Friend services
friend:u, friend:v, friend:m, friend:s, friend:a
This is "nn::friends::detail::ipc::IServiceCreator".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CreateFriendService | Returns an #IFriendService. |
1 | [2.0.0+] CreateNotificationService | Takes an input userID and returns #INotificationService. |
2 | [4.0.0+] CreateDaemonSuspendSessionService | Returns an #IDaemonSuspendSessionService. |
This is "nn::friends::detail::ipc::IFriendService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetCompletionEvent |
1 | Cancel |
10100 | GetFriendListIds |
10101 | GetFriendList |
10102 | UpdateFriendInfo |
10110 | GetFriendProfileImage |
10120 | [10.0.0+] |
10121 | [10.0.0+] |
10200 | SendFriendRequestForApplication |
10211 | AddFacedFriendRequestForApplication |
10400 | GetBlockedUserListIds |
10420 | [10.0.0+] |
10421 | [10.0.0+] |
10500 | GetProfileList |
10600 | DeclareOpenOnlinePlaySession |
10601 | DeclareCloseOnlinePlaySession |
10610 | UpdateUserPresence |
10700 | GetPlayHistoryRegistrationKey |
10701 | GetPlayHistoryRegistrationKeyWithNetworkServiceAccountId |
10702 | AddPlayHistory |
11000 | GetProfileImageUrl |
20100 | GetFriendCount |
20101 | GetNewlyFriendCount |
20102 | GetFriendDetailedInfo |
20103 | SyncFriendList |
20104 | RequestSyncFriendList |
20110 | LoadFriendSetting |
20200 | GetReceivedFriendRequestCount |
20201 | GetFriendRequestList |
20300 | GetFriendCandidateList |
20301 | [3.0.0+] GetNintendoNetworkIdInfo |
20302 | [5.0.0+] GetSnsAccountLinkage |
20303 | [5.0.0+] GetSnsAccountProfile |
20304 | [5.0.0+] GetSnsAccountFriendList |
20400 | GetBlockedUserList |
20401 | SyncBlockedUserList |
20500 | GetProfileExtraList |
20501 | GetRelationship |
20600 | GetUserPresenceView |
20700 | GetPlayHistoryList |
20701 | GetPlayHistoryStatistics |
20800 | LoadUserSetting |
20801 | SyncUserSetting |
20900 | RequestListSummaryOverlayNotification |
21000 | GetExternalApplicationCatalog |
22000 | [9.0.0+] GetReceivedFriendInvitationList |
22001 | [9.0.0+] GetReceivedFriendInvitationDetailedInfo |
22010 | [9.0.0+] GetReceivedFriendInvitationCountCache |
30100 | DropFriendNewlyFlags |
30101 | DeleteFriend |
30110 | DropFriendNewlyFlag |
30120 | ChangeFriendFavoriteFlag |
30121 | ChangeFriendOnlineNotificationFlag |
30200 | SendFriendRequest |
30201 | SendFriendRequestWithApplicationInfo |
30202 | CancelFriendRequest |
30203 | AcceptFriendRequest |
30204 | RejectFriendRequest |
30205 | ReadFriendRequest |
30210 | GetFacedFriendRequestRegistrationKey |
30211 | AddFacedFriendRequest |
30212 | CancelFacedFriendRequest |
30213 | GetFacedFriendRequestProfileImage |
30214 | GetFacedFriendRequestProfileImageFromPath |
30215 | SendFriendRequestWithExternalApplicationCatalogId |
30216 | ResendFacedFriendRequest |
30217 | [3.0.0+] SendFriendRequestWithNintendoNetworkIdInfo |
30300 | [5.0.0+] GetSnsAccountLinkPageUrl |
30301 | [5.0.0+] UnlinkSnsAccount |
30400 | BlockUser |
30401 | BlockUserWithApplicationInfo |
30402 | UnblockUser |
30500 | GetProfileExtraFromFriendCode |
30700 | DeletePlayHistory |
30810 | ChangePresencePermission |
30811 | ChangeFriendRequestReception |
30812 | ChangePlayLogPermission |
30820 | IssueFriendCode |
30830 | ClearPlayLog |
30900 | [9.0.0+] SendFriendInvitation |
30910 | [9.0.0+] ReadFriendInvitation |
30911 | [9.1.0+] ReadAllFriendInvitations |
40100 | [10.0.0+] |
40400 | [10.0.0+] |
49900 | DeleteNetworkServiceAccountCache |
This is "nn::friends::detail::ipc::INotificationService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | [2.0.0+] GetEvent | Returns an output event handle |
1 | [2.0.0+] Clear | |
2 | [2.0.0+] Pop |
This is "nn::friends::detail::ipc::IDaemonSuspendSessionService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | [4.0.0+] |
1 | [4.0.0+] |
2 | [4.0.0+] |
3 | [4.0.0+] |
4 | [4.0.0+] |
This is "nn::nd::detail::IServiceForApplication".
This was added with [5.0.0] and removed with [6.0.0].
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetReceivableNeighborInfoCountMax |
10 | IsNeighborDetectionEnabled |
This is "nn::nd::detail::IServiceForSystem".
This was added with [5.0.0] and removed with [6.0.0].
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetReceivableNeighborInfoCountMax |
10 | IsNeighborDetectionEnabled |
200 | SetSystemData |
201 | ClearSystemData |
203 | GetReceivableNeighborInfoCountForSystem |
204 | ReceiveNeighborInfoForSystem |
205 | SetSender |
206 | GetSender |
207 | CreateScannerForSystem |
208 | CreateReceiveEventHolderForSystem |
223 | EnableNeighborDetection |
224 | DisableNeighborDetection |
226 | EnablePowerSave |
227 | DisablePowerSave |
228 | IsPowerSaveEnabled |
232 | ClearBlockedUsers |
233 | GetBlockedUserCount |
234 | BlockUserByLocalUserId |
235 | BlockUserByNetworkUserId |
236 | UnblockUserByLocalUserId |
237 | UnblockUserByNetworkUserId |
240 | DeleteApplication |
250 | InitializeApplicationInfo |
260 | CreateAccountSystemSaveDataAccessSuppressor |
300 | AddReceivedNeighborInfoForSystemForDebug |
301 | GetSendDataForDebug |
302 | ClearReceiveCounterForDebug |
303 | GetNextReceiveCounterForDebug |
304 | ListBlockedUsersForDebug |
305 | RefreshSendDataIdForDebug |
306 | ReloadFwdbgSettingsForDebug |
307 | EnableApplicationForDebug |
308 | GetNextReceiveCountersForDebug |
309 | ListApplicationInfoForDebug |
310 | SetApplicationDataForDebug |
400 | GetNetworkUserId |
401 | DeleteNetworkUserId |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x40 | UTF-8 string, NUL-terminated. |
0x40 | 0x8 | LanguageCode |
This is "nn::friends::InAppScreenName". This is a 0x48-byte struct.
This is "nn::friends::FriendInvitationGameModeDescription". This is a 0xC00-byte struct.
This is "nn::friends::FriendInvitationId". This is 8-bytes.
This is "nn::friends::FriendInvitationGroupId". This is 8-bytes.