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The struct passed as the InBuffer to [[JIT_services#Control|Control]] is now 0xE00-bytes instead of 0xEB0-bytes. The internal workmem offsets / layout changed. Various funcs were updated etc.
The struct passed as the InBuffer to [[JIT_services#Control|Control]] is now 0xE00-bytes instead of 0xEB0-bytes. The internal workmem offsets / layout changed. Various funcs were updated etc.
The 0xE00-byte controldata struct has the following structure (all addrs/data are from the emulator user-process):
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Description
| 0x0 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_pGPR
| 0x8 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_pFPR
| 0x10 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_pCP0
| 0x18 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nRegHi
| 0x20 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nRegLo
| 0x28 || 0x8 || Data addr.
| 0x30 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nFCSR
| 0x38 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_bN64CpuCmpEndCheck
| 0x40 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nN64CpuPC
| 0x48 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nN64CpuJmpPC. s32, normally -1. When not -1 this is a value which can be copied into g_nN64CpuJmpPC by the generated code, with g_nN64CpuJmpPC being reset to -1 afterwards regardless of the original value.
| 0x50 || 0x8 || Data addr.
| 0x58 || 0x8 || Data addr: g_nN64CpuHaveExp
| 0x60 || 0x6A8 || Array of funcptrs. Called with w0=instruction_value from generated code for handling instructions' implementation, when the plugin itself doesn't handle it.
| 0x708 || 0x8 || Funcptr: <code>n64CPUProcInstCOP1Check()</code>
| 0x710 || 0x8 || Funcptr.
| 0x718 || 0x8 || Funcptr.
| 0x720 || 0x8 || Funcptr: <code>n64CPUSetRegisterCP0(int, unsigned int)</code>
| 0x728 || 0x8 || Funcptr: <code>n64CPUGetRegisterCP0(int)</code>
| 0x730 || 0x20 || Funcptrs for reading data: <code>n64MemDefaultRead{bitsize}(unsigned int)</code>, where bitsize is {8, 16, 32, 64} (32 uses <code>n64MemDefaultRead32WithDestLog</code>). Unused by the plugin.
| 0x750 || 0x20 || Funcptrs for reading Special data: <code>n64MemDefaultReadSpecial{bitsize}(unsigned int)</code>, where bitsize is {8, 16, 32, 64}.
| 0x770 || 0x20 || Funcptrs for writing data: <code>n64MemDefaultWrite{bitsize}(unsigned int, ...)</code>, where bitsize is {8, 16, 32, 64} (32 uses <code>n64MemDefaultWrite32WithDestLog</code>). Unused by the plugin.
| 0x790 || 0x20 || Funcptrs for reading data via the WithDestLog version: <code>n64MemDefaultRead{bitsize}WithDestLog(unsigned int)</code>, where bitsize is {8, 16, 32, 64}.
| 0x7B0 || 0x20 || Funcptrs for writing data via the WithDestLog version: <code>n64MemDefaultWrite{bitsize}WithDestLog(unsigned int, ...)</code>, where bitsize is {8, 16, 32, 64}.
| 0x7D0 || 0x8 || Funcptr: <code>n64CPU_CallLuaAfterInst(unsigned int, unsigned int)</code>
| 0x7D8 || 0x8 || Funcptr: <code>n64CPU_CallLuaBeforeInst(unsigned int, unsigned int)</code>
| 0x7E0 || 0x8 || Funcptr.
| 0x7E8 || 0x4 || Array count for the the following array.
| 0x7EC || 0x180 (0x20*0xC) || Array data with the above count, each entry is 0xC-bytes. The emulator loads this from config array "Idle". +0 = u32 emu_pc_addr (config "JmpAddr"), +4 = u32 instruction_value (config "JmpInst"), +8 = u32 is_idle (config "IsIdle", 0x1 = enabled).
| 0x96C || 0x4 || Array count for the the following array.
| 0x970 || 0x280 (0x20*0x14) || Array data with the above count, each entry is 0x14-bytes. The emulator loads this from config array "SpecialInst". +0 = u32 emu_pc_addr (config "Addr"), +4 = u32 instruction_value (config "Inst"), +8 = u32 flags. The emulator sets the flags to 0 by default, then compares config "Type" with various strings to determine the value. Flags: bit0 = Type "BreakLoop", bit5 = Type "LoadFrameBuffer", bit6 = Type "Lua_BeforeInst", bit7 = Type "Lua_AfterInst".
When the config for {any of the previously mentioned Type strings} is set to value 1, the emulator will also enable the corresponding flags bit mentioned above. Likewise with config "Return", which sets flags bit8.
When the plugin loads a funcptr from +0x790, it will load a funcptr from +0x750 instead if there's a matching entry here which has bit5 set.
| 0xBF0 || 0x4 || Array count for the the following array. The plugin doesn't use this.
| 0xBF4 || 0x80 (0x10*0x8) || Array data with the above count, each entry is 0x8-bytes. The emulator loads this from config array "FrameBuffer". +0 = u32 (config "Addr"), +4 = u32 (config "Length"). The plugin doesn't use this.
| 0xC74 || 0x4 || Array count for the the following array.
| 0xC78 || 0x180 (0x20*0xC) || Array data with the above count, each entry is 0xC-bytes.
| 0xDF8 || 0x4 || Set to 0 by default, then if available the emulator sets bit flags here depending on the content of the config for <code>"Cmp", "g_nN64CpuCmpTLBCheckLevel"</code>.
| 0xDFC || 0x4 || Set to 0 by default by the emulator. With config <code>"Cmp", "CodeMultiAddr"</code> this is set to 1. Config <code>"Cmp", "BlockDynamicPC"</code> from [[Super_Mario_3D_All-Stars|SM3DAS]] is not supported. The plugin doesn't use this field, since support for "BlockDynamicPC" was removed. All code which used to use this now assumes val!=2, with code for ==2 being removed.