Applet Manager services
AM (Applet Manager) provides services for interacting with system applets while abstracting several aspects of power and operation management.
Contains multiple raw images, with at least the following: "NN_OMM_CHARGING_BIN_{begin|end}"(charging icon), low-battery icon, and the Nintendo Switch logo displayed during system boot.
This is "nn::am::service::IAllSystemAppletProxiesService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
100 | OpenSystemAppletProxy | Returns an #ISystemAppletProxy. |
200 | OpenLibraryAppletProxyOld | Returns an #ILibraryAppletProxy. |
201 | OpenLibraryAppletProxy | Returns an #ILibraryAppletProxy. |
300 | OpenOverlayAppletProxy | Returns an #IOverlayAppletProxy. |
350 | OpenSystemApplicationProxy | Returns an #IApplicationProxy. |
400 | CreateSelfLibraryAppletCreatorForDevelop | Returns an #ILibraryAppletCreator. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCommonStateGetter | Returns an #ICommonStateGetter. |
1 | GetSelfController | Returns an #ISelfController. |
2 | GetWindowController | Returns an #IWindowController. |
3 | GetAudioController | Returns an #IAudioController. |
4 | GetDisplayController | Returns an #IDisplayController. |
10 | GetProcessWindingController | Returns an #IProcessWindingController. |
11 | GetLibraryAppletCreator | Returns an #ILibraryAppletCreator. |
20 | GetHomeMenuFunctions | Returns an #IHomeMenuFunctions. |
21 | GetGlobalStateController | Returns an #IGlobalStateController. |
22 | GetApplicationCreator | Returns an #IApplicationCreator. |
1000 | GetDebugFunctions | Returns an #IDebugFunctions. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
10 | RequestToGetForeground | |
11 | LockForeground | |
12 | UnlockForeground | |
20 | PopFromGeneralChannel | Returns an IStorage. |
21 | GetPopFromGeneralChannelEvent | |
30 | GetHomeButtonWriterLockAccessor | Returns an #ILockAccessor. |
31 | GetWriterLockAccessorEx | Returns an #ILockAccessor. |
Cmd | Name |
1 | TryLock |
2 | Unlock |
3 | GetEvent |
Cmd | Name |
0 | RequestToEnterSleep |
1 | EnterSleep |
2 | StartSleepSequence |
3 | StartShutdownSequence |
4 | StartRebootSequence |
10 | LoadAndApplyIdlePolicySettings |
11 | NotifyCecSettingsChanged |
12 | SetDefaultHomeButtonLongPressTime |
13 | UpdateDefaultDisplayResolution |
14 | ShouldSleepOnBoot |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CreateApplication | Returns an #IApplicationAccessor. |
1 | PopLaunchRequestedApplication | Returns an #IApplicationAccessor. |
10 | CreateSystemApplication | Returns an #IApplicationAccessor. |
100 | PopFloatingApplicationForDevelopment | Returns an #IApplicationAccessor. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetAppletStateChangedEvent | |
1 | IsCompleted | |
10 | Start | |
20 | RequestExit | |
25 | Terminate | |
30 | GetResult | |
101 | RequestForApplicationToGetForeground | |
110 | TerminateAllLibraryApplets | |
111 | AreAnyLibraryAppletsLeft | |
112 | GetCurrentLibraryApplet | Returns an #IAppletAccessor. |
120 | GetApplicationId | |
121 | PushLaunchParameter | Returns an IStorage. |
122 | GetApplicationControlProperty | |
123 | GetApplicationLaunchProperty |
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetAppletStateChangedEvent |
1 | IsCompleted |
10 | Start |
20 | RequestExit |
25 | Terminate |
30 | GetResult |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCommonStateGetter | Returns an #ICommonStateGetter. |
1 | GetSelfController | Returns an #ISelfController. |
2 | GetWindowController | Returns an #IWindowController. |
3 | GetAudioController | Returns an #IAudioController. |
4 | GetDisplayController | Returns an #IDisplayController. |
10 | GetProcessWindingController | Returns an #IProcessWindingController. |
11 | GetLibraryAppletCreator | Returns an #ILibraryAppletCreator. |
20 | GetLibraryAppletSelfAccessor | Returns an #ILibraryAppletSelfAccessor. |
1000 | GetDebugFunctions | Returns an #IDebugFunctions. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PopInData | Returns an IStorage. |
1 | PushOutData | Returns an IStorage. |
2 | PopInteractiveInData | Returns an IStorage. |
3 | PushInteractiveOutData | Returns an IStorage. |
5 | GetPopInDataEvent | |
6 | GetPopInteractiveInDataEvent | |
10 | ExitProcessAndReturn | |
11 | GetLibraryAppletInfo | |
12 | GetMainAppletIdentityInfo | |
13 | CanUseApplicationCore | |
14 | GetCallerAppletIdentityInfo | |
15 | GetMainAppletApplicationControlProperty | |
16 | GetMainAppletStorageId | |
17 | GetCallerAppletIdentityInfoStack | |
20 | PopExtraStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
25 | GetPopExtraStorageEvent | |
30 | UnpopInData | Returns an IStorage. |
31 | UnpopExtraStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
40 | GetIndirectLayerProducerHandle | |
50 | ReportVisibleError |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCommonStateGetter | Returns an #ICommonStateGetter. |
1 | GetSelfController | Returns an #ISelfController. |
2 | GetWindowController | Returns an #IWindowController. |
3 | GetAudioController | Returns an #IAudioController. |
4 | GetDisplayController | Returns an #IDisplayController. |
10 | GetProcessWindingController | Returns an #IProcessWindingController. |
11 | GetLibraryAppletCreator | Returns an #ILibraryAppletCreator. |
20 | GetOverlayFunctions | Returns an #IOverlayFunctions. |
1000 | GetDebugFunctions | Returns an #IDebugFunctions. |
Cmd | Name |
0 | BeginToWatchShortHomeButtonMessage |
1 | EndToWatchShortHomeButtonMessage |
2 | GetApplicationIdForLogo |
3 | SetGpuTimeSliceBoost |
4 | SetAutoSleepTimeAndDimmingTimeEnabled |
5 | TerminateApplicationAndSetReason |
6 | SetScreenShotPermissionGlobally |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetCommonStateGetter | Returns an #ICommonStateGetter. |
1 | GetSelfController | Returns an #ISelfController. |
2 | GetWindowController | Returns an #IWindowController. |
3 | GetAudioController | Returns an #IAudioController. |
4 | GetDisplayController | Returns an #IDisplayController. |
10 | GetProcessWindingController | Returns an #IProcessWindingController. |
11 | GetLibraryAppletCreator | Returns an #ILibraryAppletCreator. |
20 | GetApplicationFunctions | Returns an #IApplicationFunctions. |
1000 | GetDebugFunctions | Returns an #IDebugFunctions. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
1 | PopLaunchParameter | Returns an IStorage. |
10 | CreateApplicationAndPushAndRequestToStart | Returns an IStorage. |
11 | CreateApplicationAndPushAndRequestToStartForQuest | Returns an IStorage. |
20 | EnsureSaveData | |
21 | GetDesiredLanguage | |
22 | SetTerminateResult | |
23 | GetDisplayVersion | |
24 | GetLaunchStorageInfoForDebug | |
25 | ExtendSaveData | |
26 | GetSaveDataSize | |
30 | BeginBlockingHomeButtonShortAndLongPressed | |
31 | EndBlockingHomeButtonShortAndLongPressed | |
32 | BeginBlockingHomeButton | |
33 | EndBlockingHomeButton | |
40 | NotifyRunning | |
50 | GetPseudoDeviceId | |
60 | SetMediaPlaybackStateForApplication | |
65 | IsGamePlayRecordingSupported | |
66 | InitializeGamePlayRecording | |
67 | SetGamePlayRecordingState | |
70 | RequestToShutdown | |
71 | RequestToReboot |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CreateLibraryApplet | Returns an #ILibraryAppletAccessor. |
1 | TerminateAllLibraryApplets | |
2 | AreAnyLibraryAppletsLeft | |
10 | CreateStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
11 | CreateTransferMemoryStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
12 | CreateHandleStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetAppletStateChangedEvent | |
1 | IsCompleted | |
10 | Start | |
20 | RequestExit | |
25 | Terminate | |
30 | GetResult | |
50 | SetOutOfFocusApplicationSuspendingEnabled | |
100 | PushInData | Returns an IStorage. |
101 | PopOutData | Returns an IStorage. |
102 | PushExtraStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
103 | PushInteractiveInData | Returns an IStorage. |
104 | PopInteractiveOutData | Returns an IStorage. |
105 | GetPopOutDataEvent | |
106 | GetPopInteractiveOutDataEvent | |
110 | NeedsToExitProcess | |
120 | GetLibraryAppletInfo | |
150 | RequestForAppletToGetForeground | |
160 | GetIndirectLayerConsumerHandle |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetEventHandle | |
1 | ReceiveMessage | |
2 | GetThisAppletKind | |
3 | AllowToEnterSleep | |
4 | DisallowToEnterSleep | |
5 | GetOperationMode | |
6 | GetPerformanceMode | |
7 | GetCradleStatus | |
8 | GetBootMode | |
9 | GetCurrentFocusState | |
10 | RequestToAcquireSleepLock | |
11 | ReleaseSleepLock | |
12 | ReleaseSleepLockTransiently | |
13 | GetAcquiredSleepLockEvent | |
20 | PushToGeneralChannel | Returns an IStorage. |
30 | GetHomeButtonReaderLockAccessor | Returns an #ILockAccessor. |
31 | GetReaderLockAccessorEx | Returns an #ILockAccessor. |
40 | GetCradleFwVersion | |
50 | IsVrModeEnabled | |
51 | SetVrModeEnabled | |
55 | IsInControllerFirmwareUpdateSection | |
60 | GetDefaultDisplayResolution | |
61 | GetDefaultDisplayResolutionChangeEvent |
Cmd | Name |
0 | Exit |
1 | LockExit |
2 | UnlockExit |
3 | EnterFatalSection |
4 | LeaveFatalSection |
9 | GetLibraryAppletLaunchableEvent |
10 | SetScreenShotPermission |
11 | SetOperationModeChangedNotification |
12 | SetPerformanceModeChangedNotification |
13 | SetFocusHandlingMode |
14 | SetRestartMessageEnabled |
15 | SetScreenShotAppletIdentityInfo |
16 | SetOutOfFocusSuspendingEnabled |
17 | SetControllerFirmwareUpdateSection |
18 | SetRequiresCaptureButtonShortPressedMessage |
19 | SetScreenShotImageOrientation |
40 | CreateManagedDisplayLayer |
50 | SetHandlesRequestToDisplay |
51 | ApproveToDisplay |
60 | OverrideAutoSleepTimeAndDimmingTime |
61 | SetMediaPlaybackState |
62 | SetIdleTimeDetectionExtension |
63 | GetIdleTimeDetectionExtension |
64 | SetInputDetectionSourceSet |
65 | ReportUserIsActive |
66 | GetCurrentIlluminance |
67 | IsIlluminanceAvailable |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CreateWindow | Returns an IWindow object. |
1 | GetAppletResourceUserId | |
10 | AcquireForegroundRights | |
11 | ReleaseForegroundRights | |
12 | RejectToChangeIntoBackground |
Returns an output u64: #AppletResourceUserId.
Cmd | Name |
0 | SetExpectedMasterVolume |
1 | GetMainAppletExpectedMasterVolume |
2 | GetLibraryAppletExpectedMasterVolume |
3 | ChangeMainAppletMasterVolume |
4 | SetTransparentVolumeRate |
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetLastForegroundCaptureImage |
1 | UpdateLastForegroundCaptureImage |
2 | GetLastApplicationCaptureImage |
3 | GetCallerAppletCaptureImage |
4 | UpdateCallerAppletCaptureImage |
5 | GetLastForegroundCaptureImageEx |
6 | GetLastApplicationCaptureImageEx |
7 | GetCallerAppletCaptureImageEx |
8 | TakeScreenShotOfOwnLayer |
10 | AcquireLastApplicationCaptureBuffer |
11 | ReleaseLastApplicationCaptureBuffer |
12 | AcquireLastForegroundCaptureBuffer |
13 | ReleaseLastForegroundCaptureBuffer |
14 | AcquireCallerAppletCaptureBuffer |
15 | ReleaseCallerAppletCaptureBuffer |
16 | AcquireLastApplicationCaptureBufferEx |
17 | AcquireLastForegroundCaptureBufferEx |
18 | AcquireCallerAppletCaptureBufferEx |
20 | ClearCaptureBuffer |
21 | ClearAppletTransitionBuffer |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CreateLibraryApplet | Returns a #ILibraryAppletAccessor. |
1 | TerminateAllLibraryApplets | |
2 | AreAnyLibraryAppletsLeft | |
10 | CreateStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
11 | CreateTransferMemoryStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
12 | CreateHandleStorage | Returns an IStorage. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetLaunchReason | |
11 | OpenCallingLibraryApplet | Returns an #ILibraryAppletAccessor. |
21 | PushContext | Returns an IStorage. |
22 | PopContext | Returns an IStorage. |
23 | CancelWindingReservation | |
30 | WindAndDoReserved | |
40 | ReserveToStartAndWaitAndUnwindThis | Returns an #ILibraryAppletAccessor. |
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | NotifyMessageToHomeMenuForDebug | |
1 | OpenMainApplication | Returns an #IApplicationAccessor. |
10 | EmulateButtonEvent | |
20 | InvalidateTransitionLayer |
This is "nn::am::service::IApplicationProxyService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | OpenApplicationProxy | Returns an #IApplicationProxy. |
Operation Mode Manager (OMM) is a service responsible for arbitrating the operation changes between docked and handheld modes. Besides PTM_services, this is the only service that interacts with the Dock through usb:pd*.
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetOperationMode |
1 | GetOmmWaitEvent |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 |
ID | Title-id | Description |
0x02 | 010000000000100C | "overlayDisp" |
0x03 | 0100000000001000 | "qlaunch" |
0x04 | 0100000000001012 | "starter" |
0x0A | 0100000000001001 | "auth" |
0x0B | 0100000000001002 | "cabinet" |
0x0C | 0100000000001003 | "controller" |
0x0D | 0100000000001004 | "dataErase" |
0x0E | 0100000000001005 | "error" |
0x0F | 0100000000001006 | "netConnect" |
0x10 | 0100000000001007 | "playerSelect" |
0x11 | 0100000000001008 | "swkbd" |
0x12 | 0100000000001009 | "miiEdit" |
0x13 | 010000000000100A | "LibAppletWeb" WebApplet applet |
0x14 | 010000000000100B | "LibAppletShop" ShopN applet |
0x15 | 010000000000100D | "photoViewer" |
0x16 | 010000000000100E | |
0x17 | 010000000000100F | "LibAppletOff" Offline applet |
0x18 | 0100000000001010 | "LibAppletLns" Whitelisted applet |
0x19 | 0100000000001011 | "LibAppletAuth" WifiWebAuth applet |
0x1A | 0100000000001013 | "myPage" |
This is from strings and code in the web-applets.
This indicates the type of web-applet.
shimKind value | Description |
2 | LoginApplet |
4 | ShareApplet |
5 | WebApplet |
6 | WifiWebAuthApplet |
7 | LobbyApplet |
This u64 is officially called "nn::applet::AppletResourceUserId". Used by a number of non-AM services.