Software Keyboard

Revision as of 00:55, 25 December 2018 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs) (Tested by fincs.)

The software keyboard (swkbd) expects to be passed three IStorages. See also AM_services#Library_Applets.

The below is for normal swkbd usage. There's also InlineKeyboard (added post-1.0.0), which doesn't run in the foreground and has completely different input/output IStorages. It also doesn't seem to display on the screen (or is optional at least): the user-process can get the gfx data via Display_services.

Library Applet Versions

System Version Value
[1.0.0+] 0x5
[2.0.0+] 0x10006
[3.0.0+] 0x30007
[4.0.0+] 0x40008
[5.0.0+] 0x50009


The second IStorage passed to this applet should contain the configuration for the keyboard.

Offset Size Typical Value Notes
0x0 4 Type
0x4 18 0 UTF-16 text displayed in the submit button
0x16 2 0 UTF-16 "left optional symbol key"
0x18 2 0 UTF-16 "right optional symbol key"
0x1A 1 0 Enables dictionary usage when non-zero (including the system dictionary).
0x1C 4 0 Key set disable bitmask
0x20 4 1 Initial cursor position (0 = start of string, 1 = end of string)
0x24 130 u"" UTF-16 header text
0xA6 258 u"" UTF-16 sub text
0x1A8 514 u"" UTF-16 guide text
0x3AC 4 0 stringLenMax
0x3B0 4 0 stringLenMaxExt. When non-zero, specifies the max string length. When the input is too long, swkbd will display an icon and disable the ok-button.
0x3B4 4 0 Password flag (0 = not password, 1 = password)
0x3B8 4 1 textDrawType
0x3BC 2 1 Return button flag (0 = disable, non-zero = enable)
0x3BE 1 1 Blur background (0 = no, 1 = yes)
0x3C0 4 20 Offset of initial string in work buffer (or 0)
0x3C4 4 0 Size of initial string in work buffer (bytes)
0x3C8 4 2024 Offset of user dictionary in work buffer (or 0)
0x3CC 4 0 Length of user dictionary (number of entries)
0x3D0 1 0 #Text check enable
0x3D8 8 0 #Text check callback function address. Not sure why this is included here
0x3E0 0x20 -1 When set and enabled via textDrawType, controls displayed text grouping (inserts spaces, without affecting output string). Used for DownloadCodes.

This struct is 0x3E0-bytes with version 0x5. Starting with version 0x30007 this struct is 0x400-bytes.

The 0x20-bytes at offset 0x3E0 is -1 normally, except for DownloadCodes.

Each entry in the user dictionary is 100 bytes long.

stringLenMax: When the input is too long, swkbd will stop accepting more input until text is deleted via the B button (Backspace).


  • 0: Normal keyboard.
  • 1: Number pad. The buttons at the bottom left/right are only available when the characters at offset 0x16/0x18 are set.
  • 2: QWERTY (and variants) keyboard only.


If the length limit (stringLenMax) is 1..32, the type specified by textDrawType will be used. Otherwise, type1 will be used.

  • 0: The text will be displayed on a line. Also enables displaying the Header and Sub text.
  • 1: The text will be displayed in a box.
  • 2: Used for DownloadCodes on 5.0.0+. Enables using the data starting at offset 0x3E0.

Key Set Disable Bitmask

Various bits in this field disable certain keys on the keyboard. This list is incomplete.

0x02: disable ' '
0x04: disable '@'
0x08: disable '%'
0x10: disable '/'
0x20: disable '\'
0x40: disable numbers
0x80: Used for DownloadCodes.
0x100: Used for UserNames. Disables '@', '%', and '\'.

Work Buffer

This is the third IStorage passed to this applet. It is a transfer memory storage. The transfer memory should have size 0x1000 (0xd000 in certain cases) and permissions 0.

The layout of the work buffer doesn't seem to matter as long as the offsets in the #KeyboardConfig are adjusted, but official code lays it out like this.

Prior to version 0x5, offset 0x0 size 0x14(20) is a header (size 0x10 for version <=0x2).

Offset Size Notes
20 (decimal) Unknown UTF-16 initial string
2024 (decimal) Unknown User dictionary

Text Check

If text checking is enabled in #KeyboardConfig, text will be checked when the submit button is pressed. First, swkbd sends the text via PushInteractiveOutData. Normally size 0x7D4 is allocated for the string.

Offset Size Notes
0x0 0x8 Buffer size
0x8 Variable UTF-16 text

The application then has an opportunity to validate or reject the text. It creates a new IStorage, writes the response to it, and sends it via PushInteractiveInData. This storage is 0x7D8-bytes.

Offset Size Notes
0x0 0x4 TextCheckResult
0x4 Variable UTF-16 error message (shown in a dialog box)


  • 0: Success, valid string.
  • 1: Failure, invalid string. Error message is displayed in a message-box, pressing OK will return to swkbd again.
  • 2: Failure, invalid string. Error message is displayed in a message-box, pressing Cancel will return to swkbd again, while pressing OK will continue as if the text was valid.
  • 3: Failure, invalid string. With value 3 and above, swkbd will silently not accept the string, without displaying any error.


When either the submit button is pressed and input has been validated, or the user cancels the text entry, swkbd will push its response and exit. The response IStorage has the following format. This storage is 0x7D8-bytes.

Offset Size Notes
0x0 0x4 Result code (0 = OK, 1 = Cancel)
0x4 Variable UTF-16 text