This is the Switch equivalent of 3DS exheader. This is the file with extension ".npdm" in {Switch ExeFS}. The size of this file varies.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x80 | META |
0x80 | <Varies> | ACID |
<See META> | <See META> | ACI0 |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | Magicnum "META" |
0x4 | 0x8 | Reserved |
0xC | 0x1 | Flags (bit0 = Is64BitInstruction, bit1 = AddressSpace64BitOld, bit2 = AddressSpace32Bit, bit3 = AddressSpace32BitNoReserved, bit4 = AddressSpace64Bit) |
0xD | 0x1 | Reserved |
0xE | 0x1 | MainThreadPriority (0-63) |
0xF | 0x1 | MainThreadCoreNumber |
0x10 | 0x4 | Reserved |
0x14 | 0x4 | [3.0.0+] System resource (PersonalMmHeap) size (max size as of 5.x: 534773760) |
0x18 | 0x4 | Version (0 for all titles prior to 8.1.0, 1 for certain titles since). |
0x1C | 0x4 | MainThreadStackSize (Must be aligned to 0x1000. In non-nspwn scenarios, values of 0 can also rarely break in Horizon. This might be something auto-adapting or a security feature of some sort?) |
0x20 | 0x10 | Title name (usually/always "Application") |
0x30 | 0x10 | Product code (usually/always all zeroes) |
0x40 | 0x30 | Reserved |
0x70 | 0x4 | #ACI0 offset |
0x74 | 0x4 | #ACI0 size |
0x78 | 0x4 | #ACID offset |
0x7C | 0x4 | #ACID size |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x100 | RSA-2048 signature over the data starting at 0x100 with the size field from 0x204 |
0x100 | 0x100 | RSA-2048 public key for the second NCA signature |
0x200 | 0x4 | Magicnum "ACID" |
0x204 | 0x4 | Data size |
0x208 | 0x4 | Reserved |
0x20C | 0x4 | Flags (bit0 = ProductionFlag, bit1 = UnqualifiedApproval, [5.0.0+] bit2-3: MemoryRegion (0 = Application, 1 = Applet, 2 = SecureSystem, 3 = NonSecureSystem) "starter" is set to Application and "nvservices" is set to NonSecureSystem) |
0x210 | 0x8 | ProgramIdMin |
0x218 | 0x8 | ProgramIdMax |
0x220 | 0x4 | #FS Access Control offset |
0x224 | 0x4 | #FS Access Control size |
0x228 | 0x4 | #Service Access Control offset |
0x22C | 0x4 | #Service Access Control size |
0x230 | 0x4 | #Kernel Access Control offset |
0x234 | 0x4 | #Kernel Access Control size |
0x238 | 0x8 | Reserved |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | Magicnum "ACI0" |
0x4 | 0xC | Reserved |
0x10 | 0x8 | ProgramId |
0x18 | 0x8 | Reserved |
0x20 | 0x4 | #FS Access Header offset |
0x24 | 0x4 | #FS Access Header size |
0x28 | 0x4 | #Service Access Control offset |
0x2C | 0x4 | #Service Access Control size |
0x30 | 0x4 | #Kernel Access Control offset |
0x34 | 0x4 | #Kernel Access Control size |
0x38 | 0x8 | Reserved |
FS Access Header
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | Version (always 1, must be non-zero) |
0x4 | 0x8 | Permissions bitmask |
0xC | 0x4 | ContentOwnerInfoOffset |
0x10 | 0x4 | ContentOwnerInfoSize |
0x14 | 0x4 | SaveDataOwnerInfoOffset |
0x18 | 0x4 | SaveDataOwnerInfoSize |
0x1C | 0x4 | (OPTIONAL) Amount of content owner id's |
0x1C | 0x8 * Content Owner ID's | Content owner ID's as uint64's. |
VARIABLE | 0x4 | Amount of save owner id's |
VARIABLE | 0x1 * Save data owner accessibilities (?) | Sets flags for what save data owners can do with other applications save data (?) |
VARIABLE (Pad to nearest 4 bytes) | 0x8 * Amount of save owner ID's | Save data owner ID's |
FS Access Control
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | Version (always 1, must be non-zero) |
0x1 | 0x3 | Padding |
0x4 | 0x8 | Permissions bitmask |
0xC | 0x20 | Reserved |
Permissions bitmask:
Bit | Name | Description |
0 | ApplicationInfo | MountContent* is accessible when set. |
1 | BootModeControl | |
2 | Calibration | |
3 | SystemSaveData | |
4 | GameCard | |
5 | SaveDataBackUp | |
6 | SaveDataManagement | |
7 | BisAllRaw | |
8 | GameCardRaw | |
9 | GameCardPrivate | |
10 | SetTime | |
11 | ContentManager | |
12 | ImageManager | |
13 | CreateSaveData | |
14 | SystemSaveDataManagement | |
15 | BisFileSystem | |
16 | SystemUpdate | |
17 | SaveDataMeta | |
18 | DeviceSaveData | |
19 | SettingsControl | |
20 | SystemData | |
21 | SdCard | |
22 | Host | |
23 | FillBis | |
24 | CorruptSaveData | |
25 | SaveDataForDebug | |
26 | FormatSdCard | |
27 | GetRightsId | |
28 | RegisterExternalKey | |
29 | RegisterUpdatePartition | |
30 | SaveDataTransfer | |
31 | DeviceDetection | |
32 | AccessFailureResolution | |
33 | SaveDataTransferVersion2 | |
34-61 | Reserved | |
62 | Debug | See here. |
63 | FullPermission | Enables access to everything: all permission types which check a bitmask have this bit set. |
Web-applets permissions:
- "LibAppletWeb" and "LibAppletOff" have same access control: bit0 and bit3 set, and bit62 set.
- Rest of the web-applets: Same as above except bit0 isn't set.
Service Access Control
This is a list of service-name strings which the title has access to, with the following structure:
+0: control_byte +1: {service-name without nul-terminator}
Bitmask 0x07 in control_byte is the {length of the service-name without nul-terminator} - 1.
Bitmask 0x80 in control_byte means IsServer (service is allowed to be registered).
The service string can contain a wildcard *
Kernel Access Control
On Switch, descriptors are identified by pattern 01..11 in low bits.
Pattern of lower bits | Lowest clear bitmask/bit | Type | Fields |
Bit3 | ThreadInfo | Bit31-24: MaxCoreNumber, bit23-16: MinCoreNumber, bit15-10: HighestPriority, bit9-4: LowestPriority. |
Bit4 | EnableSystemCalls | Bits29-31: SystemCallId; Bits5-28: Mask. |
Bit6 | MemoryMap | Bits7-30: Alternates between BeginAddress and Size, bit31: Alternates between Permission (MemoryPermission_RO or MemoryPermission_RW) and Type (MemoryType_Io or MemoryType_Static). |
Bit7 | MemoryMap (RW) | Bits8-31: BeginAddress. |
Bit11 | EnableInterrupts | Bits12-21: Irq0, bits22-31: Irq1, 0x3FF means empty. |
Bit13 | MiscParams | Bit16-14: ProgramType (0 = System, 1 = Application, 2 = Applet), bit16 ignored. Parsed by Process Manager services. Defaults to 0 if descriptor doesn't exist. Can only run 1 application at a time. |
Bit14 | KernelVersion | Bits15-18: MinorVersion, bits19-31: MajorVersion. The raw descriptor is compared with 0x80000, when less than an error is returned. This is equivalent to comparing the bits starting at bit15 with 0x10. This enforces a minimum required version, not a maximum. |
Bit15 | HandleTableSize | Bit16-25: Number of handles the table shall fit. |
Bit16 | MiscFlags | Bit17: EnableDebug, bit18: ForceDebug. |
All ones | Ignored |
Mapping restrictions
The physaddr range 0x80060000-0x2000000000 is not allowed to be mapped as IO. The physaddr range 0x80000000-0x2000000000 is not allowed to be mapped as Normal.
[2.0.0-4.1.0] The range for IO was changed into 0x80060000-0x81D3FFFF.
[2.0.0-4.1.0] A blacklist was added for IO and Normal mappings:
- 0x50040000-0x50060000 (ARM, Interrupt Controller)
- 0x6000F000 (Exception Vectors)
- 0x6001DC00-0x6001E000 (IPATCH)
- 0x7000E000 (RTC/PMC)
- 0x70019000 (MC)
- 0x7001C000 (MC0)
- 0x7001D000 (MC1)
[5.0.0+] For IO, this blacklist was abandoned and instead two range checks were added. For Normal mappings it is still applied
Kernel versions
Firmware | Kernel Version | Minimum Allowed |
1.0.0 | 5.0.0 | 3.0.0 |
2.0.0 | 6.1.0 | 3.0.0 |
3.0.0 | 7.4.0 | 3.0.0 |
3.0.2 | 7.4.0 | 3.0.0 |
5.0.0 | 9.3.0 | 3.0.0 |
Bit31-19: Major version
Bit18-15: Minor version
Bit14-0: Zeroes