HID services
See here for the HID shared-memory.
This is "nn::hid::IHidServer".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #CreateAppletResource |
1 | ActivateDebugPad |
11 | ActivateTouchScreen |
21 | ActivateMouse |
31 | ActivateKeyboard |
40 | AcquireXpadIdEventHandle |
41 | ReleaseXpadIdEventHandle |
51 | ActivateXpad |
55 | GetXpadIds |
56 | ActivateJoyXpad |
58 | GetJoyXpadLifoHandle |
59 | GetJoyXpadIds |
60 | ActivateSixAxisSensor |
61 | DeactivateSixAxisSensor |
62 | GetSixAxisSensorLifoHandle |
63 | ActivateJoySixAxisSensor |
64 | DeactivateJoySixAxisSensor |
65 | GetJoySixAxisSensorLifoHandle |
66 | StartSixAxisSensor |
67 | StopSixAxisSensor |
68 | IsSixAxisSensorFusionEnabled |
69 | EnableSixAxisSensorFusion |
70 | SetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters |
71 | GetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters |
72 | ResetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters |
73 | SetAccelerometerParameters |
74 | GetAccelerometerParameters |
75 | ResetAccelerometerParameters |
76 | SetAccelerometerPlayMode |
77 | GetAccelerometerPlayMode |
78 | ResetAccelerometerPlayMode |
79 | SetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode |
80 | GetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode |
81 | ResetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode |
82 | IsSixAxisSensorAtRest |
91 | ActivateGesture |
100 | SetSupportedNpadStyleSet |
101 | GetSupportedNpadStyleSet |
102 | SetSupportedNpadIdType |
103 | ActivateNpad |
104 | DeactivateNpad |
106 | AcquireNpadStyleSetUpdateEventHandle |
107 | DisconnectNpad |
108 | GetPlayerLedPattern |
120 | SetNpadJoyHoldType |
121 | GetNpadJoyHoldType |
122 | SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeSingleByDefault |
123 | SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeSingle |
124 | SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeDual |
125 | MergeSingleJoyAsDualJoy |
126 | StartLrAssignmentMode |
127 | StopLrAssignmentMode |
128 | SetNpadHandheldActivationMode |
129 | #GetNpadHandheldActivationMode |
130 | SwapNpadAssignment |
131 | IsUnintendedHomeButtonInputProtectionEnabled |
132 | EnableUnintendedHomeButtonInputProtection |
200 | GetVibrationDeviceInfo |
201 | #SendVibrationValue |
202 | #GetActualVibrationValue |
203 | CreateActiveVibrationDeviceList |
204 | PermitVibration |
205 | IsVibrationPermitted |
206 | SendVibrationValues |
300 | ActivateConsoleSixAxisSensor |
301 | StartConsoleSixAxisSensor |
302 | StopConsoleSixAxisSensor |
400 | IsUsbFullKeyControllerEnabled |
401 | EnableUsbFullKeyController |
402 | IsUsbFullKeyControllerConnected |
1000 | SetNpadCommunicationMode |
1001 | GetNpadCommunicationMode |
Takes a PID and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an #IAppletResource.
Takes a PID and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an output u64. Official user-processes panic if the output u64 is not 0-2.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an u32 VibrationDeviceHandle, 0x10-byte VibrationValue immediately after that, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an u32 VibrationDeviceHandle, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns the 0x10-byte VibrationValue.
Cmd | Name |
0 | #GetSharedMemoryHandle |
No input. Returned a sharedmem handle.
This is "nn::hid::IHidDebugServer".
Cmd | Name |
0 | DeactivateDebugPad |
1 | SetDebugPadAutoPilotState |
2 | UnsetDebugPadAutoPilotState |
10 | DeactivateTouchScreen |
11 | SetTouchScreenAutoPilotState |
12 | UnsetTouchScreenAutoPilotState |
20 | DeactivateMouse |
21 | SetMouseAutoPilotState |
22 | UnsetMouseAutoPilotState |
30 | DeactivateKeyboard |
31 | SetKeyboardAutoPilotState |
32 | UnsetKeyboardAutoPilotState |
50 | DeactivateXpad |
51 | SetXpadAutoPilotState |
52 | UnsetXpadAutoPilotState |
60 | DeactivateJoyXpad |
91 | DeactivateGesture |
110 | DeactivateHomeButton |
111 | SetHomeButtonAutoPilotState |
112 | UnsetHomeButtonAutoPilotState |
120 | DeactivateSleepButton |
121 | SetSleepButtonAutoPilotState |
122 | UnsetSleepButtonAutoPilotState |
123 | DeactivateInputDetector |
130 | DeactivateCaptureButton |
131 | SetCaptureButtonAutoPilotState |
132 | UnsetCaptureButtonAutoPilotState |
133 | SetShiftAccelerometerCalibrationValue |
134 | GetShiftAccelerometerCalibrationValue |
135 | SetShiftGyroscopeCalibrationValue |
136 | GetShiftGyroscopeCalibrationValue |
140 | DeactivateConsoleSixAxisSensor |
201 | ActivateFirmwareUpdate |
202 | DeactivateFirmwareUpdate |
203 | StartFirmwareUpdate |
204 | GetFirmwareUpdateStage |
205 | GetFirmwareVersion |
206 | GetDestinationFirmwareVersion |
207 | DiscardFirmwareInfoCacheForRevert |
208 | StartFirmwareUpdateForRevert |
209 | GetAvailableFirmwareVersionForRevert |
211 | UpdateControllerColor |
This is "nn::hid::IHidSystemServer".
Cmd | Name |
31 | SendKeyboardLockKeyEvent |
101 | AcquireHomeButtonEventHandle |
111 | ActivateHomeButton |
121 | AcquireSleepButtonEventHandle |
131 | ActivateSleepButton |
141 | AcquireCaptureButtonEventHandle |
151 | ActivateCaptureButton |
210 | AcquireNfcDeviceUpdateEventHandle |
211 | GetNpadsWithNfc |
212 | AcquireNfcActivateEventHandle |
213 | ActivateNfc |
230 | AcquireIrSensorEventHandle |
231 | ActivateIrSensor |
301 | ActivateNpadSystem |
303 | ApplyNpadSystemCommonPolicy |
304 | EnableAssigningSingleOnSlSrPress |
305 | DisableAssigningSingleOnSlSrPress |
306 | GetLastActiveNpad |
307 | GetNpadSystemExtStyle |
311 | SetNpadPlayerLedBlinkingDevice |
321 | GetUniquePadsFromNpad |
322 | GetIrSensorState |
323 | GetXcdHandleForNpadWithIrSensor |
500 | SetAppletResourceUserId |
501 | RegisterAppletResourceUserId |
502 | UnregisterAppletResourceUserId |
503 | EnableAppletToGetInput |
504 | SetAruidValidForVibration |
505 | EnableAppletToGetSixAxisSensor |
510 | #SetVibrationMasterVolume |
511 | GetVibrationMasterVolume |
512 | BeginPermitVibrationSession |
513 | EndPermitVibrationSession |
520 | EnableHandheldHids |
521 | DisableHandheldHids |
540 | AcquirePlayReportControllerUsageUpdateEvent |
541 | GetPlayReportControllerUsages |
542 | AcquirePlayReportRegisteredDeviceUpdateEvent |
543 | GetRegisteredDevices |
544 | AcquireConnectionTriggerTimeoutEvent |
545 | SendConnectionTrigger |
546 | AcquireDeviceRegisteredEventForControllerSupport |
547 | GetAllowedBluetoothLinksCount |
700 | ActivateUniquePad |
702 | AcquireUniquePadConnectionEventHandle |
703 | GetUniquePadIds |
751 | AcquireJoyDetachOnBluetoothOffEventHandle |
800 | ListSixAxisSensorHandles |
801 | IsSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationSupported |
802 | ResetSixAxisSensorCalibrationValues |
803 | StartSixAxisSensorUserCalibration |
804 | CancelSixAxisSensorUserCalibration |
805 | GetUniquePadBluetoothAddress |
806 | DisconnectUniquePad |
821 | StartAnalogStickManualCalibration |
822 | RetryCurrentAnalogStickManualCalibrationStage |
823 | CancelAnalogStickManualCalibration |
824 | ResetAnalogStickManualCalibration |
850 | IsUsbFullKeyControllerEnabled |
851 | EnableUsbFullKeyController |
852 | IsUsbConnected |
900 | ActivateInputDetector |
901 | NotifyInputDetector |
1000 | InitializeFirmwareUpdate |
1001 | GetFirmwareVersion |
1002 | GetAvailableFirmwareVersion |
1003 | IsFirmwareUpdateAvailable |
1004 | CheckFirmwareUpdateRequired |
1005 | StartFirmwareUpdate |
1006 | AbortFirmwareUpdate |
1007 | GetFirmwareUpdateState |
Takes an input 32bit float.
This is "nn::irsensor::IIrSensorServer".
Cmd | Name |
302 | #ActivateIrsensor |
303 | #DeactivateIrsensor |
304 | #GetIrsensorSharedMemoryHandle |
305 | #StopImageProcessor |
306 | #RunMomentProcessor |
307 | #RunClusteringProcessor |
308 | #RunImageTransferProcessor |
309 | #GetImageTransferProcessorState |
310 | #RunTeraPluginProcessor |
311 | #GetNpadIrCameraHandle |
312 | #RunDpdProcessor |
313 | #SuspendImageProcessor |
314 | [3.0.0+] #CheckFirmwareVersion |
Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId. Returns a SharedMemory handle.
The SharedMemory is mapped with permissions=read-only and size=0x8000.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, and a #PackedMomentProcessorConfig.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, and a #PackedClusteringProcessorConfig.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, a #PackedImageTransferProcessorConfig, an u64, and a handle.
Takes a PID-descriptor, a type-0x6 output buffer, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId. Returns an #ImageTransferProcessorState.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedTeraPluginProcessorConfig, and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes an input u32. Returns an output #IrCameraHandle.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedDpdProcessorConfig, and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId.
Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedMcuVersion, and an AppletResourceUserId.
This is an u32.
This is a 0x20-byte struct.
This is a 0x28-byte struct.
This is a 0x10-byte struct.
This is an u64.
This is a 0x10-byte struct.
This is an u32.
The hid-sysmodule RomFS only contains "/ftmFwUpdate/NTD_4CD_1801.fts256". It's unknown what hw this is for.
Firmware update
Starting with 3.0.0 HID-sysmodule now contains strings for data stored in title 0100000000000822.