
Cmd Name Notes
0 Takes a u8 as input.
1 Takes a u8 as input.
2 Takes a u8 as input.
3 Takes a u8 as input.
4 GetContentStorage
5 GetContentMetaDatabase
8 Takes a u8 as input.
9 InitializeStorageForMediaId
10 UninitializeStorageForMediaId
11 InitializeDatabaseForMediaId
12 UninitializeDatabaseForMediaId


Cmd Name Notes
0 #GetRootEntry
1 Takes two 0x10-sized entries, and a u64.
2 Takes a 0x10-sized entry.
3 Takes a 0x10-sized entry, returns a bool/u8.
4 Takes a 0x10-sized entry, a u64, and type-5 array.
5 Takes two 0x10-sized entries.
6 DeleteContent? Takes a 0x10-sized entry.
7 Takes a 0x10-sized entry, returns a bool/u8.
8 Takes a type-0x1A string and a 0x10-sized entry.
9 Takes a type-0x1A string and a 0x10-sized entry.
10 Void.
11 Takes a type-6 buffer, each entry 0x10 bytes, and returns a u32.
12 #GetNumberOfEntries
13 #GetEntries
14 GetEntrySize
15 Void.
16 Takes three 0x10-sized entries.
17 Takes a 0x10-sized entry and a u64.
18 #ReadEntryRaw
19 Takes a 0x10-sized entry and returns another 0x10-sized entry.
20 Takes a 0x10-sized entry and returns another 0x10-sized entry.
21 Takes a 0x10-sized entry, a u64, and a type5 buffer.
22 GetFreeSpace
23 GetTotalSpace


Returns an entry of 16 completely random-looking bytes. It is not possible to read this entry.

Changes on reboot?


Takes an output buffer, u32 offset and gets all entries starting at that offset. Returns number of entries read.

Each entry is a #ncaID.


Takes an output buffer, a #ncaID as input, and a u64 file offset.

Returns encrypted looking data. Doesn't match the encrypted raw data in the "<ncaID>.nca/00" file.

The end-offset for readable data is the same as the size field from offset 0x28 in the NAX0 header in the "<ncaID>.nca/00" file. This matches <filesize of that file>-0x4000.


Cmd Name Notes
0 InsertContentEntry? Takes a 0x10-sized entry, a type-5 buffer and a u64.
1 Takes a 0x10-sized entry, a type-6 buffer and a u64. Returns a u64.
2 Takes a 0x10-sized entry.
3 Takes a 0x10-sized entry and a bool/u8. Returns an 0x10-sized entry.
4 Takes a type-6 buffer, each entry being 24 bytes, 0x10-sized entry and a u32. Returns a u32.
5 Iterate Takes a type-6 buffer, each entry being 16 bytes, a 0x10-sized entry, and a u32. Returns a u32.
6 #GetTitleIdInfo
7 #GetTitleList Takes a type-6 buffer, each entry being 24 bytes, and a u8/bool. Returns two u32's.
8 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a bool/u8.
9 Takes a type-5 buffer, each entry being 16 bytes. Returns a bool/u8.
10 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a u64.
11 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a u32.
12 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a u64.
13 Void.
14 Takes a type-6 byte buffer, and a type-5 buffer with each entry being 16 bytes.
15 EndIteration Void.
16 Takes two 0x10-sized entries. Returns a bool/u8.
17 Takes a type-6 buffer, each entry being 16 bytes, a 0x10-sized entry and a u32. Returns a u32.
18 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a bool/u8.
19 Takes a 0x10-sized entry. Returns a u32.


Takes a u64 title-id as input, returns same title-id together with info struct.

struct title_info {
  u32  version;
  u8   type;
  u8   pad[3];


Each 24-byte entries is as follows:

 u64    title_id_update;
 struct title_info info;
 u64    title_id;


This is a 0x10-byte entry. This is originally from the hex portion of "<hex>.nca" directory-names from this storage FS(like SD).