Bluetooth Driver services

Revision as of 23:36, 3 December 2020 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs)


This is "nn::bluetooth::IBluetoothDriver".

The bluetooth driver implements the bluetooth protocol over h4/uart.

It interfaces with the uart service to actually talk with the bluetooth hardware.

The code seems to be derived from a broadcom stack. A good starting point for similar source code can be found in the MICO project: Note that the library files contain many (symbolized) functions which match btdrv.

Support for "nn::bluetooth::*" was added to sdknso with 6.x.

btdrv appears to be designed to only be used by the two sysmodules which use it, hid and btm. This service uses global state, nothing service-session-specific.

This has max_sessions 30. IPC handling is done by the main-thread.

As of 10.x these services only support using Hid and BLE devices, other devices such as audio are not usable.

[11.0.0+] sdknso moved various functions/etc from "nn::bluetooth::" into "nn::bluetooth::hal::". This includes all functions exposing btdrv. These btdrv functions now automatically initialize the service if needed, the dedicated initialization function is now a stub since calling it is no longer needed. The internal "nn::bluetooth::user::" functions implementing #bt were moved to "nn::bluetooth::hal::user::", these are called by the the user-facing "nn::bluetooth::" functions.

Cmd Name
0 #InitializeBluetoothDriver
1 #InitializeBluetooth
2 #EnableBluetooth
3 #DisableBluetooth
4 #FinalizeBluetooth ([?-8.1.1] CleanupBluetooth)
5 #GetAdapterProperties
6 #GetAdapterProperty
7 #SetAdapterProperty
8 #StartInquiry ([?-8.1.1] StartDiscovery)
9 #StopInquiry ([?-8.1.1] CancelDiscovery)
10 #CreateBond
11 #RemoveBond
12 #CancelBond
13 #RespondToPinRequest ([?-8.1.1] PinReply)
14 #RespondToSspRequest ([?-8.1.1] SspReply)
15 #GetEventInfo
16 #InitializeHid
17 #OpenHidConnection ([?-8.1.1] HidConnect)
18 #CloseHidConnection ([?-8.1.1] HidDisconnect)
19 #WriteHidData ([?-8.1.1] HidSendData)
20 #WriteHidData2 ([?-8.1.1] HidSendData2)
21 #SetHidReport ([?-8.1.1] #HidSetReport)
22 #GetHidReport ([?-8.1.1] HidGetReport)
23 #TriggerConnection ([?-8.1.1] #HidWakeController)
24 #AddPairedDeviceInfo ([?-8.1.1] HidAddPairedDevice)
25 #GetPairedDeviceInfo ([?-8.1.1] HidGetPairedDevice)
26 #FinalizeHid ([?-8.1.1] CleanupHid)
27 #GetHidEventInfo ([?-8.1.1] HidGetEventInfo)
28 #SetTsi ([?-8.1.1]] ExtSetTsi)
29 #EnableBurstMode ([?-8.1.1] ExtSetBurstMode)
30 #SetZeroRetransmission ([?-8.1.1] ExtSetZeroRetran)
31 #EnableMcMode ([?-8.1.1] ExtSetMcMode)
32 #EnableLlrScan ([?-8.1.1] ExtStartLlrMode)
33 #DisableLlrScan ([?-8.1.1] ExtExitLlrMode)
34 #EnableRadio ([?-8.1.1] ExtSetRadio)
35 #SetVisibility ([?-8.1.1] ExtSetVisibility)
36 [4.0.0+] #EnableTbfcScan ([4.0.0-8.1.1] ExtSetTbfcScan)
37 ([1.0.0-3.0.2] 36) #RegisterHidReportEvent
38 ([1.0.0-3.0.2] 37) #GetHidReportEventInfo ([?-8.1.1] HidGetReportEventInfo)
39 ([1.0.0-3.0.2] 38) #GetLatestPlr
40 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 39) [3.0.0+] #GetPendingConnections ([?-8.1.1] ExtGetPendingConnections)
41 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 40) [3.0.0+] #GetChannelMap
42 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 41) [3.0.0+] #EnableTxPowerBoostSetting ([?-8.1.1] EnableBluetoothBoostSetting)
43 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 42) [3.0.0+] #IsTxPowerBoostSettingEnabled ([?-8.1.1] IsBluetoothBoostSettingEnabled)
44 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 43) [3.0.0+] #EnableAfhSetting ([?-8.1.1] EnableBluetoothAfhSetting)
45 ([3.0.0-3.0.2] 44) [3.0.0+] #IsAfhSettingEnabled ([?-8.1.1] IsBluetoothAfhSettingEnabled)
46 [5.0.0+] #InitializeBle ([5.0.0-8.1.1] InitializeBluetoothLe)
47 [5.0.0+] #EnableBle ([5.0.0-8.1.1] EnableBluetoothLe)
48 [5.0.0+] #DisableBle ([5.0.0-8.1.1] DisableBluetoothLe)
49 [5.0.0+] #FinalizeBle ([5.0.0-8.1.1] CleanupBluetoothLe)
50 [5.0.0+] #SetBleVisibility ([5.0.0-8.1.1] SetLeVisibility)
51 [5.0.0+] #SetBleConnectionParameter ([5.0.0-8.1.1] #SetLeConnectionParameter)
52 [5.0.0+] #SetBleDefaultConnectionParameter ([5.0.0-8.1.1] #SetLeDefaultConnectionParameter)
53 [5.0.0+] #SetBleAdvertiseData ([5.0.0-8.1.1] SetLeAdvertiseData)
54 [5.0.0+] #SetBleAdvertiseParameter ([5.0.0-8.1.1] SetLeAdvertiseParameter)
55 [5.0.0+] #StartBleScan ([5.0.0-8.1.1] StartLeScan)
56 [5.0.0+] #StopBleScan ([5.0.0-8.1.1] StopLeScan)
57 [5.0.0+] #AddBleScanFilterCondition ([5.0.0-8.1.1] AddLeScanFilterCondition)
58 [5.0.0+] #DeleteBleScanFilterCondition ([5.0.0-8.1.1] DeleteLeScanFilterCondition)
59 [5.0.0+] #DeleteBleScanFilter ([5.0.0-8.1.1] DeleteLeScanFilter)
60 [5.0.0+] #ClearBleScanFilters ([5.0.0-8.1.1] ClearLeScanFilters)
61 [5.0.0+] #EnableBleScanFilter ([5.0.0-8.1.1] EnableLeScanFilter)
62 [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattClient ([5.0.0-8.1.1] RegisterLeClient)
63 [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattClient ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeClient)
64 [5.0.0+] #UnregisterAllGattClients ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeClientAll)
65 [5.0.0+] #ConnectGattServer ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientConnect)
66 [5.1.0+] #CancelConnectGattServer ([5.1.0-8.1.1] LeClientCancelConnection)
67 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 66) [5.0.0+] #DisconnectGattServer ([?-8.1.1] LeClientCancelConnection)
68 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 67) [5.0.0+] #GetGattAttribute ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientGetAttributes)
69 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 68) [5.0.0+] #GetGattService ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientDiscoverService)
70 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 69) [5.0.0+] #ConfigureAttMtu ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientConfigureMtu)
71 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 70) [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattServer ([5.0.0-8.1.1] RegisterLeServer)
72 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 71) [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattServer ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeServer)
73 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 72) [5.0.0+] #ConnectGattClient ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeServerConnect)
74 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 73) [5.0.0+] #DisconnectGattClient ([5.0.0-8.1.1] #LeServerDisconnect)
75 [5.0.0+] #AddGattService ([5.0.0-8.1.1] CreateLeService)
76 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 74) [5.0.0+] #EnableGattService ([5.0.0-8.1.1] StartLeService)
77 [5.0.0+] #AddGattCharacteristic ([5.0.0-8.1.1] AddLeCharacteristic)
78 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 76) [5.0.0+] #AddGattDescriptor ([5.0.0-8.1.1] AddLeDescriptor)
79 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 78) [5.0.0+] #GetBleManagedEventInfo ([5.0.0-8.1.1] GetLeCoreEventInfo)
80 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 79) [5.0.0+] #GetGattFirstCharacteristic ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeGetFirstCharacteristic)
81 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 80) [5.0.0+] #GetGattNextCharacteristic ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeGetNextCharacteristic)
82 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 81) [5.0.0+] #GetGattFirstDescriptor ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeGetFirstDescriptor)
83 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 82) [5.0.0+] #GetGattNextDescriptor ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeGetNextDescriptor)
84 [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattManagedDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] RegisterLeCoreDataPath)
85 [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattManagedDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeCoreDataPath)
86 [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattHidDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] RegisterLeHidDataPath)
87 [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattHidDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeHidDataPath)
88 [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] RegisterLeDataPath)
89 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 83) [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattDataPath ([5.0.0-8.1.1] UnregisterLeDataPath)
90 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 89) [5.0.0+] #ReadGattCharacteristic ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientReadCharacteristic)
91 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 90) [5.0.0+] #ReadGattDescriptor ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientReadDescriptor)
92 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 91) [5.0.0+] #WriteGattCharacteristic ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientWriteCharacteristic)
93 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 92) [5.0.0+] #WriteGattDescriptor ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientWriteDescriptor)
94 [5.0.0+] #RegisterGattNotification ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientRegisterNotification)
95 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 93) [5.0.0+] #UnregisterGattNotification ([5.0.0-8.1.1] LeClientDeregisterNotification)
96 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 95) [5.0.0+] #GetLeHidEventInfo
97 ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 96) [5.0.0+] #RegisterBleHidEvent
98 [5.1.0+] #SetBleScanParameter ([5.1.0-8.1.1] SetLeScanParameter)
99 [10.0.0+] #MoveToSecondaryPiconet
256 [5.0.0+] #IsManufacturingMode
257 [7.0.0+] #EmulateBluetoothCrash
258 [9.0.0+] #GetBleChannelMap

Cmds 46-83 were added with [4.0.0+].

Various cmds were moved/etc starting with #InitializeBle with [5.0.0+].


No input/output.

[1.0.0-10.2.0] This is the first cmd used during service init.

This just returns 0.


No input, returns an output Event handle with EventClearMode=1.

This is used by btm, this should not be used by other processes.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

Not used by btm, other processes should not use this.


Takes a type-0x1A output buffer containing an #AdapterProperty.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #BluetoothPropertyType and a type-0xA output buffer.


Takes an input #BluetoothPropertyType and a type-0x9 input buffer.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #TransportType, no output.

[9.0.0+] Now only takes an #Address and a #TransportType without a buffer, no output.

The #TransportType is unused.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address, a bool, an u8, a #BluetoothPinCode, no output.

sdknso uses an user-specified s32 for the u8.


Takes an input #Address, a #BluetoothSspVariant, a bool, an u32, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0xA output buffer and returns an output #EventType.

This copies 0x400-bytes from state to the output buffer, copies the #EventType from state to output, and signals an event.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input u16, returns an output Event with EventClearMode=1.

Originally sdknso used an user-specified value for the u16, however with [9.0.0+] it uses hard-coded value 0x1 instead.

This is used by btm, this should not be used by other processes.


Takes an input #Address, no output.

This just returns 0.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #HidData, no output.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #HidReport, no output.

This is used by hid.

This sends a HID DATA transaction packet with report-type Output.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x9 input buffer, no output.

This is internally the same as #WriteHidData, with the input buffer being directly passed to the funcptr instead of a tmp copy of the input #HidReport.


Takes an input #Address, a #BluetoothHhReportType, a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #HidData, no output.


Takes an input #Address, a #BluetoothHhReportType, a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #HidReport, no output.

This is used by hid.

This sends a HID SET_REPORT transaction packet.


Takes an input #Address, an u8 report_id, a #BluetoothHhReportType, no output.

This is used by hid.

This sends a HID GET_REPORT transaction packet. The report_id is sent in the packet for the Report Id, when non-zero.


Takes an input #Address, no output.


Takes an input #Address and an u16, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing BluetoothDevicesSettings, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x1A output buffer containing BluetoothDevicesSettings.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

Not used by btm, other processes should not use this.


Takes a type-0xA output buffer, returns an output #HidEventType.

This copies 0x480-bytes from state to the output buffer. #HidEventType is set to: stateval!=0 ? 7 : 0. Once finished, this signals an event.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and an u8, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and a bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address and a type-0x9 input buffer containing an array of u8s, no output.

The entry-count is clamped to a maximum of 5, the count can be 0.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes two input bools, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


No input, returns an output Event handle with EventClearMode=1.

This gets the Event handle for a previously created Event.

This is used by hid.


No input, takes a type-0xA output buffer and returns a #HidEventType.

[7.0.0+] No longer takes a buffer or returns output, now returns an output sharedmem handle. sdknso maps this with size=0x3000 and permissions=RW-.

Originally this was used in a dedicated sdknso func, with [7.0.0+] this is now used at the start of the sdknso impl for #RegisterHidReportEvent if the above sharedmem was not mapped yet.

The [7.0.0+] GetHidReportEventInfo sdknso func loads data using the above sharedmem.

This is used by hid.


Takes a type-0x16 output buffer containing a #PlrList ([1.0.0-8.1.1] #PlrStatistics).


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0x16 output buffer containing a #ChannelMapList.


Takes an input bool, no output.

sdknso ignores errors from this. sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".


No input, returns an output bool.

sdknso sets the tmpout_bool to 1, and uses that with the cmd. The sdknso func directly returns tmpout_bool, errors from the cmd are ignored.

sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".


Takes an input bool, no output.

sdknso ignores errors from this. sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".


sdknso sets the tmpout_bool to 1, and uses that with the cmd. The sdknso func directly returns tmpout_bool, errors from the cmd are ignored.

sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".


No input, returns an output Event handle with EventClearMode=1.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.


Takes two input bools, no output.


Takes a #LeConnectionParams, no output.


Takes an input #Address, a bool, a #BleConnectionParameter, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a #LeConnectionParams, no output.


Takes a #BleConnectionParameter, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #BleAdvertisePacketData, no output.


Takes an input #Address, two u16s, no output.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #BleAdvertiseFilter, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes a type-0x19 input buffer containing a #BleAdvertiseFilter, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input u8, no output.

Originally the sdknso func used an u8 for the user-specified param, with [9.0.0+] it's a s32.


No input/output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input u8, no output.


No input/output.


Takes an input u8, an #Address, a bool, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input u8, an #Address, a bool, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input u32, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an #Address and an u32, no output.

[9.0.0+] Now takes an input u32, no output.


Takes an input u32 and a #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes an input u16 and u32, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes an input u8, no output.


Takes an input u8, an #Address, a bool, no output.


Takes an input u8, an #Address, no output.


Takes an input u8, no output.


Takes an input u8, an u8, a bool, a #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

Originally sdknso used an user-specified u8 for the second u8, with [9.0.0+] that func param is now a s32.


Takes an input u8, a #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes an input u8, an u8, an u16, a #GattAttributeUuid, a #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes an input u8, an u16, a #GattAttributeUuid, a #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes a type-0xA output buffer, returns an output #BleEventType.

This copies 0x400-bytes from state to the output buffer, and copies the #BleEventType from state to output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattAttributeUuid, returns an output u8 and #GattId.


Takes an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattAttributeUuid, returns an output u8 and #GattId.


Takes an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattAttributeUuid, returns an output #GattId.


Takes an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattAttributeUuid, returns an output #GattId.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #GattAttributeUuid, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input bool PrimaryService, an u8, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

This is used by hid and btm.


Takes an input bool PrimaryService, an u8, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

This is used by hid.


Takes a type-0x9 input buffer, a bool PrimaryService, an u8, a bool, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

The buffer size must be <=0x258.

This is used by hid and btm.


Takes a type-0x9 input buffer, a bool PrimaryService, an u8, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

The buffer size must be <=0x258.

This is used by hid and btm.


Takes an input bool, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

This is used by hid and btm.


Takes an input bool, an u32 ConnectionHandle, a #GattId, a #GattId, no output.

This is used by hid.


Takes a type-0xA output buffer, returns an output #BleEventType.

This copies 0x400-bytes from state to the output buffer, and copies the #BleEventType from state to output. This also resets the state which was used for the outbuf-copy. Once finished, this signals an event.

This is used by hid.

See #LeEventInfo for the output buffer.


No input, returns an output Event handle with EventClearMode=1.

This is used by hid.


Takes two input u16s, no output.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #Address, no output.


No input, returns an output bool.

sdknso will Abort if this fails, the bool is returned instead of a Result. sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".

This calls the same two funcs as various other cmds etc. This writes the bool returned by the second func to output, then returns 0. The second func loads the bool from system-setting "bluetooth_debug!skip_boot". The first func is the same as the second one, except it writes the bool into global state.

This is used by btm.


Takes an input #FatalReason, no output.

sdknso masks the FatalReason with an u16-mask before passing it to the cmd. sdknso exposes this under "nn::bluetooth::debug::".

This writes data into a CircularBuffer (name "BLE CORE", seperate from sharedmem) with type=0x29, where the data is an u16 determined using the input #FatalReason. This is only done if a state field is value 0x3, after calling the func for this the field is set to value 0.


Takes a type-0x16 output buffer containing a #ChannelMapList.


This is "nn::bluetooth::IBluetoothUser".

This has max_sessions 30. IPC handling is done by the main-thread.

Cmd Name
0 #LeClientReadCharacteristic
1 #LeClientReadDescriptor
2 #LeClientWriteCharacteristic
3 #LeClientWriteDescriptor
4 #LeClientRegisterNotification
5 #LeClientDeregisterNotification
6 #SetLeResponse
7 #LeSendIndication
8 #GetLeEventInfo
9 #RegisterBleEvent


Takes a PID, a bool, an u8, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #ReadGattCharacteristic, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, a bool, an u8, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #ReadGattDescriptor, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, a type-0x9 input buffer, a bool, an u8, a bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #WriteGattCharacteristic, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, a type-0x9 input buffer, a bool, an u8, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #WriteGattDescriptor, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #RegisterGattNotification, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, an input bool, an u32, a #GattId, a #GattId, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

This is essentially the same as #UnregisterGattNotification, the AppletResourceUserId is unused.


Takes a PID, a type-0x9 input buffer, an u8, a #GattAttributeUuid, a #GattAttributeUuid, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

The AppletResourceUserId is unused.

The buffer size must be <=0x258.


Takes a PID, a type-0x9 input buffer, an u8, a bool, a #GattAttributeUuid, a #GattAttributeUuid, an AppletResourceUserId, no output.

The AppletResourceUserId is unused.

The buffer size used internally is clamped to max size 0x258.


Takes a PID, a type-0xA output buffer, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output #BleEventType.

This is identical to #GetLeHidEventInfo except different state is used. The AppletResourceUserId is unused. See #LeEventInfo for the output buffer.


Takes a PID, an AppletResourceUserId, returns an output Event handle with EventClearMode=1.

This is identical to #RegisterBleHidEvent except different Event state is used. The AppletResourceUserId is unused.


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::BluetoothPropertyType".

The sysmodule will Abort if the input type is unavailable / not recognized.

Value Description Buffer contents
1 Name String, max length 0xF8 excluding NUL-terminator.
2 Address #Address
3 Only available with #SetAdapterProperty. Unknown, #Address. The default is the same as type2, with the last two bytes inverted.
5 3-bytes
6 1-byte. The default is value 0x68.


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::TransportType".


This is u8 enum "nn::bluetooth::BluetoothSspVariant".


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::EventType".


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::BluetoothHhReportType".

Bit0-1 directly control the HID bluetooth transaction report-type value. Bit2-3: these directly control the Parameter Reserved field for SetReport, for GetReport these control the Parameter Reserved and Size bits.

Value Description
0 Other
1 Input
2 Output
3 Feature


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::HidEventType".


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::BleEventType".


This is u32 enum "nn::bluetooth::FatalReason".

This determines the u16 data to write into the CircularBuffer.

Value Description
1 u16 data = 0x850.
2 u16 data = 0x851.
Other values u16 data = 0x852.


This is "nn::bluetooth::AdapterProperty". This is a 0x103-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x6 Same as the data for #BluetoothPropertyType type2.
0x6 0x3 Same as the data for #BluetoothPropertyType type5.
0x9 0xF9 Same as the data for #BluetoothPropertyType type1 (last byte is not initialized).
0x102 0x1 Set to hard-coded value 0x68 (same as the data for #BluetoothPropertyType type6).


This is "nn::bluetooth::Address". This is a 0x6-byte struct with 1-byte alignment.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BluetoothPinCode". This is a 0x10-byte struct with 1-byte alignment.


This is "nn::bluetooth::HidData". This is a 0x282-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x2 Size of the following data.
0x2 0x280 Data


This is "nn::bluetooth::HidReport". This is a 0x2BE-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x2 Size of the following data.
0x2 0x2BC Data


This is "nn::bluetooth::PlrStatistics". This is a 0x84-byte struct.


This is "nn::bluetooth::PlrList". This is a 0xA4-byte struct.


This is "nn::bluetooth::ChannelMapList". This is a 0x88-byte struct.


This is "nn::bluetooth::LeConnectionParams". This is a 0x14-byte struct with 2-byte alignment.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleConnectionParameter". This is a 0xC-byte struct with 2-byte alignment.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleAdvertisePacketData" ([5.0.0-8.1.1] "nn::bluetooth::LeAdvertiseData"). This is a 0xCC-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4
0x4 0x1
0x5 0x1 Size of the data at +0x6.
0x6 0x1F
0x25 0x3 Padding
0x28 0x1 Total array entries for the below array, can be 0.
0x29 0x7 Padding
0x30 count*0x14 Array entries, see below.
0xA4 0x1 Size of the data at +0xA8.
0xA5 0x1
0xA6 0x2 Padding
0xA8 0x1F
0xC7 0x1
0xC8 0x1
0xC9 0x3 Padding

Array entry:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x2
0x2 0x12 Unused


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleAdvertiseFilter". This is a 0x3E-byte struct.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleAdvertisePacketParameter". This is a 8-byte struct with 1-byte alignment.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleScanResult". This is a 0x148-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1
0x1 0x6 #Address
0x7 0x139
0x140 0x4 s32
0x144 0x4 s32


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleConnectionInfo". This is a 0xC-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 ConnectionHandle, 0xFFFFFFFF ([5.0.0-5.0.2] 0xFFFF) is invalid.
0x4 0x6 #Address
0xA 0x2 Padding


This is "nn::bluetooth::GattAttributeUuid". This is a 0x14-byte struct with 4-byte alignment.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 UUID size, must be 0x2, 0x4, or 0x10.
0x4 0x10 UUID with the above size.


This is "nn::bluetooth::GattId". This is a 0x18-byte struct with 4-byte alignment.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1 InstanceId
0x1 0x3 Padding
0x4 0x14 #GattAttributeUuid


This is a 0x400-byte struct.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4
0x4 0x4
0x8 0x1
0x9 0x3 Padding
0xC 0x14 #GattAttributeUuid
0x20 0x14 #GattAttributeUuid
0x34 0x14 #GattAttributeUuid
0x48 0x2 Size of the below data.
0x4A {above size} Data.


This is "nn::bluetooth::BleClientGattOperationInfo". This is converted from #LeEventInfo.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1 Converted from #LeEventInfo+0x0.
0x1 0x3 Padding
0x4 0x4 Same as #LeEventInfo+0x4.
0x8 0x1 Same as #LeEventInfo+0x8.
0x9 0x3 Padding
0xC 0x14 Same as #LeEventInfo+0xC.
0x20 0x14 Same as #LeEventInfo+0x20.
0x34 0x14 Same as #LeEventInfo+0x34.
0x48 0x8 Same as #LeEventInfo+0x48.
0x50 {above size} Same as #LeEventInfo+0x4A.


The output from sudo hcitool info {BDADDR} is identical on both 1.0.0/10.x:

 BD Address:  {BDADDR}
 OUI Company: Nintendo Co.,Ltd (98-B6-E9)
 Device Name: Nintendo Switch
 LMP Version: 4.2 (0x8) LMP Subversion: 0x2409
 Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
 Features page 0: 0xbf 0xfe 0xcf 0xfe 0xdb 0xff 0x7b 0x87
   <3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot offset> 
   <timing accuracy> <role switch> <sniff mode> <RSSI> 
   <channel quality> <SCO link> <HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> 
   <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD> <paging scheme> <power control> 
   <transparent SCO> <broadcast encrypt> <EDR ACL 2 Mbps> 
   <EDR ACL 3 Mbps> <enhanced iscan> <interlaced iscan> 
   <interlaced pscan> <inquiry with RSSI> <extended SCO> 
   <EV4 packets> <EV5 packets> <AFH cap. slave> 
   <AFH class. slave> <LE support> <3-slot EDR ACL> 
   <5-slot EDR ACL> <sniff subrating> <pause encryption> 
   <AFH cap. master> <AFH class. master> <EDR eSCO 2 Mbps> 
   <EDR eSCO 3 Mbps> <3-slot EDR eSCO> <extended inquiry> 
   <LE and BR/EDR> <simple pairing> <encapsulated PDU> 
   <err. data report> <non-flush flag> <LSTO> <inquiry TX power> 
   <EPC> <extended features> 
 Features page 1: 0x0f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
 Features page 2: 0x7f 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00