
657 bytes added ,  07:12, 31 October 2018
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| 0x3035
| 0x3035
| 0x1
| 0x1
| isVideoCapturingEnabled
| [[#VideoCaptureMode]]
| 0x3036
| 0x3036
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Official apps tend to have the title entries' strings set only to English. Some apps don't have certain title entries set at all. In addition, official apps usually (?) don't have the following title entries set: Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese.
Official apps tend to have the title entries' strings set only to English. Some apps don't have certain title entries set at all. In addition, official apps usually (?) don't have the following title entries set: Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese.
== VideoCaptureMode ==
This is the enum used to determine how gameplay recording can occur, if at all.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Entry-index || Icon [[NCA_Content_FS#FS-type3|language]] filename
| 0 || Disabled
| 1 || Enabled
| 2 || Automatic
When this value is 0, gameplay cannot be recorded. When this value is 1, the game must manually sacrifice some of its heap as transfer memory for AM's IApplicationProxy->InitializeGamePlayRecording(). When this value is 2, AM will call NS->BoostSystemMemoryResourceSize(), and allocate the required memory for recording automatically without the usermode process having to do anything.