataLossConfirmationEnabled
0x3037 0x1 ?
0x3038 0x8 PresenceGroupId
0x3040 0x20 RatingAge
0x3060 0x10 DisplayVersion
0x3070 0x8 AddOnContentBaseId
0x3078 0x8 SaveDataOwnerId
0x3080 0x8 UserAccountSaveDataSize
0x3088 0x8 UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize
0x3090 0x8 ?
0x3098 0x8 ?
0x30A0 0x8 ?
0x30A8 0x8 ApplicationErrorCodeCategory
0x30B0 0x40 (0x8*0x8) LocalCommunicationIds
0x30F0 0x1 LogoType
0x30F1 0x1 LogoHandling
0x30F2 0x1 isRuntimeAddOnContentInstallEnabled
0x30F3 0x3 ?
0x30F6 0x1 ?
0x30F7 0x1 ?
0x30F8 0x8 SeedForPseudoDeviceId
0x3100 0x41 BcatPassphrase, all-zero when unused.
0x3141 0x1 ?
0x3142 0x6 ?
0x3148 0x8 ?
0x3150 0x8 ?
0x3158 0x8 ?
0x3160 0x8 ?
0x3168 0x8 ?
0x3170 0x8 ?
0x3178 0x8 ?
0x3180 0xE80 ?

Title Entry

Total size is 0x300-bytes.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x200 Application name strings
0x200 0x100 Application publisher strings

Entry index for each language:

Entry-index Icon language filename
0 "AmericanEnglish"
1 "BritishEnglish"
2 "Japanese"
3 "French"
4 "German"
5 "LatinAmericanSpanish"
6 "Spanish"
7 "Italian"
8 "Dutch"
9 "CanadianFrench"
10 "Portuguese"
11 "Russian"
12 "Korean"
13 "Taiwanese"
14 "Chinese"

Official apps tend to have the title entries' strings set only to English. Some apps don't have certain title entries set at all. In addition, official apps usually (?) don't have the following title entries set: Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese.


This is the enum used to determine how gameplay recording can occur, if at all.

Entry-index Icon language filename
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
2 Automatic

When this value is 0, gameplay cannot be recorded. When this value is 1, the game must manually sacrifice some of its heap as transfer memory for AM's IApplicationProxy->InitializeGamePlayRecording(). When this value is 2, AM will call NS->BoostSystemMemoryResourceSize(), and allocate the required memory for recording automatically without the usermode process having to do anything.