Network Interface services
nifm:a, nifm:s, nifm:u
These are "nn::nifm::detail::IStaticService".
Max sessions: nifm:a = 0x2, nifm:s = 0x10, nifm:u = 0x5.
nifm:u = User, nifm:s = System, and nifm:a = Admin.
Cmd | Name |
4 | #CreateGeneralServiceOld ([1.0.0-2.3.0] CreateGeneralService) |
5 | [3.0.0+] #CreateGeneralService |
No input, returns an #IGeneralService.
Takes a PID and an input u64 reserved_pid, returns an #IGeneralService.
This is "nn::nifm::detail::IGeneralService".
Cmd | Name |
1 | #GetClientId |
2 | #CreateScanRequest |
4 | #CreateRequest |
5 | #GetCurrentNetworkProfile |
6 | EnumerateNetworkInterfaces |
7 | EnumerateNetworkProfiles |
8 | #GetNetworkProfile |
9 | #SetNetworkProfile |
10 | RemoveNetworkProfile |
11 | GetScanDataOld ([1.0.0-3.0.2] GetScanData) |
12 | #GetCurrentIpAddress |
13 | GetCurrentAccessPointOld ([1.0.0-3.0.2] GetCurrentAccessPoint) |
14 | #CreateTemporaryNetworkProfile |
15 | #GetCurrentIpConfigInfo |
16 | SetWirelessCommunicationEnabled |
17 | IsWirelessCommunicationEnabled |
18 | GetInternetConnectionStatus |
19 | SetEthernetCommunicationEnabled |
20 | IsEthernetCommunicationEnabled |
21 | #IsAnyInternetRequestAccepted |
22 | IsAnyForegroundRequestAccepted |
23 | PutToSleep |
24 | WakeUp |
25 | GetSsidListVersion |
26 | SetExclusiveClient |
27 | GetDefaultIpSetting |
28 | SetDefaultIpSetting |
29 | SetWirelessCommunicationEnabledForTest |
30 | SetEthernetCommunicationEnabledForTest |
31 | [2.0.0+] GetTelemetorySystemEventReadableHandle |
32 | [2.0.0+] GetTelemetryInfo |
33 | [2.0.0+] ConfirmSystemAvailability |
34 | [4.0.0+] SetBackgroundRequestEnabled |
35 | [4.0.0+] GetScanData |
36 | [4.0.0+] GetCurrentAccessPoint |
37 | [4.0.0+] Shutdown |
38 | [6.0.0+] GetAllowedChannels |
39 | [8.0.0+] NotifyApplicationSuspended |
40 | [8.0.0+] SetAcceptableNetworkTypeFlag |
41 | [8.0.0+] GetAcceptableNetworkTypeFlag |
42 | [8.0.0+] NotifyConnectionStateChanged |
43 | [9.0.0+] #SetWowlDelayedWakeTime |
Takes a type-0x1A output buffer containing a #ClientId, no output.
The wrapper for this with official sw will return 0 when any errors occur (wrapper returns #ClientId not Result).
No input, returns an output #IScanRequest.
Takes an input s32 "nn::nifm::RequirementPreset", returns an output #IRequest.
sdknso loads the s32 from "nn::nifm::RequestParameters", which has hard-coded value 0x2.
Takes a type-0x1A output buffer containing a #SfNetworkProfileData.
sdknso converts the output to #NetworkProfileData.
Takes an input "nn::util::Uuid" (same Uuid from #SfNetworkProfileData) and a type-0x1A output buffer containing a #SfNetworkProfileData.
sdknso converts the output to #NetworkProfileData.
Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #SfNetworkProfileData and returns an output "nn::util::Uuid".
sdknso converts the input to #SfNetworkProfileData, which is then passed to the cmd.
This is only available with nifm:a.
No input, returns an output #IpV4Address.
Returns an #INetworkProfile.
No input, returns an output #IpAddressSetting and a #DnsSetting.
Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #ClientId, returns an output u8 bool.
The wrapper for this with official sw will return 0 when any errors occur (wrapper returns bool not Result).
Takes an input s32, no output.
This requires nifm:a/nifm:s.
This goes through a list of objects to call a vfunc with the input value, that func then writes the input into the object state. The default value is 0. This field in state is later used for wlaninf cmd30.
This is "nn::nifm::detail::IScanRequest".
Cmd | Name |
0 | Submit |
1 | IsProcessing |
2 | GetResult |
3 | GetSystemEventReadableHandle |
4 | [6.0.0+] SetChannels |
This is "nn::nifm::detail::IRequest".
This represents an application or sysmodule's request to bring a network up.
Cmd | Name |
0 | #GetRequestState |
1 | #GetResult |
2 | #GetSystemEventReadableHandles |
3 | #Cancel |
4 | #Submit |
5 | #SetRequirement |
6 | SetRequirementPreset |
8 | SetPriority |
9 | SetNetworkProfileId |
10 | SetRejectable |
11 | #SetConnectionConfirmationOption |
12 | #SetPersistent |
13 | SetInstant |
14 | SetSustainable |
15 | SetRawPriority |
16 | SetGreedy |
17 | SetSharable |
18 | SetRequirementByRevision |
19 | #GetRequirement |
20 | GetRevision |
21 | #GetAppletInfo |
22 | GetAdditionalInfo |
23 | [3.0.0+] #SetKeptInSleep |
24 | [3.0.0+] #RegisterSocketDescriptor |
25 | [3.0.0+] #UnregisterSocketDescriptor |
Number | Description |
0 | Set by sdknso when the cmd returns an error. |
1 | Not yet submitted or error |
2 | Pending (sdknso calls this OnHold) |
3 | Connected (sdknso calls this Available) |
5 |
No input/output.
If the request enters state 1, this command can be used to determine why. It responds with the nice networking error codes that there are support pages for.
No input, returns two Event handles. The first one signals when the RequestState changes.
This is used immediately after #CreateRequest.
sdknso uses EventClearMode=1 for the first Event, for the second Event this can be user-specified or a default value of 1.
No input/output.
Cancels the request to bring the network up.
No input/output.
Submits the request to bring the network up. Call this after configuring the request.
Takes a total of 0x20-bytes of input, no output.
[3.0.0+] Takes an additional 4-bytes of input.
Set how to verify the internet connection.
Option | Description |
0 | |
1 | |
2 | "Local" network (does not check for working DNS) |
3 | |
4 | Default |
5 |
If this is set, when the network connection is lost, rather than causing the request to enter state 1, it will instead enter state 2 and attempt to bring the network back up again.
No input, returns a total of 0x20-bytes of output.
[3.0.0+] Returns an additional 4-bytes of output.
Takes an input u32, a type-0x6 output buffer, and 3 output u32s.
sdknso uses the output from this to launch a LibraryApplet.
The input u32 is set to the output from nn::applet::GetExpectedThemeColorForSystem()
The output u32s are: AppletId, LibraryAppletMode, out_size.
sdknso uses size 0x1000 for the buffer.
The out_size is the total data size written to the output buffer. The buffer contains an array of: {s32 size} {data with the specified size}, with size==-1 indicating that the end of the array was reached. The data from here is pushed as applet input storage.
The returned AppletId is one of the following: error, wifiWebAuth, or netConnect.
Takes an input bool, no output.
RequestState must be value 1. This sets a flag in state.
Takes an input s32 sockfd, no output.
RequestState must be value 3. Only 1 socket can be registered at a time per IRequest. The specified sockfd is written into state.
During sleep-entry, wlan:inf cmd19 is eventually used with data from currently-open IRequest objects' registered-sockets. Note however, the wlaninf cmd only supports a single set of data, hence if there's more than 1 IRequest with a registered socket only the last object in the list will actually get used during wlan:inf RequestSleep.
Takes an input s32 sockfd, no output.
RequestState must be value 3. The input sockfd must match the one previously registered with #RegisterSocketDescriptor.
This is "nn::nifm::detail::INetworkProfile".
Cmd | Name |
0 | Update |
1 | PersistOld ([1.0.0-2.3.0] Persist) |
2 | [3.0.0+] Persist |
This is "nn::nifm::ClientId". This contains an u32.
This is "nn::nifm::detail::sf::NetworkProfileData". This is a 0x17C-byte struct. This is converted to/from #NetworkProfileData by sdknso.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0xC2 | #IpSettingData |
0xC2 | 0x10 | "nn::util::Uuid" |
0xD2 | 0x40 | NUL-terminated Network Name string |
0x112 | 0x1 | |
0x113 | 0x1 | |
0x114 | 0x1 | |
0x115 | 0x1 | |
0x116 | 0x65 | #SfWirelessSettingData |
0x17B | 0x1 | Padding |
This is "nn::nifm::NetworkProfileData". This is converted from/to #SfNetworkProfileData by sdknso.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x10 | "nn::util::Uuid" |
0x10 | 0x40 | NUL-terminated Network Name string |
0x50 | 0x4 | |
0x54 | 0x4 | |
0x58 | 0x1 | |
0x59 | 0x1 | |
0x5A | 0x2 | Padding |
0x5C | 0x70 | #WirelessSettingData |
0xCC | 0xC2 | #IpSettingData |
This is a 0x65-byte struct. This is converted to/from #WirelessSettingData during the #NetworkProfileData conversion.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | SSID length (Clamped to max len 0x20 during #NetworkProfileData conversion) |
0x1 | 0x20 | SSID string |
0x21 | 0x1 | |
0x22 | 0x1 | |
0x23 | 0x1 | |
0x24 | 0x41 | Passphrase |
This is "nn::nifm::WirelessSettingData". This is a 0x70-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | SSID length |
0x1 | 0x21 | NUL-terminated SSID string |
0x22 | 0x1 | |
0x23 | 0x1 | Padding |
0x24 | 0x4 | |
0x28 | 0x4 | |
0x2C | 0x41 | Passphrase |
0x6D | 0x3 | Padding |
This is "nn::nifm::IpSettingData". This is a 0xC2-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0xD | #IpAddressSetting |
0xD | 0x9 | #DnsSetting |
0x16 | 0xAA | #ProxySetting |
0xC0 | 0x2 | MTU |
This is "nn::nifm::ProxySetting". This is a 0xAA-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | Enables using the proxy when set. |
0x1 | 0x1 | Padding |
0x2 | 0x2 | Port |
0x4 | 0x64 | Server string, NUL-terminated. |
0x68 | 0x1 | Enables auto-authentication when set, which uses the following two strings. |
0x69 | 0x20 | User string, NUL-terminated. |
0x89 | 0x20 | Password string, NUL-terminated. |
0xA9 | 0x1 | Padding |
This is "nn::nifm::IpV4Address". This is a 0x4-byte struct.
sdknso copies this into struct in_addr
This is "nn::nifm::IpAddressSetting". This is a 0xD-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | Whether this setting is automatic. Ignored by #GetCurrentIpConfigInfo. |
0x1 | 0x4 | Copied to an output struct in_addr by sdknso. Same as the output from #GetCurrentIpAddress.
0x5 | 0x4 | Copied to an output struct in_addr by sdknso. Subnet Mask.
0x9 | 0x4 | Copied to an output struct in_addr by sdknso. Gateway.
This is "nn::nifm::DnsSetting". This is a 0x9-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x1 | Whether this setting is automatic. Ignored by #GetCurrentIpConfigInfo. |
0x1 | 0x4 | Copied to an output struct in_addr by sdknso. Primary DNS server.
0x5 | 0x4 | Copied to an output struct in_addr by sdknso. Secondary DNS server.