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| 6 || USB-C V+ || Supply power || || || || support fast charger : "normal mode = 5V+" "Fast changer = 12V+"
| 6 || USB-C V+ || Supply power || || || || support fast charger : "normal mode = 5V+" "Fast changer = 12V+"
| 7 || Unknown || Power supply? || ~3V-0V || None known || N/A || 0 when usb-c not plugged in, falls slowly on first interaction if USB-C plugged in. Power draw related?
| 7 || BQ24193 VBUS + M92T36 VEX || Power supply? || ~3V-0V || None known || N/A || 0 when usb-c not plugged in, falls slowly on first interaction if USB-C plugged in. Power draw related?