This is "nn::bpc::IBoardPowerControlManager".
Cmd | Name |
0 | ShutdownSystem |
1 | RebootSystem |
2 | GetWakeupReason |
3 | GetShutdownReason |
4 | GetAcOk |
5 | GetBoardPowerControlEvent |
6 | [2.0.0+] GetSleepButtonState |
7 | [2.0.0+] GetPowerEvent |
8 | [2.0.0+] |
9 | [2.0.0+] |
10 | [2.0.0+] |
11 | [3.0.0+] |
12 | [3.0.0+] |
13 | [3.0.0+] |
14 | [6.0.0+] |
This is "nn::bpc::IRtcManager".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetExternalRtcValue |
1 | SetExternalRtcValue |
2 | ReadExternalRtcResetFlag |
3 | [2.0.0+] ClearExternalRtcResetFlag |
4 | [3.0.0+] |
GetExternalRtcValue / SetExternalRtcValue directly accesses the max77620_rtc0 device.
This is "nn::pcv::detail::IPcvService".
Cmd | Name |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 0 | SetPowerEnabled |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 1 | SetClockEnabled |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 2 | SetClockRate |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 3 | GetClockRate |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 4 | GetState |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 5 | GetPossibleClockRates |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 6 | SetMinVClockRate |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 7 | SetReset |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 8 | SetVoltageEnabled |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 9 | GetVoltageEnabled |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 10 | GetVoltageRange |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 11 | SetVoltageValue |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 12 | GetVoltageValue |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 13 | GetTemperatureThresholds |
[1.0.0-7.0.1] 14 | SetTemperature |
[1.0.0-5.1.0] 15 | Initialize |
[1.0.0-5.1.0] 16 | IsInitialized |
[1.0.0-5.1.0] 17 | Finalize |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 18 | PowerOn |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 19 | PowerOff |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 20 | ChangeVoltage |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 21 | GetPowerClockInfoEvent |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 22 | GetOscillatorClock |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 23 | GetDvfsTable |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 24 | GetModuleStateTable |
[3.0.0-7.0.1] 25 | GetPowerDomainStateTable |
26 | [3.0.0+] GetFuseInfo |
27 | [5.0.0+] |
[6.0.0-7.0.1] 28 | |
[6.0.0-7.0.1] 29 |
[7.0.0+] The type-0xA output buffers were replaced with type-0x22 output buffers, for the following: GetDvfsTable, GetModuleStateTable, and GetPowerDomainStateTable.
User Name to Block Maps
Power Switch / Clocking / Reset
Name | Block | Rail | Notes |
0 | CpuBus | vdd_cpu | |
1 | GPU | vdd_gpu | |
2 | I2S1 | vdd_soc | |
3 | I2S2 | vdd_soc | |
4 | I2S3 | vdd_soc | |
5 | PWM | vdd_soc | |
6 | I2C1 | vdd_soc | |
7 | I2C2 | vdd_soc | |
8 | I2C3 | vdd_soc | |
9 | I2C4 | vdd_soc | |
10 | I2C5 | vdd_soc | |
11 | I2C6 | vdd_soc | |
12 | SPI1 | vdd_soc | |
13 | SPI2 | vdd_soc | |
14 | SPI3 | vdd_soc | |
15 | SPI4 | vdd_soc | |
16 | DISP1 | vdd_soc | |
17 | DISP2 | vdd_soc | |
20 | SDMMC1 | vdd_soc | |
21 | SDMMC2 | vdd_soc | |
22 | SDMMC3 | vdd_soc | |
23 | SDMMC4 | vdd_soc | |
24 | - | - | Not actual block. Used for debug and stuff. |
25 | CSITE | vdd_soc | |
26 | TSEC | vdd_soc | |
27 | MSELECT | vdd_soc | |
28 | HDA2CODEC_2X | vdd_soc | |
29 | ACTMON | vdd_soc | |
30 | I2C_SLOW | vdd_soc | |
31 | SOR1 | vdd_soc | |
33 | HDA | vdd_soc | |
34 | XUSB_CORE_HOST | vdd_soc | |
35 | XUSB_FALCON | vdd_soc | |
36 | XUSB_FS | vdd_soc | |
37 | XUSB_CORE_DEV | vdd_soc | |
38 | XUSB_SS_HOSTDEV | vdd_soc | |
39 | UARTA | vdd_soc | |
40 | UARTB | vdd_soc | |
41 | UARTC | vdd_soc | |
42 | UARTD | vdd_soc | |
43 | HOST1X | vdd_soc | |
44 | ENTROPY | vdd_soc | |
45 | SOC_THERM | vdd_soc | |
46 | VIC | vdd_soc | |
47 | NVENC | vdd_soc | |
48 | NVJPG | vdd_soc | |
49 | NVDEC | vdd_soc | |
50 | QSPI | vdd_soc | |
52 | TSECB | vdd_soc | |
53 | APE | vdd_soc | |
54 | ACLK | vdd_soc | |
55 | UARTAPE | vdd_soc | |
56 | EMC | vdd_soc | |
57 | PLLE0 | vdd_soc | |
58 | PLLE0 | vdd_soc | |
59 | DSI | vdd_soc | |
60 | MAUD | vdd_soc | |
61 | DPAUX1 | vdd_soc | |
62 | MIPI_CAL | vdd_soc | |
63 | UART_FST_MIPI_CAL | vdd_soc | |
64 | OSC | vdd_soc | |
65 | SCLK | vdd_soc | |
66 | SOR_SAFE | vdd_soc | |
67 | XUSB_SS | vdd_soc | |
68 | XUSB_HOST | vdd_soc | |
69 | XUSB_DEV | vdd_soc | |
70 | EXTPERIPH1 | vdd_soc | |
71 | AHUB | vdd_soc | |
72 | HDA2HDMICODEC | vdd_soc | |
73 | PLLP5 | vdd_soc | |
74 | USBD | vdd_soc | |
75 | USB2 | vdd_soc | |
76 | PCIE | vdd_soc | |
77 | AFI | vdd_soc | |
78 | PCIEXCLK | vdd_soc | |
79 | PEX_USB_UPHY | vdd_soc | |
80 | XUSB_PADCTL | vdd_soc | |
81 | APBDMA | vdd_soc | |
82 | USB2_TRK | vdd_soc | |
83 | PLLE0 | vdd_soc | |
84 | PLLE0 | vdd_soc | |
85 | CEC | vdd_soc | |
[6.0.0+] 86 | EXTPERIPH2 | vdd_soc |
Name | Block | Notes |
0 | max77620_sd0 | |
1 | max77620_sd1 | |
2 | max77620_sd2 | |
3 | max77620_sd3 | |
4 | max77620_ldo0 | 1.2v |
5 | max77620_ldo1 | |
6 | max77620_ldo2 | SDcard power, 1.8v - 3.3v |
7 | max77620_ldo3 | GC ASIC 3.1v |
8 | max77620_ldo4 | RTC power, 0.85v |
9 | max77620_ldo5 | GC ASIC 1.8v |
10 | max77620_ldo6 | AVDD touchscreen, 2.9v |
11 | max77620_ldo7 | |
12 | max77620_ldo8 | DisplayPort, 1.05v |
13 | max77621_cpu | |
14 | max77621_gpu |
Note: max77620 GPIOs are only used internally by the driver during init, and not exposed via an API.
This is "nn::pcv::IArbitrationManager".
This service no longer exists in [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | ReleaseControl |
This is "nn::pcv::IImmediateManager".
This service no longer exists in [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | SetClockRate |
clkrst, clkrst:i
These are "nn::clkrst::IClkrstManager" and "nn::clkrst::IClkrstImmediateManager".
These were added with [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | OpenSession |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
This is "nn::clkrst::IClkrstSession".
Cmd | Name |
0 | SetClockEnabled |
1 | SetClockDisabled |
2 | SetResetAsserted |
3 | SetResetDeasserted |
4 | SetPowerEnabled |
5 | SetPowerDisabled |
6 | GetState |
7 | SetClockRate |
8 | GetClockRate |
9 | SetMinVClockRate |
10 | GetPossibleClockRates |
11 | GetDvfsTable |
This is "nn::clkrst::IClkrstArbitrationManager".
This was added with [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 |
This is "nn::regulator::IRegulatorManager".
This was added with [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | OpenSession |
1 | |
2 | |
3 |
This is "nn::regulator::IRegulatorSession".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | SetLdoEnabled | Takes a bool. Enables the LDO this session was opened for. |
1 | ||
2 | GetLdoEnabled | Returns a bool. True if voltage is enabled, false if not. |
3 | ||
4 | ||
5 | SetLdoVoltage | Takes in a voltage and sets the LDO to this voltage. |
6 |
This was added with [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 |
time:u, time:a, time:s
This is "nn::timesrv::detail::service::IStaticService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetStandardUserSystemClock | Returns an #ISystemClock. |
1 | GetStandardNetworkSystemClock | Returns an #ISystemClock. |
2 | GetStandardSteadyClock | Returns an #ISteadyClock. |
3 | GetTimeZoneService | Returns an #ITimeZoneService. |
4 | GetStandardLocalSystemClock | Returns an #ISystemClock. |
5 | [4.0.0+] GetEphemeralNetworkSystemClock | Returns an #ISystemClock. |
20 | [6.0.0+] GetSharedMemoryNativeHandle | |
30 | [6.0.0+] GetStandardNetworkClockOperationEventReadableHandle | |
31 | [6.0.0+] GetEphemeralNetworkClockOperationEventReadableHandle | |
50 | [4.0.0+] SetStandardSteadyClockInternalOffset | |
100 | IsStandardUserSystemClockAutomaticCorrectionEnabled | |
101 | SetStandardUserSystemClockAutomaticCorrectionEnabled | |
102 | [5.0.0+] GetStandardUserSystemClockInitialYear | |
200 | [3.0.0+] IsStandardNetworkSystemClockAccuracySufficient | |
201 | [6.0.0+] GetStandardUserSystemClockAutomaticCorrectionUpdatedTime | |
300 | [4.0.0+] CalculateMonotonicSystemClockBaseTimePoint | |
400 | [4.0.0+] GetClockSnapshot | |
401 | [4.0.0+] GetClockSnapshotFromSystemClockContext | |
500 | [4.0.0+] CalculateStandardUserSystemClockDifferenceByUser | |
501 | [4.0.0+] CalculateSpanBetween |
This is "nn::timesrv::detail::service::ISteadyClock".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCurrentTimePoint | No input, returns an output #SteadyClockTimePoint. |
2 | GetTestOffset | No input, returns an output #TimeSpanType. |
3 | SetTestOffset | Takes an input #TimeSpanType, no output. |
100 | [2.0.0+] GetRtcValue | No input, returns an output s64. |
101 | [2.0.0+] IsRtcResetDetected | No input, returns an output u8 bool. |
102 | [2.0.0+] GetSetupResultValue | No input, returns an output u32. |
200 | [3.0.0+] GetInternalOffset | No input, returns an output #TimeSpanType. |
201 | [3.0.0-3.0.2] SetInternalOffset | Takes an input #TimeSpanType, no output. |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | A u64 representing a point in time. |
0x8 | 0x10 | An ID representing the clock source. |
This is a 0x18-byte struct.
This is an u64.
This is "nn::timesrv::detail::service::ISystemClock".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCurrentTime | Returns an output #PosixTime. |
1 | SetCurrentTime | Takes an input #PosixTime. |
2 | GetSystemClockContext | Returns an output #SystemClockContext. |
3 | SetSystemClockContext | Takes an input #SystemClockContext. |
This is an u64 for UTC POSIX time.
This is an 0x20-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x8 | a #PosixTime representing the system clock epoch. |
0x8 | 0x18 | a #SteadyClockTimePoint |
This is "nn::timesrv::detail::service::ITimeZoneService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetDeviceLocationName | No input, returns an output #LocationName. |
1 | SetDeviceLocationName | Takes an input #LocationName, no output. |
2 | GetTotalLocationNameCount | No input, returns an output s32. |
3 | LoadLocationNameList | |
4 | LoadTimeZoneRule | Takes an input #LocationName and a type-0x16 output buffer for #TimeZoneRule, no output. |
5 | [2.0.0+] GetTimeZoneRuleVersion | No input, returns an output #TimeZoneRuleVersion. |
6 | [5.0.0+] GetDeviceLocationNameAndUpdatedTime | |
100 | ToCalendarTime | Takes an input #PosixTime and a type-0x15 input buffer for #TimeZoneRule, returns an output #CalendarTime and #CalendarAdditionalInfo. |
101 | ToCalendarTimeWithMyRule | Takes an input #PosixTime, returns an output #CalendarTime and #CalendarAdditionalInfo. |
201 | ToPosixTime | Takes an input #CalendarTime, a type-0x15 input buffer for #TimeZoneRule, an type-0xA output buffer for #PosixTime array, and returns an output s32. |
202 | ToPosixTimeWithMyRule | Takes an input #CalendarTime, an type-0xA output buffer for #PosixTime array, and returns an output s32. |
Takes an input s32 LocationName_index and a type-0x6 output buffer for #LocationName, returns an output s32 for total output entries.
This contains a TimeZone location string with a max size of 0x24 bytes.
This is an 0x4000-byte struct. Official sw uses fixed-size 0x4000 for the buffer size with the above commands.
This is loaded from the TimeZoneBinary title with the specified LocationName under the zoneinfo/ directory, the content is then converted into this TimeZoneRule structure.
This is an u128.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x2 | Year |
0x2 | 0x1 | Month |
0x3 | 0x1 | Day |
0x4 | 0x1 | Hour |
0x5 | 0x1 | Minute |
0x6 | 0x1 | Second |
0x7 | 0x1 | Padding / unknown? |
This is an 0x8-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | 0-based day-of-week. |
0x4 | 0x4 | 0-based day-of-year. |
0x8 | 0x8 | Timezone name string. |
0x10 | 0x4 | 0 = no DST, 1 = DST. |
0x14 | 0x4 | s32 seconds relative to UTC for this timezone. |
This is an 0x18-byte struct. This stores timezone info.