This is "nn::btm::IBtm".
Support for "nn::btm::*" was added to sdknso with 6.x.
This has max_sessions 6. IPC is handled by 2 threads shared with all services.
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetState |
1 | GetHostDeviceProperty |
2 | AcquireDeviceConditionEvent |
3 | GetDeviceCondition |
4 | SetBurstMode |
5 | SetSlotMode |
6 | [1.0.0-8.1.0] SetBluetoothMode |
7 | SetWlanMode |
8 | AcquireDeviceInfoEvent |
9 | GetDeviceInfo |
10 | AddDeviceInfo |
11 | RemoveDeviceInfo |
12 | IncreaseDeviceInfoOrder |
13 | LlrNotify |
14 | EnableRadio |
15 | DisableRadio |
16 | HidDisconnect |
17 | HidSetRetransmissionMode |
18 | [2.0.0+] AcquireAwakeReqEvent |
19 | [4.0.0+] AcquireLlrStateEvent |
20 | [4.0.0+] IsLlrStarted |
21 | [4.0.0+] EnableSlotSaving |
22 | [5.0.0+] ProtectDeviceInfo |
23 | [5.0.0+] AcquireBleScanEvent |
24 | [5.0.0+] GetBleScanParameterGeneral |
25 | [5.0.0+] GetBleScanParameterSmartDevice |
26 | [5.0.0+] StartBleScanForGeneral |
27 | [5.0.0+] StopBleScanForGeneral |
28 | [5.0.0+] GetBleScanResultsForGeneral |
29 | [5.0.0+] StartBleScanForPairedDevice |
30 | [5.0.0+] StopBleScanForPairedDevice |
31 | [5.0.0+] StartBleScanForSmartDevice |
32 | [5.0.0+] StopBleScanForSmartDevice |
33 | [5.0.0+] GetBleScanResultsForSmartDevice |
34 | [5.0.0+] AcquireBleConnectionEvent |
35 | [5.0.0+] BleConnect |
36 | [5.0.0+] BleOverrideConnection |
37 | [5.0.0+] BleDisconnect |
38 | [5.0.0+] BleGetConnectionState |
39 | [5.0.0+] BleGetGattClientConditionList |
40 | [5.0.0+] AcquireBlePairingEvent |
41 | [5.0.0+] BlePairDevice |
42 | [5.0.0+] BleUnpairDeviceOnBoth |
43 | [5.1.0+] BleUnpairDevice |
44 | [5.1.0+] BleGetPairedAddresses |
45 | [5.1.0+] AcquireBleServiceDiscoveryEvent |
46 | [5.1.0+] GetGattServices |
47 | [5.1.0+] GetGattService |
48 | [5.1.0+] GetGattIncludedServices |
49 | [5.1.0+] GetBelongingService |
50 | [5.1.0+] GetGattCharacteristics |
51 | [5.1.0+] GetGattDescriptors |
52 | [5.1.0+] AcquireBleMtuConfigEvent |
53 | [5.1.0+] ConfigureBleMtu |
54 | [5.1.0+] GetBleMtu |
55 | [5.1.0+] RegisterBleGattDataPath |
56 | [5.1.0+] UnregisterBleGattDataPath |
57 | [5.1.0+] RegisterAppletResourceUserId |
58 | [5.1.0+] UnregisterAppletResourceUserId |
59 | [5.1.0+] SetAppletResourceUserId |
60 | [8.0.0+] |
61 | [8.0.0+] |
62 | [9.0.0+] |
63 | [9.0.0+] |
64 | [10.0.0+] |
[3.0.0+] RegisterSystemEventForConnectedDeviceCondition, RegisterSystemEventForRegisteredDeviceInfo, and cmd18 now returns an output u8.
With [5.1.0+] cmds 24-42 were moved/replaced/etc (input/output changed).
[9.0.0+] Cmd13 now takes 0xC-bytes of input and no output, instead of 0x6-bytes of input.
This is "nn::btm::IBtmDebug".
This has max_sessions 6. IPC is handled by 2 threads shared with all services.
Cmd | Name |
0 | AcquireDiscoveryEvent |
1 | StartDiscovery |
2 | CancelDiscovery |
3 | GetDeviceProperty |
4 | CreateBond |
5 | CancelBond |
6 | SetTsiMode |
7 | GeneralTest |
8 | HidConnect |
9 | [5.0.0+] GeneralGet |
10 | [5.1.0+] GetGattClientDisconnectionReason |
11 | [5.1.0+] GetBleConnectionParameter |
12 | [5.1.0+] GetBleConnectionParameterRequest |
[3.0.0+] RegisterSystemEventForDiscovery now returns an output u8.
This is "nn::btm::IBtmSystem".
This has max_sessions 6. IPC is handled by 2 threads shared with all services.
Cmd | Name |
0 | #GetCore |
No input, returns an output #IBtmSystemCore.
This is "nn::btm::IBtmSystemCore".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #StartGamepadPairing |
1 | #CancelGamepadPairing |
2 | #ClearGamepadPairingDatabase |
3 | #GetPairedGamepadCount |
4 | #EnableRadio |
5 | #DisableRadio |
6 | #GetRadioOnOff |
7 | [3.0.0+] #AcquireRadioEvent |
8 | [3.0.0+] #AcquireGamepadPairingEvent |
9 | [3.0.0+] #IsGamepadPairingStarted |
No input/output.
No input/output.
No input/output.
No input, returns an output u8.
No input/output.
No input/output.
No input, returns an output bool.
No input, returns an output bool and handle.
No input, returns an output bool and handle.
No input, returns an output bool.
This is "nn::btm::IBtmUser".
This was added with [5.0.0+].
This has max_sessions 6. IPC is handled by 2 threads shared with all services.
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetCore |
No input, returns an output #IBtmUserCore.
This is "nn::btm::IBtmUserCore".
No input, returns an output u8 and an Event handle with EventClearMode=1.
sdknso will Abort if the output u8 is value 0.
Takes an input u16, returns a BleAdvertisePacketParameter.
The u16 must be value 0x1 or 0xFFFF.
Takes an input u16, returns a GattAttributeUuid.
The u16 must be value 0x2. The first 4-bytes of output is always 0 since it's not set.
Takes a PID, a BleAdvertisePacketParameter, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
No input/output.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of BleScanResult, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The max array entries is 10.
Takes a PID, a BleAdvertisePacketParameter, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
No input/output.
Takes a PID, a GattAttributeUuid, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
No input/output.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of BleScanResult, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The max array entries is 10.
No input, returns an output u8 and an Event handle with EventClearMode=1.
sdknso will Abort if the output u8 is value 0.
Takes a PID, an Address, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
An error is thrown if the Address is already connected (listed in the BleConnectionInfo from #BleGetConnectionState). An error is thrown if 4 devices are already connected.
Takes an input u32, no output.
The u32 must match an Id in a BleConnectionInfo from #BleGetConnectionState (0xFFFFFFFF is invalid). However, the error is immediately thrown on mismatch, therefore the Id has to match the first BleConnectionInfo.
Takes a PID, a type-0xA output buffer containing an array of BleConnectionInfo, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
Other cmds which use this internally use arraycount=4.
No input, returns an output u8 and an Event handle with EventClearMode=1.
sdknso will Abort if the output u8 is value 0.
Takes an input BleAdvertisePacketParameter and an u32, no output.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
Takes an input BleAdvertisePacketParameter and an u32, no output.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
Takes an input Address and a BleAdvertisePacketParameter, no output.
Takes a type-0xA output buffer containing an array of Address, a BleAdvertisePacketParameter, returns an output u8 total_out.
The max array entries is 10.
No input, returns an output u8 and an Event handle with EventClearMode=1.
sdknso will Abort if the output u8 is value 0.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #GattService, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect. The max array entries is 100.
Takes a PID, a type-0x1A output buffer containing a #GattService, an u32, a GattAttributeUuid, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
Same as #GetGattServices except this only returns the #GattService which matches the input GattAttributeUuid.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #GattService, an u16, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect. The max array entries is 100.
Same as #GetGattServices except this only returns #GattService entries where various checks pass with u16 fields.
The param for the output u8 is unused by the sysmodule, hence the output is always 0. However, a sdknso func which calls the nn::btm::* func for this expects this u8 to be set.
Takes a PID, a type-0x1A output buffer containing a #GattService, an u16, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
This is similar to #GetGattIncludedServices except this only returns 1 #GattService.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #GattCharacteristic, an u16, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect. The max array entries is 100.
The u16 controls which #GattCharacteristic entries to return.
Takes a PID, a type-0x6 output buffer containing an array of #GattDescriptor, an u16, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u8 total_out.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect. The max array entries is 100.
The u16 controls which #GattDescriptor entries to return.
No input, returns an output u8 and an Event handle with EventClearMode=1.
sdknso will Abort if the output u8 is value 0.
Takes a PID, an u16, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
sdknso will Abort if the user-specified u16 is <0x18 or >0x200.
Takes a PID, an u32, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output u16.
The u32 is handled the same as #BleDisconnect.
Takes a PID, a #BleDataPath, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
Takes a PID, a #BleDataPath, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.
This is "nn::btm::user::GattService". This is a 0x24-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | |
0x4 | 0x14 | GattAttributeUuid |
0x18 | 0x2 | |
0x1A | 0x4 | |
0x1E | 0x2 | |
0x20 | 0x1 | |
0x21 | 0x3 | Padding |
This is "nn::btm::user::GattCharacteristic". This is a 0x24-byte struct.
This is "nn::btm::user::GattDescriptor". This is a 0x20-byte struct.
This is "nn::btm::user::BleDataPath". This is a 0x18-byte struct with 4-byte alignment.