The only image data contained in this sysmodule is basically a saved display framebuffer, no image data for actively-used layers/framebuffers.
This is "nn::capsrv::sf::IScreenShotControlService".
This was added with [2.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
1 | #CaptureRawImage |
2 | #CaptureRawImageWithTimeout |
3 | [5.0.0+] #AttachSharedBuffer |
5 | [5.0.0+] #CaptureRawImageToAttachedSharedBuffer |
210 | [6.0.0+] |
[2.0.0-4.1.0] 1001 | #RequestTakingScreenShot |
[2.0.0-4.1.0] 1002 | #RequestTakingScreenShotWithTimeout |
[3.0.0-4.1.0] 1003 | #RequestTakingScreenShotEx |
1004 | [5.0.0+] #RequestTakingScreenShotEx1 |
1009 | [5.0.0+] #CancelTakingScreenShot |
1010 | [5.0.0+] #SetTakingScreenShotCancelState |
1011 | #NotifyTakingScreenShotRefused |
1012 | #NotifyTakingScreenShotFailed |
1101 | [4.0.0+] #SetupOverlayMovieThumbnail |
1106 | [4.0.0+] |
1107 | [4.0.0+] |
1201 | [3.0.0+] #OpenRawScreenShotReadStream |
1202 | [3.0.0+] #CloseRawScreenShotReadStream |
1203 | [3.0.0+] #ReadRawScreenShotReadStream |
1204 | [9.0.0+] |
The only caps:sc commands used by GRC are: 1101, 1106, and 1107.
Takes a type-0x46 output buffer, an input u32 layer_stack, two input u64s width/height, an input s64 buffer_count, and an input s64 buffer_index.
width/height must match 1280/720. buffer_index must be < buffer_count. buffer_index and buffer_count must not be negative.
buffer_index and buffer_count correspond to buffers with size 0x384000(1280*720*4).
Value 0 is usable for the input u32.
This takes a screenshot, the output buffer contains the RGBA8 image.
Stubbed with [5.0.0+], where it now returns error 0x7FECE.
Calls the same internal func as #CaptureRawImage, where the last param is an additional cmd input u64 instead of hard-coded value 0x5f5e100.
Stubbed with [5.0.0+], where it now returns error 0x7FECE.
Takes a total of 8-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x50-bytes of input, a type-0x15 input buffer, and a type-0x45 input buffer, returns a total of 0x20-bytes of output.
User-processes use hard-coded size 0x88 for the type-0x15 buffer.
[8.0.0+] Now takes an additional type-0x15 input buffer.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x18-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x58-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x60-bytes of input. No output.
[6.0.0+] In addition, this also takes a type-0x15 input buffer.
[8.0.0+] Now takes an additional type-0x15 input buffer.
[11.0.0+] Now takes an additional 8-bytes of input.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 8-bytes of input. No output.
Takes a total of 8-bytes of input. No output.
Takes two input u64s width/height, a 0x18-byte input struct, and two type-0x46 output buffers.
For the input struct, GRC uses the output from caps:c cmd2101.
width/height must be 1280x720. The first buffer address must be 0x400-byte aligned. The size of the first buffer must be at least width*height, and must be aligned to 0x20000-bytes.
The requirements for the second buffer address/size are the same as the first buffer, except the minimum size is (width*height)/2.
Takes a 0x40-byte input struct, two input u64s width/height, a 0x18-byte input struct, two type-0x15 input buffers, a type-0x6 output buffer, and two type-0x46 output buffers, returns 3 output u64s.
width/height have same requirements as #SetupOverlayMovieThumbnail. The size of the type-0x6 buffer must be at least 0x7D000. The requirements for the type-0x46 buffers are the same as #SetupOverlayMovieThumbnail.
User-processes use hard-coded sizes 0x400 and 0x404 for the first/second type-0x15 buffers.
[5.0.0+] Now takes a total of 0x68-bytes of input instead of 0x30.
Takes a 0x40-byte input struct, two input u64s width/height, a 0x18-byte input struct, two type-0x15 input buffers, a type-0x6 output buffer, and a type-0x45 input buffer, returns 3 output u64s.
width/height have same requirements as #SetupOverlayMovieThumbnail. The size of the type-0x6 buffer must be at least 0x7D000. The size of the type-0x45 buffer must be at least 0x384000.
User-processes use hard-coded sizes 0x400 and 0x404 for the first/second type-0x15 buffers.
[5.0.0+] Now takes a total of 0x68-bytes of input instead of 0x30.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input. Returns a total of 0x18-bytes of output.
Only usable when the previously loaded value from set:sys GetDebugModeFlag is set.
No input/output.
Only usable when the previously loaded value from set:sys GetDebugModeFlag is set.
Takes a total of 8-bytes of input and a type-0x6 output buffer. Returns a total of 8-bytes of output.
Only usable when the previously loaded value from set:sys GetDebugModeFlag is set.
Takes a total of 0x10-bytes of input and a type-0x46 output buffer. Returns a total of 8-bytes of output.
Also required the mentioned debug flag but does no longer as of [10.0.0].
This is "nn::capsrv::sf::IScreenShotService".
This was added with [2.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
201 | SaveScreenShot |
202 | SaveEditedScreenShot |
203 | [3.0.0+] SaveScreenShotEx0 |
204 | [3.0.0+] SaveEditedScreenShotEx0 |
206 | [?+] |
208 | [5.0.0+] SaveScreenShotOfMovieEx1 |
This is "nn::capsrv::sf::IScreenShotApplicationService".
This was added with [3.0.0+].
[6.0.0+] This was moved to AM.
Cmd | Name |
201 | SaveScreenShot |
203 | SaveScreenShotEx0 |
This is "nn::cec::ICecManager".
Cmd | Name |
0 | RegisterCallback |
1 | UnregisterCallback |
2 | TriggerSystemEvent |
3 | PerformAction |
4 | QueryState |
5 | OnSystemEvent |
6 | [2.0.0+] CancelCurrentCall |
100 | [4.0.0+] #GetHdcpServiceObject |
No input, returns a #IHdcpController.
This is "nn::hdcp::IHdcpController".
This was added with [4.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetHdcpStateTransitionEvent |
1 | GetHdcpAuthenticationState |
2 | SetCurrentHdcpMode |
3 | GetCurrentHdcpMode |
This is "nn::mmnv::IRequest".
Cmd | Name |
0 | InitializeOld |
1 | FinalizeOld |
2 | SetAndWaitOld |
3 | GetOld |
4 | Initialize |
5 | Finalize |
6 | SetAndWait |
7 | Get |
This is "nn::visrv::sf::IApplicationRootService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetDisplayService |
1 | [9.0.0+] GetDisplayServiceWithProxyNameExchange |
Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService. Takes an input u32, user-processes use 0 or 1, with 0 for regular-applications normally. 0 = user-service(vi:u), 1 = system/manager service (vi:s/vi:m). Returns an error when using value 1 with vi:u(same error listed below for IApplicationDisplayService for unavailable commands), however passing 1 to vi:s/vi:m results in the IApplicationDisplayService having greater privileges.
Takes an input u32, and returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.
This is "nn::visrv::sf::ISystemRootService".
Cmd | Name |
1 | GetDisplayService |
3 | GetDisplayServiceWithProxyNameExchange |
Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService. Same input as vi:u.
Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.
This is "nn::visrv::sf::IManagerRootService".
Cmd | Name |
2 | GetDisplayService |
3 | GetDisplayServiceWithProxyNameExchange |
Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService. Same input as vi:u.
Takes an input u64 and u32. Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.
This is "nn::visrv::sf::IApplicationDisplayService".
Cmd | Name |
100 | #GetRelayService |
101 | #GetSystemDisplayService |
102 | #GetManagerDisplayService |
103 | [2.0.0+] #GetIndirectDisplayTransactionService |
1000 | #ListDisplays |
1010 | #OpenDisplay |
1011 | #OpenDefaultDisplay |
1020 | #CloseDisplay |
1101 | #SetDisplayEnabled |
1102 | #GetDisplayResolution |
2020 | #OpenLayer |
2021 | #CloseLayer |
2030 | #CreateStrayLayer |
2031 | #DestroyStrayLayer |
2101 | #SetLayerScalingMode |
2102 | [5.0.0+] ConvertScalingMode |
2450 | #GetIndirectLayerImageMap |
2451 | #GetIndirectLayerImageCropMap |
2460 | #GetIndirectLayerImageRequiredMemoryInfo |
5202 | #GetDisplayVsyncEvent |
5203 | #GetDisplayVsyncEventForDebug |
Available sessions for each service:
- "vi:u": Only GetRelayService.
- "vi:s": Everything except GetManagerDisplayService.
- "vi:m": All.
When attempting to use a get-session cmd with a service it's not available with, error 0xA72 is returned.
These commands using PIDs have AppletResourceUserId as the last input u64, hence AppletResourceUserId must match the user-process PID(no special handling for value 0).
Returns an IHOSBinderDriver interface which abstracts "nn::visrv::service::RelayServiceImpl".
Returns an IHOSBinderDriver interface which abstracts "nn::visrv::service::IndirectDisplayTransactionServiceImpl".
Returns an #ISystemDisplayService.
Returns an #IManagerDisplayService.
Takes a type-0x6 output buffer containing the array of #DisplayInfo output entries. Returns an output u64: total number of output entries.
Normally(?) this only returns the "Default" display.
Takes a #DisplayName as input. Returns an output u64, the DisplayId.
To open the default display, input string "Default" can be used.
Returns an output u64.
Probably not (?) used by newer official user-processes, since those use OpenDisplay with the default string instead.
Takes an input u64, DisplayId.
Takes an input u32 boolean, and an u64 DisplayId.
Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns two output s64s: width and height. Official sw copies these to s32 output fields.
Takes a PID-descriptor, a type-0x6 buffer for the output #NativeWindow, a #DisplayName(which was previously used with #OpenDisplay), an u64 LayerId, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an output u64 NativeWindow_Size.
Official user-processes use a LayerId stored in a global state field("...ExternalLayerId") if non-zero, otherwise:
- When AppletResourceUserId==0, #CreateStrayLayer is used instead of the OpenLayer cmd.
- When AppletResourceUserId!=0, AM_services#CreateManagedDisplayLayer is used and the output from that is used for LayerId with the OpenLayer cmd.
This OpenLayer command returns error 0x272 when the AppletResourceUserId is invalid.
Takes an input u64: LayerId which was used with #OpenLayer.
Takes a type-0x6 buffer for the output #NativeWindow, an u32(LayerFlags bitmask), and an u64 DisplayId. Returns two output u64s: LayerId and NativeWindow_Size.
Takes an input u64: LayerId from #CreateStrayLayer.
Takes an input u64("ScalingMode") and u64 ("LayerId").
Takes a PID-descriptor, an type-0x46 buffer, two s64s width/height, then two u64s: <output from AM GetIndirectLayerConsumerHandle>, and AppletResourceUserId. Returns two output s64s, which are copied to output u64s by official sw.
Official sw sets the width/height using input s32s.
Calls the same func as #GetIndirectLayerImageCropMap internally, with the input floats set to 0.0f, then 1.0f for the rest.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an type-0x46 buffer, four floats, four u64s(last u64 is AppletResourceUserId). Returns two output u64s. The floats are stored immediately after each other(32bits).
Takes two input s64s: width and height. Returns two output s64s, which are copied to output u64s by official sw. First field is the buffer size to use with the ImageMap cmds, second field is the buffer address alignment for those cmds.
Official sw sets the width/height using input s32s.
Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns a handle.
Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns a handle.
This is "nn::visrv::sf::ISystemDisplayService".
Cmd | Name |
1200 | GetZOrderCountMin |
1202 | GetZOrderCountMax |
1203 | GetDisplayLogicalResolution |
1204 | [3.0.0+] SetDisplayMagnification |
2201 | SetLayerPosition |
2203 | SetLayerSize |
2204 | GetLayerZ |
2205 | SetLayerZ |
2207 | SetLayerVisibility |
2209 | SetLayerAlpha |
2210 | [11.0.0+] SetLayerPositionAndSize |
2312 | [1.0.0-6.2.0] CreateStrayLayer |
2400 | OpenIndirectLayer |
2401 | CloseIndirectLayer |
2402 | FlipIndirectLayer |
3000 | ListDisplayModes |
3001 | ListDisplayRgbRanges |
3002 | ListDisplayContentTypes |
3200 | GetDisplayMode |
3201 | SetDisplayMode |
3202 | GetDisplayUnderscan |
3203 | SetDisplayUnderscan |
3204 | GetDisplayContentType |
3205 | SetDisplayContentType |
3206 | GetDisplayRgbRange |
3207 | SetDisplayRgbRange |
3208 | GetDisplayCmuMode |
3209 | SetDisplayCmuMode |
3210 | GetDisplayContrastRatio |
3211 | SetDisplayContrastRatio |
3214 | GetDisplayGamma |
3215 | SetDisplayGamma |
3216 | GetDisplayCmuLuma |
3217 | SetDisplayCmuLuma |
3218 | [11.0.0+] SetDisplayCrcMode |
6013 | [10.0.0+] GetLayerPresentationSubmissionTimestamps |
8225 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedBufferMemoryHandleId |
8250 | [4.0.0+] OpenSharedLayer |
8251 | [4.0.0+] CloseSharedLayer |
8252 | [4.0.0+] ConnectSharedLayer |
8253 | [4.0.0+] DisconnectSharedLayer |
8254 | [4.0.0+] AcquireSharedFrameBuffer |
8255 | [4.0.0+] PresentSharedFrameBuffer |
8256 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedFrameBufferAcquirableEvent |
8257 | [4.0.0+] FillSharedFrameBufferColor |
8258 | [5.0.0+] CancelSharedFrameBuffer |
9000 | [11.0.0+] GetDp2hdmiController |
No input, returns an #IDp2hdmiController.
This is "nn::dp2hdmi::detail::IDp2hdmiController".
This was added with [11.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetFirmwareVersion |
1 | GetAvailableFirmwareVersion |
2 | CheckFirmwareUpdateRequired |
3 | StartFirmwareUpdate |
4 | StartFirmwareUpdateWithSpecifiedImage |
5 | OverwriteFirmware |
6 | OverwriteFirmwareWithSpecifiedImage |
7 | GetFirmwareUpdateState |
8 | ResetDevice |
This is "nn::visrv::sf::IManagerDisplayService".
Cmd | Name |
200 | [4.0.0+] AllocateProcessHeapBlock |
201 | [4.0.0+] FreeProcessHeapBlock |
1102 | [3.0.0+] GetDisplayResolution |
2010 | CreateManagedLayer |
2011 | DestroyManagedLayer |
2012 | [7.0.0+] CreateStrayLayer |
2050 | CreateIndirectLayer |
2051 | DestroyIndirectLayer |
2052 | CreateIndirectProducerEndPoint |
2053 | DestroyIndirectProducerEndPoint |
2054 | CreateIndirectConsumerEndPoint |
2055 | DestroyIndirectConsumerEndPoint |
2300 | AcquireLayerTexturePresentingEvent |
2301 | ReleaseLayerTexturePresentingEvent |
2302 | GetDisplayHotplugEvent |
2303 | [5.1.0+] GetDisplayModeChangedEvent |
2402 | GetDisplayHotplugState |
2501 | [4.0.0+] GetCompositorErrorInfo |
2601 | [4.0.0+] GetDisplayErrorEvent |
2701 | [11.0.0+] GetDisplayFatalErrorEvent |
4201 | SetDisplayAlpha |
4203 | SetDisplayLayerStack |
4205 | SetDisplayPowerState |
4206 | [4.0.0+] SetDefaultDisplay |
4207 | [11.0.0+] ResetDisplayPanel |
4208 | [11.0.0+] EnableDisplayFatalError |
4300 | [11.0.0+] GetInternalPanelId |
6000 | AddToLayerStack |
6001 | RemoveFromLayerStack |
6002 | SetLayerVisibility |
6003 | [5.0.0+] SetLayerConfig |
6004 | [5.0.0+] AttachLayerPresentationTracer |
6005 | [5.0.0+] DetachLayerPresentationTracer |
6006 | [5.0.0+] StartLayerPresentationRecording |
6007 | [5.0.0+] StopLayerPresentationRecording |
6008 | [5.0.0+] StartLayerPresentationFenceWait |
6009 | [5.0.0+] StopLayerPresentationFenceWait |
6010 | [5.0.0+] GetLayerPresentationAllFencesExpiredEvent |
6011 | [7.0.0+] EnableLayerAutoClearTransitionBuffer |
6012 | [7.0.0+] DisableLayerAutoClearTransitionBuffer |
7000 | SetContentVisibility |
8000 | SetConductorLayer |
8001 | [8.0.0+] SetTimestampTracking |
8100 | SetIndirectProducerFlipOffset |
8200 | [4.0.0+] CreateSharedBufferStaticStorage |
8201 | [4.0.0+] CreateSharedBufferTransferMemory |
8202 | [4.0.0+] DestroySharedBuffer |
8203 | [4.0.0+] BindSharedLowLevelLayerToManagedLayer |
8204 | [4.0.0+] BindSharedLowLevelLayerToIndirectLayer |
8207 | [4.0.0+] UnbindSharedLowLevelLayer |
8208 | [4.0.0+] ConnectSharedLowLevelLayerToSharedBuffer |
8209 | [4.0.0+] DisconnectSharedLowLevelLayerFromSharedBuffer |
8210 | [4.0.0+] CreateSharedLayer |
8211 | [4.0.0+] DestroySharedLayer |
8216 | [4.0.0+] AttachSharedLayerToLowLevelLayer |
8217 | [4.0.0+] ForceDetachSharedLayerFromLowLevelLayer |
8218 | [4.0.0+] StartDetachSharedLayerFromLowLevelLayer |
8219 | [4.0.0+] FinishDetachSharedLayerFromLowLevelLayer |
8220 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedLayerDetachReadyEvent |
8221 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedLowLevelLayerSynchronizedEvent |
8222 | [4.0.0+] CheckSharedLowLevelLayerSynchronized |
8223 | [4.0.0+] RegisterSharedBufferImporterAruid |
8224 | [4.0.0+] UnregisterSharedBufferImporterAruid |
8227 | [4.0.0+] CreateSharedBufferProcessHeap |
8228 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedLayerLayerStacks |
8229 | [4.0.0+] SetSharedLayerLayerStacks |
8291 | [4.0.0+] PresentDetachedSharedFrameBufferToLowLevelLayer |
8292 | [4.0.0+] FillDetachedSharedFrameBufferColor |
8293 | [4.0.0+] GetDetachedSharedFrameBufferImage |
8294 | [4.0.0+] SetDetachedSharedFrameBufferImage |
8295 | [4.0.0+] CopyDetachedSharedFrameBufferImage |
8296 | [4.0.0+] SetDetachedSharedFrameBufferSubImage |
8297 | [4.0.0+] GetSharedFrameBufferContentParameter |
8298 | [5.0.0+] ExpandStartupLogoOnSharedFrameBuffer |
[10.0.0+] AttachLayerPresentationTracer now takes an additional 8-bytes of input.
[5.0.0+] SetDetachedSharedFrameBufferImage now takes an additional 0x10-bytes of input. CopyDetachedSharedFrameBufferImage now takes an additional 0x18-bytes of input. SetDetachedSharedFrameBufferSubImage now takes an additional 0x10-bytes of input, and the buffer type was changed from 0x5 to 0x45.
This is "nn::lbl::detail::ILblController".
[11.0.0+] this was moved from ptm.
Cmd | Name |
0 | SaveCurrentSetting |
1 | LoadCurrentSetting |
2 | SetCurrentBrightnessSetting |
3 | GetCurrentBrightnessSetting |
4 | ApplyCurrentBrightnessSettingToBacklight |
5 | GetBrightnessSettingAppliedToBacklight |
6 | SwitchBacklightOn |
7 | SwitchBacklightOff |
8 | GetBacklightSwitchStatus |
9 | EnableDimming |
10 | DisableDimming |
11 | IsDimmingEnabled |
12 | EnableAutoBrightnessControl |
13 | DisableAutoBrightnessControl |
14 | IsAutoBrightnessControlEnabled |
15 | SetAmbientLightSensorValue |
16 | #GetAmbientLightSensorValue |
17 | SetBrightnessReflectionDelayLevel |
18 | GetBrightnessReflectionDelayLevel |
19 | SetCurrentBrightnessMapping |
20 | GetCurrentBrightnessMapping |
21 | SetCurrentAmbientLightSensorMapping |
22 | GetCurrentAmbientLightSensorMapping |
23 | [3.0.0+] IsAmbientLightSensorAvailable |
24 | [3.0.0+] SetCurrentBrightnessSettingForVrMode |
25 | [3.0.0+] GetCurrentBrightnessSettingForVrMode |
26 | [3.0.0+] #EnableVrMode |
27 | [3.0.0+] #DisableVrMode |
28 | [3.0.0+] #IsVrModeEnabled |
29 | [7.0.0+] IsAutoBrightnessControlSupported |
No input. Outputs lux in float.
[5.0.0+] Now returns an output #AmbientLightSensorValue.
No input. Returns an output u32 int of the current backlight level.
No input. Returns an output u32 int of the backlight level computed from the ambient light sensor.
No input. Returns an output u8 bool indicating whether auto brightness is enabled.
No input/output. Used by AM_services#SetVrModeEnabled.
Sets a global state field to 0x1.
No input/output. Used by AM_services#SetVrModeEnabled.
Sets the global state field used by #EnableVrMode to 0x0.
No input. Returns an output u8 bool set by the above commands.
This is "nn::vi::DisplayInfo". This is a 0x60-byte structure.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x40 | Name |
0x40 | 0x1 | HasLayerLimit |
0x41 | 0x7 | Reserved |
0x48 | 0x8 | LayerCountMax |
0x50 | 0x8 | LayerWidthPixelCountMax |
0x58 | 0x8 | LayerHeightPixelCountMax |
The width/height for the "Default" Display is the resolution for 1080p even when in handheld-mode.
This is "nn::vi::DisplayName". This is a 0x40-byte block: a NUL-terminated string.
Can be "Default", "External", "Edid", "Internal" or "Null".
Max size of this buffer is 0x100-bytes(outbuf size used by official user-processes). Parsed("...DeserializeNativeWindow()") by a function called by the code described under #OpenLayer, which executes code with Android symbols.
This is a #Parcel.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | ParcelDataSize |
0x4 | 0x4 | ParcelDataOffset |
0x8 | 0x4 | ParcelObjectsSize |
0xC | 0x4 | ParcelObjectsOffset |
0x10 | ? | FlattenedBinder |
This normally contains the following:
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | 0x2 |
0x4 | 0x4 | Probably the user-process PID? |
0x8 | 0x4 | ID |
0xC | 0xC | All-zero normally? |
0x18 | 0x8 | NUL-terminated "dispdrv" string. |
0x20 | 0x8 | All-zero normally? |
The above ID is used for the ID param for the binder commands with IHOSBinderDriver.
This normally contains an u32 with value 0?
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4 | bOverLimit. (u32) Equals to 1 if visible or IR light data is over 65534. |
0x4 | 0x4 | fLux. (float) Value in lux from the ambient light sensor. |
Note: if bOverLimit=1 and the default ALS configuration is used, the measurement of fLux should not be considered and the actual max value depends on the type of light. Ranges from 12.5K - 17.5K.
Resolution Handling
There doesn't seem to be a way to get the actual TV resolution while using the "Default" Display. Official apps just hard-code what resolution to use depending on the current OperationMode.
Ambient Light Sensor Notes
The BH1730 outputs 2 values. Visible light and IR light. This is then calculated through an algorithm that checks for Gain, Measurement time, filter qualities and ouputs lux (max correct measurement of 100K lux). The default values are Gain 64x and ITIME of 38 (256 - 218). This allows for a max lux value of 17972 lux when visible light value is maximum and IR light is 0. When both of them are on their limit, the output is 1192 lux. The sensor is fully configurable.