Setting up Development Environment

Revision as of 04:54, 19 February 2018 by WinterMute (talk | contribs)


Install devkitA64. If it's already installed, update it. On Windows, there's a graphical installer. On Unix-like platforms such as Linux/macOS, there's a Perl script. Make sure you also select libnx and the switch examples when installing.


devkitPro provides 64bit precompiled windows binaries of devkitA64 which can be run directly on Windows.

  • download the latest version of the graphical installer from github and run it, following the instructions as you go.
  • An Internet connection is required.
  • You will want to make sure devkitA64 is selected during the installation process to develop for the Switch - you can also install devkitARM (for 3DS, DS and GBA) and devkitPPC (for GameCube/Wii development) if you wish.
  • Once the installer has finished, launch MSYS from:
    • Windows 7 and earlier: Start -> All Programs -> devkitPro -> MSYS
    • Windows 8 and 8.1: Right click on the Start screen and select 'All Apps'. You should find MSYS there.
    • Windows 10 (pre-Anniversary Update): Start -> All Apps -> devkitPro -> MSYS
    • Windows 10 (post-Anniversary Update): Start -> devkitPro -> MSYS