NS services
This is the Switch equivalent of this.
Cmd | Name |
0 | #GetTitlesInfo |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
11 | |
13 | |
16 | |
17 | |
19 | |
21 | #GetTitlePatchContentNcaPath |
22 | |
23 | |
25 | |
27 | |
30 | |
31 | |
33 | |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | |
40 | |
41 | |
42 | |
43 | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | #GetFreeSpace |
48 | #GetTotalSpace |
49 | |
52 | |
53 | |
54 | |
55 | |
56 | |
57 | |
58 | |
59 | |
60 | #GetLanguageIdFromString |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | |
64 | |
65 | |
100 | InitializeNXFileSystem? |
101 | ? Seems to wipe filesystem but keeps some data (savegames? users?) |
102 | |
200 | |
201 | |
210 | |
220 | |
300 | |
301 | |
302 | |
303 | |
304 | |
305 | |
306 | |
307 | |
401 | |
402 | |
403 | |
404 | |
405 | |
502 | |
503 | |
504 | |
600 | |
601 | #GetTitleInfo1 |
602 | |
603 | |
604 | |
605 | Used same way as #GetTitleInfo1. |
700 | |
701 | |
702 | |
703 | |
704 | |
705 | |
800 | |
801 | |
900 | |
901 | |
902 | |
903 | |
904 | |
905 | |
906 | |
907 | |
908 | |
1000 | |
1001 | |
1200 | |
1300 | |
1301 | |
1302 | |
1400 | |
1500 | |
1501 | |
1502 | |
1503 | |
1600 | |
1700 | |
1800 | |
1801 | |
1802 |
Takes a 0x16-type output buffer, an u8 type, and an u64 titleID.
The input titleID is used with the application-title table like various other cmds, anything not in that table can't be used with this.
Returns a string path for the specified type of patch content with this titleID, otherwise returns regular-application paths when update-title not installed. Returns an error when the specified type of content doesn't exist for this title. Starts with "@{SdCardContent,UserContent}://" and ends in ".nca".
For gamecard content, the output path is: "@GcSXXXXXXXX:/<NcaId>.nca". NCA-type0 with gamecard returns 0 with an empty output string.
The output string is then used by the user-process with FS to mount the content.
Takes an input media-id that must be 5.
Returns the u64 from Content_Manager_services#IContentStorage cmd22.
Takes an input media-id that must be 5.
Returns the u64 from Content_Manager_services#IContentStorage cmd23.
Takes an input u8 pointer for the resulting Id to be written to and a string represented as a u64 (i.e 0x53552D6E65 for 'en-US').
Returns 0 if an ID was successfully found, otherwise returns 0x25810.
Takes a type-6 output buffer and an u64.
Returns an array of title-info entries using the specified offset and size. No input titleID is passed to this.
Returns 0x10-byte entries using the specified titleID starting at the specified u32 entryindex. Can only return game titles. The second entry if any is the update-title usually. When the input entryindex is >= totalentries, this will return 0 with out_entrycount=0.
Entry structure:
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | u8 "type". Title type (String is from web-applet) |
0x1 | 0x1 | u8 "installedStorage" / StorageId (String is from web-applet) |
0x2 | 0x1 | Unknown. Non-zero with output from cmd 605, differs for app/update titles. |
0x3 | 0x1 | Padding |
0x4 | 0x4 | u32 Title-version |
0x8 | 0x8 | u64 titleID |
Cmd | Name |
0 | LaunchTitle |
1 | TerminateTitle |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 |