See here for the HID shared-memory.


This is "nn::hid::IHidServer".

Cmd Name
0 #CreateAppletResource
1 ActivateDebugPad
11 ActivateTouchScreen
21 ActivateMouse
31 ActivateKeyboard
40 AcquireXpadIdEventHandle
41 ReleaseXpadIdEventHandle
51 ActivateXpad
55 GetXpadIds
56 ActivateJoyXpad
58 GetJoyXpadLifoHandle
59 GetJoyXpadIds
60 ActivateSixAxisSensor
61 DeactivateSixAxisSensor
62 GetSixAxisSensorLifoHandle
63 ActivateJoySixAxisSensor
64 DeactivateJoySixAxisSensor
65 GetJoySixAxisSensorLifoHandle
66 StartSixAxisSensor
67 StopSixAxisSensor
68 IsSixAxisSensorFusionEnabled
69 EnableSixAxisSensorFusion
70 SetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters
71 GetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters
72 ResetSixAxisSensorFusionParameters
73 SetAccelerometerParameters
74 GetAccelerometerParameters
75 ResetAccelerometerParameters
76 SetAccelerometerPlayMode
77 GetAccelerometerPlayMode
78 ResetAccelerometerPlayMode
79 SetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
80 GetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
81 ResetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
82 IsSixAxisSensorAtRest
91 ActivateGesture
100 SetSupportedNpadStyleSet
101 GetSupportedNpadStyleSet
102 SetSupportedNpadIdType
103 ActivateNpad
104 DeactivateNpad
106 AcquireNpadStyleSetUpdateEventHandle
107 DisconnectNpad
108 GetPlayerLedPattern
120 SetNpadJoyHoldType
121 GetNpadJoyHoldType
122 #SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeSingleByDefault
123 #SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeSingle
124 #SetNpadJoyAssignmentModeDual
125 #MergeSingleJoyAsDualJoy
126 StartLrAssignmentMode
127 StopLrAssignmentMode
128 SetNpadHandheldActivationMode
129 #GetNpadHandheldActivationMode
130 SwapNpadAssignment
131 IsUnintendedHomeButtonInputProtectionEnabled
132 EnableUnintendedHomeButtonInputProtection
200 #GetVibrationDeviceInfo
201 #SendVibrationValue
202 #GetActualVibrationValue
203 CreateActiveVibrationDeviceList
204 #PermitVibration
205 #IsVibrationPermitted
206 #SendVibrationValues
300 ActivateConsoleSixAxisSensor
301 StartConsoleSixAxisSensor
302 StopConsoleSixAxisSensor
400 IsUsbFullKeyControllerEnabled
401 EnableUsbFullKeyController
402 IsUsbFullKeyControllerConnected
1000 SetNpadCommunicationMode
1001 GetNpadCommunicationMode


Takes a PID and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an #IAppletResource.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an u32, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an u32, AppletResourceUserId, and s64 NpadJoyDeviceType. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an u32, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, two u32s, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an output u64. Official user-processes panic if the output u64 is not 0-2.


Takes a #VibrationDeviceHandle. Returns an output #VibrationDeviceInfo.


Takes a PID-descriptor, a #VibrationDeviceHandle, a #VibrationValue immediately after that, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, a #VibrationDeviceHandle, and an u64 AppletResourceUserId. Returns an output #VibrationValue.


Takes an input u8 bool. No output.


No input. Returns an output u8 bool.


Takes an u64 AppletResourceUserId, and two type-0x9 input buffers containing an array of: #VibrationDeviceHandle for first buffer, and #VibrationValue for the second buffer.

Official sw uses the same entry-count for each array.


This is an u32.


This is a 0x8-byte struct.


This is a 0x10-byte struct.


Cmd Name
0 #GetSharedMemoryHandle


No input. Returned a sharedmem handle.


This is "nn::hid::IHidDebugServer".

Cmd Name
0 DeactivateDebugPad
1 SetDebugPadAutoPilotState
2 UnsetDebugPadAutoPilotState
10 DeactivateTouchScreen
11 SetTouchScreenAutoPilotState
12 UnsetTouchScreenAutoPilotState
20 DeactivateMouse
21 SetMouseAutoPilotState
22 UnsetMouseAutoPilotState
30 DeactivateKeyboard
31 SetKeyboardAutoPilotState
32 UnsetKeyboardAutoPilotState
50 DeactivateXpad
51 SetXpadAutoPilotState
52 UnsetXpadAutoPilotState
60 DeactivateJoyXpad
91 DeactivateGesture
110 DeactivateHomeButton
111 SetHomeButtonAutoPilotState
112 UnsetHomeButtonAutoPilotState
120 DeactivateSleepButton
121 SetSleepButtonAutoPilotState
122 UnsetSleepButtonAutoPilotState
123 DeactivateInputDetector
130 DeactivateCaptureButton
131 SetCaptureButtonAutoPilotState
132 UnsetCaptureButtonAutoPilotState
133 SetShiftAccelerometerCalibrationValue
134 GetShiftAccelerometerCalibrationValue
135 SetShiftGyroscopeCalibrationValue
136 GetShiftGyroscopeCalibrationValue
140 DeactivateConsoleSixAxisSensor
201 ActivateFirmwareUpdate
202 DeactivateFirmwareUpdate
203 StartFirmwareUpdate
204 GetFirmwareUpdateStage
205 GetFirmwareVersion
206 GetDestinationFirmwareVersion
207 DiscardFirmwareInfoCacheForRevert
208 StartFirmwareUpdateForRevert
209 GetAvailableFirmwareVersionForRevert
211 UpdateControllerColor


This is "nn::hid::IHidSystemServer".

Cmd Name
31 SendKeyboardLockKeyEvent
101 AcquireHomeButtonEventHandle
111 ActivateHomeButton
121 AcquireSleepButtonEventHandle
131 ActivateSleepButton
141 AcquireCaptureButtonEventHandle
151 ActivateCaptureButton
210 AcquireNfcDeviceUpdateEventHandle
211 GetNpadsWithNfc
212 AcquireNfcActivateEventHandle
213 ActivateNfc
230 AcquireIrSensorEventHandle
231 ActivateIrSensor
301 ActivateNpadSystem
303 ApplyNpadSystemCommonPolicy
304 EnableAssigningSingleOnSlSrPress
305 DisableAssigningSingleOnSlSrPress
306 GetLastActiveNpad
307 GetNpadSystemExtStyle
311 SetNpadPlayerLedBlinkingDevice
321 GetUniquePadsFromNpad
322 GetIrSensorState
323 GetXcdHandleForNpadWithIrSensor
500 SetAppletResourceUserId
501 RegisterAppletResourceUserId
502 UnregisterAppletResourceUserId
503 EnableAppletToGetInput
504 SetAruidValidForVibration
505 EnableAppletToGetSixAxisSensor
510 #SetVibrationMasterVolume
511 GetVibrationMasterVolume
512 BeginPermitVibrationSession
513 EndPermitVibrationSession
520 EnableHandheldHids
521 DisableHandheldHids
540 AcquirePlayReportControllerUsageUpdateEvent
541 GetPlayReportControllerUsages
542 AcquirePlayReportRegisteredDeviceUpdateEvent
543 GetRegisteredDevices
544 AcquireConnectionTriggerTimeoutEvent
545 SendConnectionTrigger
546 AcquireDeviceRegisteredEventForControllerSupport
547 GetAllowedBluetoothLinksCount
700 ActivateUniquePad
702 AcquireUniquePadConnectionEventHandle
703 GetUniquePadIds
751 AcquireJoyDetachOnBluetoothOffEventHandle
800 ListSixAxisSensorHandles
801 IsSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationSupported
802 ResetSixAxisSensorCalibrationValues
803 StartSixAxisSensorUserCalibration
804 CancelSixAxisSensorUserCalibration
805 GetUniquePadBluetoothAddress
806 DisconnectUniquePad
821 StartAnalogStickManualCalibration
822 RetryCurrentAnalogStickManualCalibrationStage
823 CancelAnalogStickManualCalibration
824 ResetAnalogStickManualCalibration
850 IsUsbFullKeyControllerEnabled
851 EnableUsbFullKeyController
852 IsUsbConnected
900 ActivateInputDetector
901 NotifyInputDetector
1000 InitializeFirmwareUpdate
1001 GetFirmwareVersion
1002 GetAvailableFirmwareVersion
1003 IsFirmwareUpdateAvailable
1004 CheckFirmwareUpdateRequired
1005 StartFirmwareUpdate
1006 AbortFirmwareUpdate
1007 GetFirmwareUpdateState


Takes an input 32bit float.


This is "nn::irsensor::IIrSensorServer".

Cmd Name
302 #ActivateIrsensor
303 #DeactivateIrsensor
304 #GetIrsensorSharedMemoryHandle
305 #StopImageProcessor
306 #RunMomentProcessor
307 #RunClusteringProcessor
308 #RunImageTransferProcessor
309 #GetImageTransferProcessorState
310 #RunTeraPluginProcessor
311 #GetNpadIrCameraHandle
312 #RunDpdProcessor
313 #SuspendImageProcessor
314 [3.0.0+] #CheckFirmwareVersion


Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor and an AppletResourceUserId. Returns a SharedMemory handle.

The SharedMemory is mapped with permissions=read-only and size=0x8000.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, and a #PackedMomentProcessorConfig. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, and a #PackedClusteringProcessorConfig. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, an AppletResourceUserId, a #PackedImageTransferProcessorConfig, an u64 for the TransferMemory_size, and a TransferMemory handle. No output.

Official sw creates the TransferMemory with an user-specified buffer and permissions=0.


Takes a PID-descriptor, a type-0x6 output buffer, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId. Returns an #ImageTransferProcessorState. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedTeraPluginProcessorConfig (immediately after the previous word), and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes an input u32. Returns an output #IrCameraHandle.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedDpdProcessorConfig (immediately after the previous word), and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


Takes a PID-descriptor, an #IrCameraHandle, a #PackedMcuVersion, and an AppletResourceUserId. No output.


This is an u32.


This is a 0x20-byte struct. This is converted from another structure by the official user-process.

Offset Size Description DefaultConfig
0x0 0x8 ? 0x493E0
0x8 0x1 ? 0x0
0x9 0x1 ? 0x8
0xA 0x1 ? 0x0
0xB 0x5 Padding
0x10 0x8 u16, u32, u16 {Not written}, 0x1400000, 0xF0
0x18 0x4 Hard-coded to 0xA0003.
0x1C 0x1 ? 0x1
0x1D 0x1 ? 0x50
0x1E 0x2 Padding


This is a 0x28-byte struct.


This is a 0x18-byte struct. This is converted from another structure by the official user-process. The conversion is the same as PackedMomentProcessorConfig, except the code using out +0x1C/+0x1D was removed, and the constant is now located at out+0x10. The code which wrote to out u64 +0x10 from in+0x24 was replaced with code which writes an u8 to out+0x14.


This is a 0x10-byte struct.


This is an u64.


This is a 0x10-byte struct.


This is an u32.


The hid-sysmodule RomFS contains:

   ├── NTD_4CD_1801.fts256
   └── NTD_4CD_2602.fts256

These are firmware files for the touchscreen controller.

Firmware update

Starting with 3.0.0 HID-sysmodule now contains strings for data stored in title 0100000000000822.