Display services

From Nintendo Switch Brew
Revision as of 16:23, 22 September 2017 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs)
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NVIDIA multimedia (NvMM) platform service.

Cmd Name
0 ?
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 module_init_clk
5 module_deinit_clk
6 module_set_clk_rate
7 module_get_clk_rate


This is "nn::visrv::sf::IApplicationRootService".

Cmd Name Notes
0 GetDisplayService Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService. Takes an input u64(?), can be zero.


This is "nn::visrv::sf::IManagerRootService".

Cmd Name Notes
2 GetDisplayService Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.
3 GetDisplayServiceWithProxyNameExchange Takes an input u64 and u32. Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.


This is "nn::visrv::sf::ISystemRootService".

Cmd Name
1 GetDisplayService Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.
3 GetDisplayServiceWithProxyNameExchange Returns an #IApplicationDisplayService.


Cmd Name Notes
100 GetRelayService Returns an #IHOSBinderDriver.
101 GetSystemDisplayService Returns an #ISystemDisplayService.
102 GetManagerDisplayService Returns an #IManagerDisplayService.
103 GetIndirectDisplayTransactionService Returns an #IHOSBinderDriver.
1000 ListDisplays
1010 OpenDisplay
1011 OpenDefaultDisplay
1020 CloseDisplay
1101 SetDisplayEnabled
1102 GetDisplayResolution
2020 OpenLayer
2021 CloseLayer
2030 CreateStrayLayer
2031 DestroyStrayLayer
2101 SetLayerScalingMode
2450 GetIndirectLayerImageMap
2451 GetIndirectLayerImageCropMap
2460 GetIndirectLayerImageRequiredMemoryInfo
5202 GetDisplayVsyncEvent
5203 GetDisplayVsyncEventForDebug


Takes a type-0x6 output buffer containing the array of #DisplayInfo output entries. Returns an output u64.


Takes a #DisplayName as input. Returns an output u64, the DisplayId.

To open the default display, input string "Default" can be used.


Returns an output u64.

Probably not (?) used by newer official user-processes, since those use OpenDisplay with the default string instead.


Takes an input u64, DisplayId.


Takes an input u32 boolean, and an u64(DisplayId?).


Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns two output u64s.


Takes a PID-descriptor, a type-0x6 buffer for the output #NativeWindow, a #DisplayName(which was previously used with #OpenDisplay), an u64 LayerId, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an output u64 NativeWindow_Size.

Official user-processes use a LayerId stored in a global state field("...ExternalLayerId") if non-zero, otherwise:


Takes an input u64: LayerId which was used with #OpenLayer.


Takes a type-0x6 buffer for the output #NativeWindow, an u32(LayerFlags bitmask), and an u64 DisplayId. Returns two output u64s: LayerId and NativeWindow_Size.


Takes an input u64: LayerId from #CreateStrayLayer.


Takes an input u32("ScalingMode") and u64.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an type-0x46 buffer, and four u64s: width(s32), height(s32), <output from AM GetIndirectLayerConsumerHandle>, and AppletResourceUserId. Returns two output u64s.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an type-0x46 buffer, four floats, four u64s(last u64 is AppletResourceUserId). Returns two output u64s. The floats are stored immediately after each other(32bits).


Takes two input u64s: with and height. Returns two output u64s.


Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns a handle.


Takes an input u64 DisplayId and returns a handle.


Cmd Name
0 TransactParcel
1 AdjustRefcount
2 GetNativeHandle
3 TransactParcelAuto


Cmd Name
1200 GetZOrderCountMin
1202 GetZOrderCountMax
1203 GetDisplayLogicalResolution
1204 SetDisplayMagnification
2201 SetLayerPosition
2203 SetLayerSize
2204 GetLayerZ
2205 SetLayerZ
2207 SetLayerVisibility
2209 SetLayerAlpha
2312 CreateStrayLayer
2400 OpenIndirectLayer
2401 CloseIndirectLayer
2402 FlipIndirectLayer
3000 ListDisplayModes
3001 ListDisplayRgbRanges
3002 ListDisplayContentTypes
3200 GetDisplayMode
3201 SetDisplayMode
3202 GetDisplayUnderscan
3203 SetDisplayUnderscan
3204 GetDisplayContentType
3205 SetDisplayContentType
3206 GetDisplayRgbRange
3207 SetDisplayRgbRange
3208 GetDisplayCmuMode
3209 SetDisplayCmuMode
3210 GetDisplayContrastRatio
3211 SetDisplayContrastRatio
3214 GetDisplayGamma
3215 SetDisplayGamma
3216 GetDisplayCmuLuma
3217 SetDisplayCmuLuma


Cmd Name
1102 GetDisplayResolution
2010 CreateManagedLayer
2011 DestroyManagedLayer
2050 CreateIndirectLayer
2051 DestroyIndirectLayer
2052 CreateIndirectProducerEndPoint
2053 DestroyIndirectProducerEndPoint
2054 CreateIndirectConsumerEndPoint
2055 DestroyIndirectConsumerEndPoint
2300 AcquireLayerTexturePresentingEvent
2301 ReleaseLayerTexturePresentingEvent
2302 GetDisplayHotplugEvent
2402 GetDisplayHotplugState
4201 SetDisplayAlpha
4203 SetDisplayLayerStack
4205 SetDisplayPowerState
6000 AddToLayerStack
6001 RemoveFromLayerStack
6002 SetLayerVisibility
7000 SetContentVisibility
8000 SetConductorLayer
8100 SetIndirectProducerFlipOffset


This is a 0x60-byte structure.


This is a 0x40-byte block: a NUL-terminated string.


Max size of this buffer is 0x100-bytes(outbuf size used by official user-processes). Parsed("Deserialize...") by a function called by the code described under #OpenLayer, which executes code with Android symbols.