Metadata file

This is the file that ends in ".cnmt.nca" or "meta0.ncd".

It starts with an header:

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 Patch title id
0x8 4
0xC 1 Type (see Title Types)
0xD 1
0xE 2 Offset to table
0x10 2 Number of entries
0x12 14
0x20 16 Original title-id

Each entry is 0x38 bytes:

Offset Size Description
0x0 32 Hash
0x20 16 NcaId [same as first 16-bytes of hash]
0x30 6 Size
0x36 1 Type (0=meta, 1=program, 2=data, 3=control, 4=html, 5=legal)
0x37 1