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During factory setup, the Switch goes through calibration and the generated data from this process is written to two NAND user partitions (PRODINFO and PRODINFOF).
PRODINFOF is a FAT12 compliant filesystem and it's structure can be found here. It's mainly used to keep calibration logs and other assorted files.
PRODINFO is a raw binary blob containing the main calibration data, which ranges from hardware IDs to system keys.
This is the raw data stored under the PRODINFO partition.
Offset | Size | Field | Description |
0x0000 | 0x04 | magic | "CAL0" header magic. |
0x0004 | 0x04 | unk | Always 0x07. |
0x0008 | 0x04 | calib_data_size | Total size of calibration data minus 0x40 bytes (header + calib_data_sha256). |
0x000C | 0x02 | version | Always 0x01. |
0x000E | 0x02 | revision | Increases each time calibration data is installed. |
0x0020 | 0x20 | calib_data_sha256 | SHA256 hash calculated over calibration data. |
0x0040 | 0x1D | config_id1 | Configuration ID string. |
0x0060 | 0x20 | reserved | Empty. |
0x0080 | 0x04 | wlan_country_codes_num | Number of elements in the wlan_country_codes array. |
0x0084 | 0x04 | wlan_country_codes_last_idx | Index of the last element in the wlan_country_codes array. |
0x0088 | 0x180 | wlan_country_codes | Array of WLAN country code strings. Each element is 3 bytes (code + NULL terminator). |
0x0210 | 0x06 | wlan_mac_addr | |
0x0220 | 0x06 | bd_addr | |
0x0230 | 0x06 | accelerometer_offset | |
0x0238 | 0x06 | accelerometer_scale | |
0x0240 | 0x06 | gyroscope_offset | |
0x0248 | 0x06 | gyroscope_scale | |
0x0250 | 0x18 | serial_number | |
0x0270 | 0x30 | device_key_ecc_p256 | Device key (ECC-P256 version; empty and unused). |
0x02B0 | 0x180 | device_cert_ecc_p256 | Device certificate (ECC-P256 version; empty and unused). |
0x0440 | 0x30 | device_key_ecc_b233 | Device key (ECC-B233 version; empty and unused). |
0x0480 | 0x180 | device_cert_ecc_b233 | Device certificate (ECC-B233 version; active). |
0x0610 | 0x30 | eticket_key_ecc_p256 | ETicket key (ECC-P256 version; empty and unused). |
0x0650 | 0x180 | eticket_cert_ecc_p256 | ETicket certificate (ECC-P256 version; empty and unused). |
0x07E0 | 0x30 | eticket_key_ecc_b233 | ETicket key (ECC-B233 version; empty and unused). |
0x0820 | 0x180 | eticket_cert_ecc_b233 | ETicket certificate (ECC-B233 version; empty and unused). |
0x09B0 | 0x110 | ssl_key | SSL key (empty and unused). |
0x0AD0 | 0x04 | ssl_cert_size | Total size of the SSL certificate. |
0x0AE0 | 0x800 | ssl_cert | SSL certificate. Only ssl_cert_size bytes are used. |
0x12E0 | 0x20 | ssl_cert_sha256 | SHA256 over the SSL certificate. |
0x1300 | 0x1000 | random_number | Random generated data. |
0x2300 | 0x20 | random_number_sha256 | SHA256 over the random data block. |
0x2320 | 0x110 | gamecard_key | GameCard key (empty and unused). |
0x2440 | 0x400 | gamecard_cert | GameCard certificate. |
0x2840 | 0x20 | gamecard_cert_sha256 | SHA256 over the GameCard certificate. |
0x2860 | 0x220 | eticket_key_rsa | ETicket key (RSA-2048 version; empty and unused). |
0x2A90 | 0x240 | eticket_cert_rsa | ETicket certificate (RSA-2048 version; active). |
0x2CE0 | 0x18 | battery_lot | Battery lot string ID. |
0x2D00 | 0x800 | speaker_calib_value | Speaker calibration values. Only 0x5A bytes are used. |
0x3510 | 0x04 | region_code | |
0x3520 | 0x50 | amiibo_key | Amiibo key (ECQV and ECDSA versions). |
0x3580 | 0x14 | amiibo_cert_ecqv | Amiibo certificate (ECQV version). |
0x35A0 | 0x70 | amiibo_cert_ecdsa | Amiibo certificate (ECDSA version). |
0x3620 | 0x40 | amiibo_key_ecqv_bls | Amiibo key (ECQV-BLS version). |
0x3670 | 0x20 | amiibo_cert_ecqv_bls | Amiibo certificate (ECQV-BLS version). |
0x36A0 | 0x90 | amiibo_root_cert_ecqv_bls | Amiibo root certificate (ECQV-BLS version). |
0x3740 | 0x04 | product_model | |
0x3750 | 0x06 | color_variation | |
0x3760 | 0x0C | lcd_backlight_brightness_mapping | |
0x3770 | 0x50 | device_ext_key_ecc_b233 | Extended device key (ECC-B233 version; active). |
0x37D0 | 0x50 | eticket_ext_key_ecc_p256 | Extended ETicket key (ECC-P256 version; empty and unused). |
0x3830 | 0x50 | eticket_ext_key_ecc_b233 | Extended ETicket key (ECC-B233 version; empty and unused). |
0x3890 | 0x240 | eticket_ext_key_rsa | Extended ETicket key (RSA-2048 version; active). |
0x3AE0 | 0x130 | ssl_ext_key | Extended SSL key (active). |
0x3C20 | 0x130 | gamecard_ext_key | Extended GameCard key (active). |
0x3D60 | 0x04 | lcd_vendor_id | |
0x3D70 | 0x240 | [5.0.0+] unk_key0 | |
0x3FC0 | 0x240 | [5.0.0+] unk_key1 | |
0x4210 | 0x04 | [5.0.0+] unk_id | |
0x4310 | 0x04 | [6.0.0+] unk_id2 |
Error detection
Each block of raw calibration data (with the exception of blocks with SHA256 hashes) is padded to 16 bytes, being the last 2 bytes a CRC-16 over said block.
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY XX == data 00 == padding YY == crc
The CRC-16 is generated as follows:
unsigned int crc_16_table[16] = { 0x0000, 0xCC01, 0xD801, 0x1400, 0xF001, 0x3C00, 0x2800, 0xE401, 0xA001, 0x6C00, 0x7800, 0xB401, 0x5000, 0x9C01, 0x8801, 0x4400 }; unsigned short int get_crc_16 (char *p, int n) { unsigned short int crc = 0x55AA; int r; while (n-- > 0) { r = crc_16_table[crc & 0xF]; crc = (crc >> 4) & 0x0FFF; crc = crc ^ r ^ crc_16_table[*p & 0xF]; r = crc_16_table[crc & 0xF]; crc = (crc >> 4) & 0x0FFF; crc = crc ^ r ^ crc_16_table[(*p >> 4) & 0xF]; p++; } return(crc); }