Internet Browser

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Nintendo Switch does not have a normal Internet Browser for user usage. However, there is multiple browser applets. It is the NetFront NX browser, which is based on Webkit.

When linking the Nintendo Account with Facebook, the Facebook Auth website will open, offering a search box that can be used to browse the Internet ("LoginApplet"). Alternatively, it can be accessed with custom DNS settings which simulate a Wi-Fi login page ("WifiWebAuthApplet" for captive-portal).

Known User Agent Strings

System Version UA String
2.0.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo Switch; <appletname>) AppleWebKit/601.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) NF/ NintendoBrowser/
2.1.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo Switch; <appletname>) AppleWebKit/601.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) NF/ NintendoBrowser/

The UA is generated with: "Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo Switch; <appletname>) AppleWebKit/<webkitver> (KHTML, like Gecko) NF/<nfver0>.<nfver1>.<nfver2> NintendoBrowser/5.<ninver0>.<ninver1>.<ninver2>".

Browser Applets

appletname (From UA) Usage Invalid TLS cert handling Uses whitelist Notes
WifiWebAuthApplet Captive-portal Displays an error dialog with an option to ignore it. No
LoginApplet Nintendo Account linking Just displays an error-code. Yes
ShopN Actual eShop client Just displays an error-code. Yes
? General web-applet for use by applications(online manuals, ...). Displays an error dialog without an option to ignore it.
? News With videos it doesn't accept the cert. It hangs during video loading without displaying any error, have to press B to exit.

When whitelisting is enabled, you can only load page domains included in the whitelist, otherwise an error is displayed. Videos via the <video> tag are not affected.

Video Playback

WifiWebAuthApplet does not fully support playing videos. It will crash with normal videos. However, in some cases with certain MP4s using vulns it will display an error dialog instead.

Trusted RootCAs

While the rootCA(s) for Let's Encrypt isn't included, Let's Encrypt is indirectly trusted via "Digital Signature Trust Co.".


When doing a connection-test in system-settings, it will detect that the captive-portal is required and display an error for it when the response for "" doesn't include the "X-Organization: Nintendo" HTTP header. The web-applet will not load until something else attempts a conntest, for example when launching eShop and prior to LoginApplet launching. The initial page loaded by this applet is the above conntest URL.

This is only available starting with 2.0.0.