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Marshall Portion

This is an array of u32's.

Word Bits Description
0 15-0 IPC version? Always 4.
0 19-16 Number of buf X descriptors (each: 2 words).
0 23-20 Number of buf A descriptors (each: 3 words).
0 27-24 Number of buf B descriptors (each: 3 words).
0 31-28 Number of type W desciptors (each: 3 words), never observed.
1 9-0 Size of data portion in u32's.
1 13-10 If set to 2, enable buf C descriptor.
1 31 Enable special descriptor.
... Special descriptor, if enabled.
... Buf X descriptors, each one 2 words.
... Buf A descriptors, each one 3 words.
... Buf B descriptors, each one 3 words.
... Type W descriptors, each one 3 words.

Special descriptor

There can only be one of this descriptor type. It is enabled by bit31 of the second word.

Word Bits Description
0 0 ?
0 4-1 Number of A-words for this special descriptor.
0 8-5 Number of B-words for this special descriptor.
... A-words, purpose unknown.
... B-words, purpose unknown.

Buffer descriptor A/B

This packing is so unnecessarily complex.

Word Bits Description
0 Lower 32-bits of size.
1 Lower 32-bits of address.
2 0 Always set to 1 or 3. R/RW.
2 4-2 Bit 38-36 of address.
2 27-24 Bit 35-32 of size.
2 31-28 Bit 35-32 of address.

Buffer descriptor C

Word Bits Description
0 Lower 32-bits of address.
1 15-0 Rest of address.
1 31-16 Size

Buffer descriptor X

This one is packed even worse than A, they inserted the bit38-36 of the address on top of the counter field.

Word Bits Description
0 5-0 Bits 5-0 of counter.
0 8-6 Bit 38-36 of address.
0 11-9 Bits 11-9 of counter.
0 15-12 Bit 35-32 of address.
0 31-16 Size
1 Lower 32-bits of address.

Data Portion

This is an array of u64's placed after the marshall header. But it's always aligned to 16 so sometimes there is padding words inserted inbetween.

Word Description
0 Magic ("SFCI")
1 Cmd id
... Non-marshalled data is placed here

Official marshalling code

The official marshalling function takes an array of (buf_ptr, size) pairs and a type-field for each such pair.

Type Mask Description
4 + 1 Creates an A descriptor
4 + 2 Creates a B descriptor
8 + 1 Creates an X descriptor
8 + 2 Creates a C descriptor
0x20 + 1 Creates both an A and X descriptor