
These have been redesigned from the 3DS so that they fit within a Aarch64 MOV instruction immediate most of the time (without requiring the additional MOVK).

Bits Field
8-0 Module
21-9 Description

When a fatal-error is received the error code is outputted using the following formatter:


.. where the first code is 2000 + Module, and the other being Description. Bits >=22 from the error-code are unused when displaying fatal-errors, since the Description ends with bit21.


Value Name
1 Kernel
2 FS
3 OS (Memory, Thread, Mutex, NVIDIA)
6 DD
7 Debug Monitor
8 LR
9 Loader
10 CMIF (IPC command interface)
15 PM
16 NS
17 Sockets
18 HTC
20 NCM Content
21 SM
22 RO userland
26 SPL
100 ETHC
101 I2C
102 GPIO
103 UART
105 Settings
107 WLAN
108 XCD
110 NIFM
111 Hwopus
113 Bluetooth
114 VI
115 NFP
116 Time
117 FGM
118 OE
120 PCIe
121 Friends
122 BCAT
123 SSL
124 Account
125 News
126 Mii
127 NFC
128 AM
129 Play Report
130 AHID
132 Home Menu (Qlaunch)
133 PCV
134 OMM
135 BPC
136 PSM
137 NIM
138 PSC
139 TC
140 USB
141 NSD
142 PCTL
143 BTM
144 EC (Shop)
145 ETicket
146 NGC (Bad Words)
147 Error Report
148 APM
150 Profiler
151 Error Upload
153 Audio
154 NPNS
155 NPNS HTTP Stream
157 ARP
158 Boot
161 NFC Mifare
162 Userland assert
163 Fatal
164 NIM Shop
165 SPSM
167 BGTC
168 Userland crash
178 PDM
179 OLSC
181 Dauth
202 HID
203 LDN
205 Irsensor
206 Capture
208 Manu
209 ATK
210 Web
212 GRC
216 Migration
217 Migration Idc Server
345 libnx
346 Homebrew ABI
347 Homebrew Loader
348 libnx Nvidia errors

Error codes

Value Module Description Notes
0x0E01 1 7 Session count exceeded
0x1C01 1 14 Invalid kernel capability descriptor
0x4201 1 33 Not Implemented
0x7601 1 59 Thread terminated/termination requested
0x8C01 1 70 No more debug events
0xCA01 1 101 Invalid size
0xCC01 1 102 Invalid address
0xCE01 1 103 Resource exhaustion
0xD001 1 104 Memory exhaustion
0xD201 1 105 Handle-table exhaustion
0xD401 1 106 Invalid memory state / invalid memory permissions.
0xD801 1 108 Invalid memory permissions.
0xDC01 1 110 Invalid memory range
0xE001 1 112 Invalid thread priority.
0xE201 1 113 Invalid processor id.
0xE401 1 114 Invalid handle.
0xE601 1 115 Invalid pointer/Syscall copy from user failed.
0xE801 1 116 Invalid combination
0xEA01 1 117 Time out. Also when you give 0 handles to svcWaitSynchronizationN.
0xEC01 1 118 Canceled/interrupted [?]
0xEE01 1 119 Out of range
0xF001 1 120 Invalid enum
0xF201 1 121 No such entry
0xF401 1 122 Irq/DeviceAddressSpace/{...} already registered
0xF601 1 123 Port remote dead
0xF801 1 124 [Usermode] Unhandled interrupt/exception
0xFA01 1 125 Process already started/Wrong memory permission?
0xFC01 1 126 Reserved value
0xFE01 1 127 Invalid hardware breakpoint
0x10001 1 128 [Usermode] Fatal exception
0x10201 1 129 Last thread didn't belong to your process
0x10601 1 131 Port closed
0x10801 1 132 Resource limit exceeded
0x20801 1 260 Command buffer too small
0x40a01 1 517 No such process
0x41001 1 520 Process not being debugged
0x202 2 1 Path does not exist.
0x402 2 2 Path already exists.
0xE02 2 7 Resource already in use (file already opened, savedata filesystem already mounted).
0x4602 2 35 Not enough free space for BIS Calibration partition.
0x4802 2 36 Not enough free space for BIS Safe partition.
0x4A02 2 37 Not enough free space for BIS User partition.
0x4C02 2 38 Not enough free space for BIS System partition.
0x4E02 2 39 Not enough free space on SD card.
0x6402 2 50 NCA is older than version 3, or NCA SDK version is older than
0x7802 2 60 The specified NCA-type doesn't exist for this title.
0x7D202 2 1001 Process does not have RomFs
0x7D402 2 1002 Title-id not found / savedata not found.
0xFA202 2 2001 SD card not inserted
0x13B002 2 2520 Gamecard not inserted
0x13DA02 2 2541 Version check failed when mounting gamecard sysupdate partition?
0x171402 2 2954 Invalid gamecard handle.
0x177202 2 3001 Unimplemented behavior
0x177602 2 3003 File/Directory already exists.
0x190202 2 3201 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x190602 2 3203 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x190802 2 3204 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x190A02 2 3205 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x190C02 2 3206 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x191002 2 3208 Memory allocation failure related to FAT filesystem code
0x195802 2 3244 Allocation failure related to SD cards
0x196002 2 3248 Out of memory
0x196202 2 3249 Out of memory
0x1A3E02 2 3359 Out of memory
0x1A4002 2 3360 Out of memory
0x1A4A02 2 3365 Out of memory
0x21BC02 2 4318 Invalid save data filesystem magic (valid magic is SAVE in ASCII)
0x234202 2 4513 Error reading ACID section in NPDM
0x234402 2 4514 Invalid NPDM ACID section size
0x234602 2 4515 Last byte of the ACID modulus is zero
0x234802 2 4516 Invalid ACID fixed key signature
0x234A02 2 4517 Invalid NCA magic
0x234C02 2 4518 Invalid NCA header fixed key signature
0x234E02 2 4519 Invalid NCA header ACID signature
0x235002 2 4520 Invalid NCA header section hash
0x235202 2 4521 Invalid NCA Key index
0x235602 2 4523 Invalid encryption type
0x235802 2 4524 Redirection BKTR table size is negative
0x235A02 2 4525 Encryption BKTR table size is negative
0x235C02 2 4526 Redirection BKTR table end offset is past the Encryption BKTR table start offset
0x235E02 2 4527 NCA-path used with the wrong titleID.
0x236002 2 4528 NCA header value is out of range
0x236202 2 4529 NCA FS header value is out of range
0x236802 2 4532 PartitionFS hash block size is not a power of 2
0x236A02 2 4533 PartitionFS hash "always_2" field is not 2
0x236C02 2 4534 PartitionFS hash table is too small for main data
0x236E02 2 4535 Invalid PartitionFS block hash
0x244402 2 4642 Invalid Partition file hashed region bounds
0x244602 2 4643 Invalid Partition FS hash
0x244802 2 4644 Invalid PFS0 magic
0x244A02 2 4645 Invalid HFS0 magic
0x244C02 2 4646 Invalid name offset for Partition FS file entry
0x244E02 2 4647 Calculated Partition FS header size changed between 2 consecutive reads
0x249802 2 4684 Invalid FAT file number.
0x249C02 2 4686 Invalid FAT format for BIS User partition.
0x249E02 2 4687 Invalid FAT format for BIS System partition.
0x24A002 2 4688 Invalid FAT format for BIS Safe partition.
0x24A202 2 4689 Invalid FAT format for BIS Calibration partition.
0x250E02 2 4743 Corrupted NAX0 header.
0x251002 2 4744 Invalid NAX0 magicnum.
0x280202 2 5121 Invalid FAT size
0x280402 2 5122 Invalid FAT BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)
0x280602 2 5123 Invalid FAT parameter
0x280802 2 5124 Invalid FAT sector
0x280A02 2 5125 Invalid FAT sector
0x280C02 2 5126 Invalid FAT sector
0x280E02 2 5127 Invalid FAT sector
0x296A02 2 5301 Mountpoint not found
0x2EE202 2 6001 Invalid input
0x2EE602 2 6003 Path too long
0x2EE802 2 6004 Invalid character.
0x2EEA02 2 6005 Invalid directory path.
0x2EEC02 2 6006 Unable to retrieve directory from path
0x2F5A02 2 6061 Offset outside storage
0x313802 2 6300 Operation not supported
0x320002 2 6400 Permission denied
0x326602 2 6451 Missing titlekey(?) required to mount content
0x326E02 2 6455 File not closed
0x327002 2 6456 Directory not closed
0x327402 2 6458 FS allocators already registered
0x327602 2 6459 FS allocators already used
0x327A02 2 6461 FS allocator alignment violation
0x339402 2 6602 File not found.
0x339602 2 6603 Directory not found.
0x3DBC02 2 7902 RomFs table: Entry not found in dictionary
0x3DBE02 2 7903 RomFs table: File not found
0x3DC002 2 7904 RomFs table: Directory not found
0x3DC402 2 7906 RomFs table: Entry already exists when trying to add a new entry
0x3DC602 2 7907 RomFs table: Insufficient space to add new entry
0x3DC802 2 7908 RomFs table: Unable to add new directory
0x3DCA02 2 7909 RomFs table: Unable to add new file
0x3DCC02 2 7910 RomFs directory has no more child directories/files when iterating
0x3DD402 2 7914 RomFs table: Path is file, not directory
0x803 3 4 OS busy
0xE03 3 7 Invalid parameter
0x1003 3 8 Out of memory
0x1203 3 9 Out of resources
0x3EA03 3 501 Invalid handle
0x3EE03 3 503 Invalid memory mirror
0x7FE03 3 1023 TLS slot is not allocated
0xA05 5 5 NcaID not found. Returned when attempting to mount titles which exist that aren't *8XX titles, the same way *8XX titles are mounted.
0xE05 5 7 TitleId not found
0x1805 5 12 Invalid StorageId
0xDC05 5 110 Gamecard not inserted
0x17C05 5 190 Gamecard not initialized
0x1F405 5 250 Sdcard not inserted
0x20805 5 260 Storage not mounted
0x806 6 4 Converted from error 0xD401
0x1006 6 8 Converted from error 0xE401
0x408 8 2 Program location entry not found
0x608 8 3 Invalid context for control location
0x808 8 4 Storage not found
0xA08 8 5 Access denied
0xC08 8 6 Offline manual HTML location entry not found
0xE08 8 7 Title is not registered
0x1008 8 8 Control location entry for host not found
0x1208 8 9 Legal info HTML location entry not found
0x209 9 1 Args too long.
0x409 9 2 Maximum processes loaded.
0x609 9 3 NPDM too big.
0x19009 9 200 Invalid access control sizes in NPDM.
0x809 9 4 Invalid NPDM.
0xA09 9 5 Invalid files.
0xE09 9 7 Already registered.
0x1009 9 8 Title not found.
0x1209 9 9 Title-id in ACI0 doesn't match range in ACID.
0x6609 9 51 Invalid memory state/permission
0x6A09 9 53 Invalid NRR
0xA209 9 81 Unaligned NRR address
0xA409 9 82 Bad NRR size
0xAA09 9 85 Bad NRR address
0xAE09 9 87 Bad initialization
0xC809 9 100 Unknown ACI0 descriptor
0xCE09 9 103 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "KernelFlags"
0xD009 9 104 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "SyscallMask"
0xD409 9 106 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "MapIoOrNormalRange"
0xD609 9 107 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "MapNormalPage"
0xDE09 9 111 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "InterruptPair"
0xE209 9 113 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "ApplicationType"
0xE409 9 114 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "KernelReleaseVersion"
0xE609 9 115 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "HandleTableSize"
0xE809 9 116 ACID/ACI0 don't match for descriptor "DebugFlags"
0x1940A 10 202 Invalid CMIF header size.
0x1A60A 10 211 Invalid CMIF input header.
0x1A80A 10 212 Invalid CMIF output header.
0x1BA0A 10 221 Invalid method dispatch ID.
0x1D60A 10 235 Invalid in object count.
0x1D80A 10 236 Invalid out object count.
0x25A0A 10 301 Out of domain entries.
0x20B 11 1 Unsupported operation
0xCC0B 11 102 Out of server session memory
0x11A0B 11 141 Went past maximum during marshalling.
0x1900B 11 200 Session doesn't support domains.
0x25A0B 11 301 Remote process is dead.
0x3260B 11 403 Unknown request type
0x3D60B 11 491 IPC Query 1 failed.
0x20F 15 1 Pid not found
0x60F 15 3 Process has no pending events
0xA0F 15 5 Application already running
0x410 16 2 Title-id not found
0xF010 16 120 Gamecard sysupdate not required
0x1F610 16 251 Unexpected StorageId
0x215 21 1 Out of processes
0x415 21 2 Not initialized.
0x615 21 3 Max sessions
0x815 21 4 Service already registered
0xA15 21 5 Out of services
0xC15 21 6 Invalid name (all zeroes)
0xE15 21 7 Service not registered
0x1015 21 8 Permission denied
0x1215 21 9 Service Access Control too big.
0x416 22 2 Address space is full
0x616 22 3 NRO already loaded
0x816 22 4 Invalid NRO header values
0xC16 22 6 Bad NRR magic
0x1016 22 8 Reached max NRR count
0x1216 22 9 Unable to verify NRO hash or NRR signature
0x80216 22 1025 Address not page-aligned
0x80416 22 1026 Incorrect NRO size
0x80816 22 1028 NRO not loaded
0x80A16 22 1029 NRR not loaded
0x80C16 22 1030 Already initialized
0x80E16 22 1031 Not initialized
0x41A 26 2 Argument is invalid
0xC81A 26 100 Incorrect buffer size
0xCA1A 26 101 Unknown TZ error
0xD01A 26 104 All AES engines busy
0xD21A 26 105 Invalid AES engine-id
0x19269 105 201 Null settings name
0x19469 105 202 Null settings key
0x19669 105 203 Null settings value
0x19A69 105 205 Null settings value buffer
0x1A069 105 208 Null setting value size buffer
0x1A269 105 209 Null debug mode flag buffer
0x1BA69 105 221 Setting group name has zero length
0x1BC69 105 222 Empty settings item key
0x1E269 105 241 Setting group name is too long (64 character limit?)
0x1E469 105 242 Setting name is too long (64 character limit?)
0x20A69 105 261 Setting group name ends with '.' or contains invalid characters (allowed: [a-z0-9_\-.])
0x20C69 105 262 Setting name ends with '.' or contains invalid characters (allowed: [a-z0-9_\-.])
0x4DA69 105 621 Null language code buffer
0x4EE69 105 631 Null network settings buffer
0x4F069 105 632 Null network settings output count buffer
0x50269 105 641 Null backlight settings buffer
0x51669 105 651 Null Bluetooth device setting buffer
0x51869 105 652 Null Bluetooth device setting output count buffer
0x51A69 105 653 Null Bluetooth enable flag buffer
0x51C69 105 654 Null Bluetooth AFH enable flag buffer
0x51E69 105 655 Null Bluetooth boost enable flag buffer
0x52069 105 656 Null BLE pairing settings buffer
0x52269 105 657 Null BLE pairing settings entry count buffer
0x52A69 105 661 Null external steady clock source ID buffer
0x52C69 105 662 Null user system clock context buffer
0x52E69 105 663 Null network system clock context buffer
0x53069 105 664 Null user system clock automatic correction enabled flag buffer
0x53269 105 665 Null shutdown RTC value buffer
0x53469 105 666 Null external steady clock internal offset buffer
0x53E69 105 671 Null account settings buffer
0x55269 105 681 Null audio volume buffer
0x55669 105 683 Null ForceMuteOnHeadphoneRemoved buffer
0x55869 105 684 Null headphone volume warning count buffer
0x55E69 105 687 Invalid audio output mode
0x56069 105 688 Null headphone volume update flag buffer
0x56669 105 691 Null console information upload flag buffer
0x57A69 105 701 Null automatic application download flag buffer
0x57C69 105 702 Null notification settings buffer
0x57E69 105 703 Null account notification settings entry count buffer
0x58069 105 704 Null account notification settings buffer
0x58E69 105 711 Null vibration master volume buffer
0x59069 105 712 Null NX controller settings buffer
0x59269 105 713 Null NX controller settings entry count buffer
0x59469 105 714 Null USB full key enable flag buffer
0x5A269 105 721 Null TV settings buffer
0x5A469 105 722 Null EDID buffer
0x5B669 105 731 Null data deletion settings buffer
0x5CA69 105 741 Null initial system applet program ID buffer
0x5CC69 105 742 Null overlay disp program ID buffer
0x5CE69 105 743 Null IsInRepairProcess buffer
0x5D069 105 744 Null RequiresRunRepairTimeReviser buffer
0x5DE69 105 751 Null device timezone location name buffer
0x5F269 105 761 Null primary album storage buffer
0x60669 105 771 Null USB 3.0 enable flag buffer
0x60869 105 772 Null USB Type-C power source circuit version buffer
0x61A69 105 781 Null battery lot buffer
0x62E69 105 791 Null serial number buffer
0x64269 105 801 Null lock screen flag buffer
0x64669 105 803 Null color set ID buffer
0x64869 105 804 Null quest flag buffer
0x64A69 105 805 Null wireless certification file size buffer
0x64C69 105 806 Null wireless certification file buffer
0x64E69 105 807 Null initial launch settings buffer
0x65069 105 808 Null device nickname buffer
0x65269 105 809 Null battery percentage flag buffer
0x65469 105 810 Null applet launch flags buffer
0x7E869 105 1012 Null wireless LAN enable flag buffer
0x7FA69 105 1021 Null product model buffer
0x80E69 105 1031 Null NFC enable flag buffer
0x82269 105 1041 Null ECI device certificate buffer
0x82469 105 1042 Null E-Ticket device certificate buffer
0x83669 105 1051 Null sleep settings buffer
0x84A69 105 1061 Null EULA version buffer
0x84C69 105 1062 Null EULA version entry count buffer
0x85E69 105 1071 Null LDN channel buffer
0x87269 105 1081 Null SSL key buffer
0x87469 105 1082 Null SSL certificate buffer
0x88669 105 1091 Null telemetry flags buffer
0x89A69 105 1101 Null Gamecard key buffer
0x89C69 105 1102 Null Gamecard certificate buffer
0x8AE69 105 1111 Null PTM battery lot buffer
0x8B069 105 1112 Null PTM fuel gauge parameter buffer
0x8C269 105 1121 Null ECI device key buffer
0x8C469 105 1122 Null E-Ticket device key buffer
0x8D669 105 1131 Null speaker parameter buffer
0x8EA69 105 1141 Null firmware version buffer
0x8EC69 105 1142 Null firmware version digest buffer
0x8EE69 105 1143 Null rebootless system update version buffer
0x8FE69 105 1151 Null Mii author ID buffer
0x91269 105 1161 Null fatal flags buffer
0x92669 105 1171 Null auto update enable flag buffer
0x93A69 105 1181 Null external RTC reset flag buffer
0x94E69 105 1191 Null push notification activity mode buffer
0x96269 105 1201 Null service discovery control setting buffer
0x97669 105 1211 Null error report share permission buffer
0x98A69 105 1221 Null LCD vendor ID buffer
0x99E69 105 1231 Null console SixAxis sensor acceleration bias buffer
0x9A069 105 1232 Null console SixAxis sensor angular velocity bias buffer
0x9A269 105 1233 Null console SixAxis sensor acceleration gain buffer
0x9A469 105 1234 Null console SixAxis sensor angular velocity gain buffer
0x9A669 105 1235 Null console SixAxis sensor angular velocity time bias buffer
0x9A869 105 1236 Null console SixAxis sensor angular acceleration buffer
0x9B269 105 1241 Null keyboard layout buffer
0x9BA69 105 1245 Invalid keyboard layout
0x9C669 105 1251 Null web inspector flag buffer
0x9C869 105 1252 Null allowed SSL hosts buffer
0x9CA69 105 1253 Null allowed SSL hosts entry count buffer
0x9CC69 105 1254 Null host FS mount point buffer
0x9EE69 105 1271 Null Amiibo key buffer
0x9F069 105 1272 Null Amiibo ECQV certificate buffer
0x9F269 105 1273 Null Amiibo ECDSA certificate buffer
0x9F469 105 1274 Null Amiibo ECQV BLS key buffer
0x9F669 105 1275 Null Amiibo ECQV BLS certificate buffer
0x9F869 105 1276 Null Amiibo ECQV BLS root certificate buffer
0x272 114 1 Generic error
0xC72 114 6 Unsupported operation
0x74 116 0 Time service not initialized
0xCC74 116 102 Time not set
0x19074 116 200 Invalid time comparison
0x19274 116 201 Signed overflow/underflow
0x64274 116 801 Memory allocation failure
0x70A74 116 901 Null pointer
0x70C74 116 902 Value out of valid range
0x7BA74 116 989 Entry not found
0x7BC74 116 990 Unimplemented functionality
0x287C 124 20 Argument is NULL
0x2C7C 124 22 Argument is invalid
0x3C7C 124 30 Bad input buffer size
0x407C 124 32 Invalid input buffer
0x27E 126 1 Invalid argument
0x87E 126 4 Entry not found
0xCE7E 126 67 Invalid database signature value (should be "NFDB")
0xD27E 126 69 Invalid database entry count
0x1987E 126 204 Development/debug-only behavior
0x480 128 2 IStorage not available.
0x4680 128 35 Error while launching applet.
0x4A80 128 37 Title-ID not found. Caused by code 0x410 when applet launch fails
0x3E880 128 500 Invalid IStorage size (negative?)
0x3EC80 128 502 IStorage has already been opened by another accessor
0x3EE80 128 503 IStorage Read/Write out-of-bounds
0x3FE80 128 511 IStorage opened as wrong type (data opened as transfermem, transfermem opened as data)
0x4B080 128 600 Failed to allocate memory for IStorage
0x59080 128 712 Thread stack pool exhausted (out of memory)
0x7A880 128 980 am.debug!dev_function setting needs to be set
0xA83 131 5 Unrecognized applet ID
0x485 133 2 Invalid DVFS table ID
0x885 133 4 Invalid parameter
0x3CF089 137 7800 Unknown/invalid libcurl error.
0x3E8289-0x3F4089 137 8001-8096 libcurl error 1-96. Some of the libcurl errors in the error-table map to the above unknown-libcurl-error however.
0x68A 138 3 Not initialized.
0x668C 140 51 USB data-transfer in progress
0xD48C 140 106 Invalid descriptor
0x1928C 140 201 USB device not bound / interface already enabled
0x299 153 1 Invalid audio device
0x499 153 2 Operation couldn't complete successfully
0x699 153 3 Invalid sample rate
0x899 153 4 Buffer size too small
0x1099 153 8 Too many buffers are still unreleased
0x1499 153 10 Invalid channel count
0x40299 153 513 Invalid/Unsupported operation
0xC0099 153 1536 Invalid handle
0xC0899 153 1540 Audio output was already started
0x3C9D 157 30 Address is NULL
0x3E9D 157 31 PID is NULL
0x549D 157 42 Already bound
0xCC9D 157 102 Invalid PID
0xAA3 163 5 System is booting up repair process without VOL+ held down.
0xCA3 163 6 System is booting up repair process that requires RepairTimeReviser but does not have special cartridge inserted.
0xC8B2 178 100 Invalid user ID
0xCAB2 178 101 User does not exist
0x12CB2 178 150 Service unavailable
0x190B2 178 200 File storage failure
0xF0CD 205 120 IR image data not available/ready.
0x35B 347 1 Failed to init SM.
0x55B 347 2 Failed to init FS.
0x75B 347 3 Failed to open NRO file. May also happen when SD card isn't inserted / SD mounting failed earlier.
0x95B 347 4 Failed to read NRO header.
0xB5B 347 5 Invalid NRO magic.
0xD5B 347 6 Invalid NRO segments.
0xF5B 347 7 Failed to read NRO.
0x135B 347 9 Failed to allocate heap.
0x255B 347 18 Failed to map code-binary memory.
0x275B 347 19 Failed to map code memory (.text).
0x295B 347 20 Failed to map code memory (.rodata).
0x2B5B 347 21 Failed to map code memory (.data+.bss).
0x315B 347 24 Failed to unmap code memory (.text).
0x335B 347 25 Failed to unmap code memory (.rodata).
0x355B 347 26 Failed to unmap code memory (.data+.bss).

FS Error Codes

The following are the error codes recognized by nn::fs::detail::LogErrorMessage found in some factory titles:

Value Description Message
0x7802 60 Error: Specified mount name already exists.
0xD401 106 Error: Passed buffer is not usable for fs library.
0x7D202 1001 Error: Specified partition is not found.
0x7D402 1002 Error: Specified target is not found.
0xFA002 - 0x138602 2000 - 2499 Error: Failed to access SD card.
0x136802 - 0x176E02 2500 - 2999 Error: Failed to access game card.
0x177202 3001 Error: Specified operation is not implemented.
0x177A02 3005 Error: Specified value is out of range.
0x1B5802 - 0x1F3E02 3500 - 3999 Error: Failed to access MMC.
0x1F4202 - 0x219602 4001 - 4299 Error: ROM is corrupted.
0x219A02 - 0x232602 4301 - 4499 Error: Save data is corrupted.
0x232A02 - 0x23EE02 4501 - 4599 Error: NCA is corrupted.
0x23F202 - 0x243E02 4601 - 4639 Error: Integrity verification failed.
0x244202 - 0x246602 4641 - 4659 Error: Partition FS is corrupted.
0x246A02 - 0x248E02 4661 - 4679 Error: Built-in-storage is corrupted.
0x249202 - 0x24B602 4681 - 4699 Error: FAT FS is corrupted.
0x24BA02 - 0x24DE02 4701 - 4719 Error: HOST FS is corrupted.
0x1F4002 - 0x270E02 4000, 4300, 4500, 4600, 4640, 4660, 4680, 4700, 4720-4999 Error: Data is corrupted.
0x271002 - 0x2EDE02 5000-5999 Error: Unexpected failure occurred.
0x2EE402 - 0x2F1A02 6002-6029 Error: Invalid path was specified.
0x2F5A02 6061 Error: Invalid offset was specified.
0x2F5C02 6062 Error: Invalid size was specified.
0x2F5E02 6063 Error: Null pointer argument was specified.
0x2EE002 6000 Error: Precondition violation.
0x2EE202 - 0x306E02 6001-6199 Error: Invalid argument was specified.
0x307202 6201 Error: OpenMode_AllowAppend is required for implicit extension of file size by WriteFile().
0x307002 - 0x313602 6200, 6202 - 6299 Error: Invalid operation for the open mode.
0x313802 - 0x31FE02 6300-6399 Error: Unsupported operation.
0x320002 - 0x32C602 6400-6499 Error: Permission denied.
0x346402 6706 Error: Enough journal space is not left.
0x346A02 6709 Error: The open count of files and directories reached the limitation.

Fatal Errors

Error Description
2162-0002 Can be triggered by running svcBreak. The svcBreak params have no effect on the value of the thrown error-code.
2168-0000 Userland ARM undefined instruction exception
2168-0001 Userland ARM prefetch-abort due to PC set to non-executable region
2168-0002 Userland ARM data abort. Also caused by abnormal process termination via svcExitProcess. Note: directly jumping to nnMain()-retaddr from non-main-thread has the same result.
2168-0003 Userland PC address not aligned to 4 bytes
2168-0008 Can occur when attempting to call an svc outside the whitelist

Support Errors

This section is for Support Errors displayed by the error-applet, separate from the normal Result errors.

Support Modules

Value Name
800 General web-applet
809 WifiWebAuthApplet
810 Whitelisted-applet
811 ShopN

8XX is for/includes system applets.


Error Module Description Notes
{web-applets listed above} 2750 MP4 parsing failed.

Normal error-codes displayed by the system also use the same format as fatal-errors.