GPU Classes

From Nintendo Switch Brew
Revision as of 00:25, 19 March 2018 by Qlutoo (talk | contribs) (→‎3D)
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Id Subchannel (nvn) Name
0xB197 0 3D
0xB1C0 1 Compute
0xA140 2 Inline-to-Memory
0x902D 3 2D
0xB0B5 4 DMA


Register Name Size Type Notes
0x49 ClearColorStateMachine? 1 uint 1=Normal, 2=LoadColors?, 3=StoreColors?
0xC9 TesselationOuterLevels 4 float[4]
0xCD TesselationInnerLevels 2 float[2]
0xDF RasterizerEnable 1 bool
0xE0+8*N TransformFeedbackBufferEnable 1 bool
0xE1+8*N TransformFeedbackBufferAddr 2 gpuva
0xE3+8*N TransformFeedbackBufferFlags 1
0x1D1 TransformFeedbackEnable 1 bool
0x1FA ZCullContextStartAddr 2 gpuva
0x1FC ZCullContextEndAddr 2 gpuva
0x280+8*N ViewportNConfig0 1 float ?
0x281+8*N ViewportNConfig1 1 float ?
0x285+8*N ViewportNDepthRangeUnk 1 ?
0x286+8*N ViewportNSwizzles 1 bitfield
0x287+8*N ViewportNSubpixelPrecisionBias 1 bitfield Bit0-4: ?, bit8-bit11: ?
0x300+4*N ViewportNConfig2 1 float
0x301+4*N ViewportNConfig3 1 float
0x302+4*N ViewportNDepthRangeNear 1 float
0x303+4*N ViewportNDepthRangeFar 1 float
0x360 ClearColor 4 ?
0x36B PolygonModeFront 1 bitfield 0x1B00/0x1B01/0x1B02
0x36C PolygonModeBack 1 bitfield 0x1B00/0x1B01/0x1B02
0x36F ? 1 bitfield Bit0:?, bit16:?. Used by ClearDepthStencil.
0x370 PolygonOffsetPointEnable 1 bool
0x371 PolygonOffsetLineEnable 1 bool
0x372 PolygonOffsetFillEnable 1 bool
0x373 PatchSize 1 Small value, always fits in 12 bits. In number of vertices.
0x374 1 0 written here for "simple" BlendState.
0x381+4*N ScissorNHorizontal 1 bitfield Bit0-15: min, bit16-31: max
0x382+4*N ScissorNVertical 1 bitfield Bit0-15: min, bit16-31: max
0x3D5 StencilBackRefValue 1
0x3D6 StencilBackEnable 1 bool
0x3D7 StencilBackValueMask 1
0x3D8 TiledCacheAction0 1 bool Trigger?
0x3D9 TiledCacheTileSize 1 bitfield Bit0-15: ?, bit16-31: ?
0x3DE DiscardTrigger 1 bitfield Bit4-6: DiscardColorIndex, bit0: DiscardDepthStencil
0x3E0 TiledCacheAction1 1 bool Trigger?
0x3E7 DepthBounds 2 float[2]
0x3ED MultisampleRasterEnable 1 bool Also written 0 when clearing all colors.
0x3EE MultisampleRasterSamples 1 bitfield 2=Four, 4=Eight, 5=?, 6=Sixteen
0x3EF MultisampleCoverageModulationMode 1
0x3F0 SampleMask0 1
0x3F1 SampleMask1 1
0x3F2 SampleMask2 1
0x3F5 Multisample_Related2 1 TODO
0x3F6 CoverageModulationEnable 1 bool
0x40C CoverageModulationTable 4 float[4]
0x446 DrawElementsEnableBaseVertex? 1 bool TODO
0x44D TiledCacheAction2 1 bool Trigger?
0x452 RasterEnable 1 bool
0x458 VertexAttribTable 4 bitfield[16] Bit0-4: StreamIndex, bit7-20: Format0, bit21-30: Format1
0x47C 1 trigger BindProgram writes 0 here sometimes.
0x47F DepthBufferResolve 1 trigger 1 is written here to trigger.
0x478 MultisampleGrid 3 bitfield[3] Bit0-3: x0, bit4-7: y0, bit8-11: x1, etc..
0x47E MultisampleCoverageToColor 1 bitfield Bit0: Enable, bit4-6: ?
0x4B3 DepthTestEnable 1 bool Enables DepthWriteEnable and DepthFunc.
0x4B8 MultisampleAlphaToCoverageDither 1 bool
0x4B9 BlendIndependent 1 bool 1 written here for "simple" BlendState.
0x4BB AlphaTestEnable 1 bool
0x4BA DepthWriteEnable 1 bool
0x4C3 DepthFunc 1 bitfield Bit0-3: DepthFunc
0x4C5 AlphaTestFunc 1 bitfield Bit0-3: AlphaTestFunc
0x4E0 StencilEnable 1 bool
0x4E5 StencilFrontRefValue 1
0x4E6 StencilFrontMaskValue 1
0x4E7 StencilFrontEnable 1 bool
0x4EC LineWidthSmooth 1 float
0x4ED LineWidthAliased 1 float
0x4C4 AlphaTestRefValue 1 float
0x4C7 BlendColor 4 float[4] TODO
0x50D DrawElementsEnableBaseVertex? 1 bool TODO
0x519 ZCullContextSave 1 trigger 0 is written here to trigger ctx-save, uses ZCullContextStartAddr.
0x51F PolygonOffsetClamp0 1 float
0x540 ZCullContextRestore 1 trigger 0 is written here to trigger ctx-restore, uses ZCullContextStartAddr.
0x546 PointSize 1 float
0x554 RendererConditionAddr 2 gpuva
0x556 RendererConditionMode 1 0=disabled unconditional, 1=enabled unconditional, 3=unknown conditional, 4=unknown conditional,
0x54C CounterReset 1 Value written decides which counter to reset.
0x54D MultisampleEnable 1
0x54F MultisampleAlphaToCoverageEnable 1 bool TODO: Has more fields?
0x55B PolygonOffsetFactor 1 float
0x56F PolygonOffsetOffset 1 float Float multiplied by 2 is written here.
0x591 PrimitiveRestartEnable 1 bool
0x592 PrimitiveRestartIndex 1 uint
0x5F2 DrawElementsIndirectAddr 2 gpuva TODO
0x5F6 DrawElementsIndirectFlag? 1 bool TODO
0x620+N VertexStreamNEnableDivisor bool
0x646 PolygonCullFaceEnable 1 bool
0x647 PolygonFrontFace 1 bitfield Bit0: Enable. Always ORR'd with 0x9000.
0x648 PolygonCullFaceConfig 1 bitfield TODO: 0x404/0x405/0x408
0x64F DepthClamp 1 TODO: 0x101A is written when enabled, 0x181D when disabled.
0x66F DepthBoundsEnable 1 bool
0x671 ColorLogicOpEnable 1 bool Used for all LogicOps except 3.
0x672 ColorLogicOpType 1 bitfield Bit0-7: LogicOp, bit8-15: unknown, always 0x15.
0x68B Barrier? 1 trigger Always 0 is written here. During zcull ctx-save, spammed when enabling raster, ...
0x6C0 QueryAddr 2 gpuva
0x6C2 QuerySequence 1 0 is written here during most queries.
0x6C3 QueryControl 1 bitfield After write, the result of query is written to 4 bytes at QueryAddr.
0x700+4*N VertexStreamNStride 1 uint Bit0-11: Stride
0x701+2*N VertexBufferStartAddr 2 gpuva TODO: Incorrecto
0x703+4*N VertexStreamNDivisor
0x704+4*N VertexStreamNUnknown? 0 is written here when disabling?
0x7C0+2*N VertexBufferEndAddr 2 gpuva TODO: Incorrecto
0x781+8*N BlendNRgbEquation 1 bitfield Bit0-2: BlendEquation
0x782+8*N BlendNRgbFunctionSrc 1 bitfield Bit0-4: ?, bit14-15: ?
0x783+8*N BlendNRgbFunctionDst 1 bitfield Bit0-4: ?, bit14-15: ?
0x784+8*N BlendNAlphaEquation 1 bitfield Bit0-2: BlendEquation
0x785+8*N BlendNAlphaFunctionSrc 1 bitfield Bit0-4: ?, bit14-15: ?
0x786+8*N BlendNAlphaFunctionDst 1 bitfield Bit0-4: ?, bit14-15: ?
0x820 1 BindProgram writes here.
0x821 1 BindProgram writes here.
0x830 1 BindProgram writes here.
0x840 1 BindProgram writes here.
0x850 1 BindProgram writes here.
0x8E0 ConstBufferRequestSize 1 uint
0x8E1 ConstBufferRequestAddr 2 gpuva
0x8E3 ConstBufferRequestOffset 1 uint BindImage writes "8*i + 0x120" here. BindSeparateSampler writes "8*i + 0x568" here. BindSeparateTexture uses "8*i + 0x168". BindTexture uses 8*i + 32. TODO: BindStorageBuffer, UpdateUniformBuffer, etc
0x8E4 ConstBufferRequestData 1 uint[4]
0x8EB Multisample_ConfigX 1
0x904 UniformBuffer0_Control 1
0x90C UniformBuffer3_Control 1
0x914 UniformBuffer4_Control 1
0x91C UniformBuffer2_Control 1
0x924 UniformBuffer1_Control 1
0xD1E 1 BindProgram writes 0 here, trigger?
0xD34 1 Used by SetConservativeRasterDilate.
0xD35 AdvancedBlend 1 bitfield Bit0: NormalizedDst, bit1: PremultipliedSrc, bit2-3: BlendTarget, Bit4-9: Mode
0xE00 TransformFeedbackAddr 2 gpuva
0xE02 ClearColorConfig? 1 bitfield Bit2-5: ?, bit6-9: ?
0xE0A 1 Used by SetConservativeRasterDilate.
0xE0B 1 Used by SetConservativeRasterDilate.
0xE0E 1 BindImage/BindSeparateSampler/BindSeparateTexture writes 0-4 here.
0xE10 ColorLogicOp3 1 bitfield Bit8: BlendEnable, bit16-23: LogicOp, bit28-31: AlphaTest. BindColorState writes this when LogicOp == 3.
0xE12 BindChannelMaskState_Unk0 1
0xE13 BindChannelMaskState_Unk1 1
0xE1A StencilConfig 1 bitfield Bit0-3: StencilFunc0, bit4-7: StencilOp0_A, bit8-11: StencilOp0_B, bit12-15: StencilFunc1, bit16-19: StencilOp1_A, bit20-23: StencilOp1_B
0xE1E Barrier? 1 Also written to by BindStorageBuffer, and DrawArraysIndirect.
0xE20 1 Another barrier? Used by SetConservativeRasterDilate.
0xE2A DebugGroupPush_DynamicControl 1
0xE2B DebugGroupPush_DynamicValue 1 This one can be written a variable number of times.
0xE2C DebugGroupPush_StaticControl 1
0xE2D DebugGroupPush_StaticValue 1 This is written 3 times after DebugGroupPush_StaticControl.
0xE2E DebugGroupPop_Control 1
0xE2F DebugGroupPop_GroupId 1 This is written once after DebugGroupPop_Control.
0xE30 DrawArraysControl 1
0xE31 DrawArraysMulti 1
0xE32 DrawArraysIndirect 1
0xE34 DrawArraysInstanced0Config 1
0xE35 DrawArraysInstanced0Pipe 1
0xE36 DrawElementsConfig 1
0xE37 DrawElementsPipe
0xE38 DrawElementsIndirectConfig 1
0xE39 DrawElementsIndirectPipe
0xE3A DrawElementsInstanced0Config
0xE3B DrawElementsInstanced0Pipe
0xE42 DrawArraysInstanced1Config 1
0xE43 DrawArraysInstanced1Pipe 1
0xE44 DrawElementsInstanced1Config
0xE45 DrawElementsInstanced1Pipe

TODO: SetRenderTargets, TiledDownSample, Copy*, Dispatch*, Downsample, Draw*


Register Name Notes
0x0C0 CopyControl With 0x186 Src/DstStride is not used. With 0x586 memset-functionality is used.
0x100 CopySrcAddrHi
0x101 CopySrcAddrLo
0x102 CopyDstAddrHi
0x103 CopyDstAddrLo
0x104 CopySrcStride?
0x105 CopyDstStride?
0x106 CopyCount At most 0x3FFFFF.
0x1C0 CopyMemsetValue?
0x1C2 CopyMemsetControl? Seen: 0x34444
0x1C4 CopyMemsetLength? In units of 4 bytes.
0x1C5 ? Seen: 1