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This is the metadata file that ends in ".cnmt{.nca}" or "meta0.ncd". This seems to replace the TMD format.

The official name for CNMT is "PackagedContentMeta".


This is "nn::ncm::PackagedContentMetaHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 Id
0x8 0x4 Version
0xC 0x1 ContentMetaType
0xD 0x1 [17.0.0+] ContentMetaPlatform ([1.0.0-16.1.0] Reserved)
0xE 0x2 ExtendedHeaderSize
0x10 0x2 ContentCount
0x12 0x2 ContentMetaCount
0x14 0x1 ContentMetaAttributes (0=None, 1=IncludesExFatDriver, 2=Rebootless, 4=Compacted)
0x15 0x3 Reserved
0x18 0x4 RequiredDownloadSystemVersion
0x1C 0x4 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::SystemUpdateMetaExtendedHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 ExtendedDataSize


This is "nn::ncm::ApplicationMetaExtendedHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 PatchId
0x8 0x4 RequiredSystemVersion
0xC 0x4 RequiredApplicationVersion


This is "nn::ncm::PatchMetaExtendedHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 ApplicationId
0x8 0x4 RequiredSystemVersion
0xC 0x4 ExtendedDataSize
0x10 0x8 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::AddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 ApplicationId
0x8 0x4 RequiredApplicationVersion
0xC 0x1 [15.0.0+] ContentAccessibilities ([1.0.0-14.1.2] Reserved)
0xD 0x3 Reserved
0x10 0x8 [15.0.0+] DataPatchId


This is "nn::ncm::DeltaMetaExtendedHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 ApplicationId
0x8 0x4 ExtendedDataSize
0xC 0x4 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::DataPatchMetaExtendedHeader".

This was added with [15.0.0+].

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 DataId
0x8 0x8 ApplicationId
0x10 0x4 RequiredApplicationVersion
0x14 0x4 ExtendedDataSize
0x18 0x8 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::PackagedContentInfo".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x20 Hash (SHA256 of the referenced content)
0x20 0x10 ContentId
0x30 [15.0.0+] 0x5 ([1.0.0-14.1.2] 0x6) Size
0x35 0x1 [15.0.0+] ContentAttributes
0x36 0x1 ContentType (0=Meta, 1=Program, 2=Data, 3=Control, 4=HtmlDocument, 5=LegalInformation, 6=DeltaFragment)
0x37 0x1 IdOffset


This is "nn::ncm::ContentMetaInfo".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 Id
0x8 0x4 Version
0xC 0x1 ContentMetaType
0xD 0x1 ContentMetaAttributes (0=None, 1=IncludesExFatDriver, 2=Rebootless, 4=Compacted)
0xE 0x2 Reserved

This is used for SystemUpdate, see here: NCM_services#ReadEntryMetaRecords.


This is "nn::ncm::SystemUpdateMetaExtendedData".

If the Version field is 1, the format is:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Version
0x4 0x4 VariationCount
0x8 0x20 * VariationCount FirmwareVariationInfo (Version 1)

If the Version field is 2, the format is:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Version
0x4 0x4 VariationCount
0x8 0x4 * VariationCount FirmwareVariationId
Variable 0x20 * VariationCount FirmwareVariationInfo (Version 2)
Variable 0x10 * MetaCount (from FirmwareVariationInfo (Version 2)) ContentMetaInfo (if ReferToBase is False)


This is "FirmwareVariationInfo ".

If the Version field is 1, the format is:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 FirmwareVariationId
0x4 0x1C Reserved

If the Version field is 2, the format is:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1 ReferToBase (0=False, 1=True)
0x1 0x3 Reserved
0x4 0x4 MetaCount
0x8 0x18 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::PatchMetaExtendedData".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 PatchHistoryHeaderCount
0x4 0x4 PatchDeltaHistoryCount
0x8 0x4 PatchDeltaHeaderCount
0xC 0x4 FragmentSetCount
0x10 0x4 PatchHistoryContentInfoCount
0x14 0x4 PatchDeltaPackagedContentInfoCount
0x18 0x4 Reserved
0x1C 0x38 * PatchHistoryHeaderCount PatchHistoryHeader
Variable 0x28 * PatchDeltaHistoryCount PatchDeltaHistory
Variable 0x28 * PatchDeltaHeaderCount PatchDeltaHeader
Variable 0x34 * FragmentSetCount FragmentSet
Variable 0x18 * PatchHistoryContentInfoCount PatchHistoryContentInfo (PackagedContentInfo without the Hash entry)
Variable 0x38 * PatchDeltaPackagedContentInfoCount PatchDeltaPackagedContentInfo
Variable 0x4 * FragmentIndicatorCount (from FragmentSet) FragmentIndicator


This is "nn::ncm::PatchHistoryHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x10 ContentMetaKey
0x10 0x20 Digest
0x30 0x2 ContentInfoCount
0x32 0x6 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::PatchDeltaHistory".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 SourcePatchId
0x8 0x8 DestinationPatchId
0x10 0x4 SourceVersion
0x14 0x4 DestinationVersion
0x18 0x8 DownloadSize
0x20 0x8 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::PatchDeltaHeader".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 SourcePatchId
0x8 8 DestinationPatchId
0x10 0x4 SourceVersion
0x14 0x4 DestinationVersion
0x18 0x2 FragmentSetCount
0x1A 0x6 Reserved
0x20 0x2 ContentInfoCount
0x22 0x6 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::FragmentSet".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x10 SourceContentId
0x10 0x10 DestinationContentId
0x20 0x6 SourceSize
0x26 0x6 DestinationSize
0x2C 0x2 FragmentIndicatorCount
0x2E 0x1 FragmentTargetContentType (0=Meta, 1=Program, 2=Data, 3=Control, 4=HtmlDocument, 5=LegalInformation, 6=DeltaFragment)
0x2F 0x1 UpdateType (0=ApplyAsDelta, 1=Overwrite, 2=Create)
0x30 0x4 Reserved


This is "nn::ncm::FragmentIndicator".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x2 ContentInfoIndex
0x2 0x2 FragmentIndex


This is "nn::ncm::DeltaMetaExtendedData".

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x8 SourcePatchId
0x8 0x8 DestinationPatchId
0x10 0x4 SourceVersion
0x14 0x4 DestinationVersion
0x18 0x2 FragmentSetCount
0x1A 0x6 Reserved
0x20 0x34 * FragmentSetCount FragmentSet
Variable 0x4 * FragmentIndicatorCount (from FragmentSet) FragmentIndicator


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x20 Digest

This is a SHA-256 hash always found at the end of the file. The hash is calculated over the CNMT file's contents, but this is only done for the development version of the file which results in its production version counterpart sharing the same hash value.