Account services
This is "nn::account::IAccountServiceForAdministrator".
This was moved to ns with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Returns an #IProfile. |
6 | [3.0.0+] GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
60 | [5.0.0-5.1.0] ListOpenContextStoredUsers | |
99 | [6.0.0+] DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | GetUserRegistrationNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
101 | GetUserStateChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
102 | GetBaasAccountManagerForSystemService | Returns an #IManagerForSystemService. |
103 | GetBaasUserAvailabilityChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
104 | GetProfileUpdateNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
105 | [4.0.0+] CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
106 | [9.0.0+] GetProfileSyncNotifier | |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
112 | LoadSaveDataThumbnail | |
113 | [5.0.0+] GetSaveDataThumbnailExistence | |
120 | [10.0.0+] ListOpenUsersInApplication | |
130 | [6.0.0+] ActivateOpenContextRetention | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
140 | [6.0.0+] ListQualifiedUsers | |
150 | [10.0.0-10.2.0] AuthenticateApplicationAsync | |
151 | [12.0.0+] EnsureSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccountAsync | |
152 | [12.0.0+] LoadSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccount | |
190 | [1.0.0-9.2.0] GetUserLastOpenedApplication | |
191 | [7.0.0+] UpdateNotificationReceiverInfo ([5.0.0-5.1.0] ActivateOpenContextHolder) | |
200 | BeginUserRegistration | |
201 | CompleteUserRegistration | |
202 | CancelUserRegistration | |
203 | DeleteUser | |
204 | SetUserPosition | |
205 | GetProfileEditor | Takes an input userID and returns an #IProfileEditor. |
206 | CompleteUserRegistrationForcibly | |
210 | [3.0.0+] CreateFloatingRegistrationRequest | Returns an #IFloatingRegistrationRequest. |
211 | [8.0.0+] CreateProcedureToRegisterUserWithNintendoAccount | Takes a total of 0x4-bytes of input and a handle, returns an #IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration. |
212 | [8.0.0+] ResumeProcedureToRegisterUserWithNintendoAccount | Takes a total of 0x14-bytes of input and a handle, returns an #IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration. |
230 | AuthenticateServiceAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
250 | GetBaasAccountAdministrator | Returns an #IAdministrator. |
290 | ProxyProcedureForGuestLoginWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa (formerly #IOAuthProcedureForGuestLogin with [1.0.0-2.3.0]). |
291 | [3.0.0+] ProxyProcedureForFloatingRegistrationWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa. |
299 | SuspendBackgroundDaemon | Returns an #ISessionObject. |
997 | [3.0.0+] DebugInvalidateTokenCacheForUser | |
998 | DebugSetUserStateClose | |
999 | DebugSetUserStateOpen |
[10.0.0+] DebugSetUserStateClose/DebugSetUserStateOpen now takes an additional 8-bytes of input.
Takes a PID, an input u64 pid_reserved, and returns an output u8 bool.
Takes an input u8 bool isNetworkServiceAccountRequired, returns an output Uid.
This is "nn::account::baas::IManagerForSystemService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
101 | [7.0.0+] RefreshNotificationTokenAsync | |
110 | [4.0.0+] GetServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
111 | [4.0.0+] InvalidateServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
112 | [4.0.0-6.2.0] InvalidateTokenCache | |
113 | [6.1.0+] GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns a total of 0x4-bytes of output. |
120 | GetNintendoAccountId | |
121 | [9.0.0+] CalculateNintendoAccountAuthenticationFingerprint | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCache | |
131 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
132 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
133 | [9.0.0+] GetNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCache | |
134 | [9.0.0+] RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsync | |
135 | [9.0.0+] RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
140 | [5.0.0+] GetNetworkServiceLicenseCache | |
141 | [5.0.0+] RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
142 | [5.0.0+] RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
This is "nn::account::baas::IFloatingRegistrationRequest".
Added with [3.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSessionId | |
12 | GetAccountId | |
13 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
14 | GetNickname | |
15 | GetProfileImage | |
21 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | RegisterUser ([1.0.0-3.0.2] RegisterAsync) | [1.0.0-3.0.2] Used to return an #IAsyncContext. |
101 | RegisterUserWithUid ([1.0.0-3.0.2] RegisterWithUidAsync) | [1.0.0-3.0.2] Used to return an #IAsyncContext. |
102 | [4.0.0+] RegisterNetworkServiceAccountAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
103 | [4.0.0+] RegisterNetworkServiceAccountWithUidAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
110 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
111 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
This is "nn::account::baas::IAdministrator".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
101 | [7.0.0+] RefreshNotificationTokenAsync | |
110 | [4.0.0+] GetServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
111 | [4.0.0+] InvalidateServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
[4.0.0-6.2.0] 112 | InvalidateTokenCache | |
113 | [6.1.0+] GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns a total of 0x4-bytes of output. |
120 | GetNintendoAccountId | |
121 | [9.0.0+] CalculateNintendoAccountAuthenticationFingerprint | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCache | |
131 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
132 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
133 | [9.0.0+] GetNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCache | |
134 | [9.0.0+] RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsync | |
135 | [9.0.0+] RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
140 | [5.0.0+] GetNetworkServiceLicenseCache | |
141 | [5.0.0+] RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsync | |
142 | [5.0.0+] RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
200 | IsRegistered | |
201 | RegisterAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
202 | UnregisterAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
203 | DeleteRegistrationInfoLocally | |
220 | SynchronizeProfileAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
221 | UploadProfileAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
222 | SynchronizeProfileAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
250 | IsLinkedWithNintendoAccount | |
251 | CreateProcedureToLinkWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage. |
252 | ResumeProcedureToLinkWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage. |
255 | CreateProcedureToUpdateLinkageStateOfNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
256 | ResumeProcedureToUpdateLinkageStateOfNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
260 | [3.0.0+] CreateProcedureToLinkNnidWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
261 | [3.0.0+] ResumeProcedureToLinkNnidWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
280 | ProxyProcedureToAcquireApplicationAuthorizationForNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
290 | [8.0.0+] GetRequestForNintendoAccountUserResourceView | |
300 | [6.0.0+] TryRecoverNintendoAccountUserStateAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
400 | [6.1.0+] IsServiceEntryRequirementCacheRefreshRequiredForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an output u8. |
401 | [6.1.0+] RefreshServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlayAsync | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
900 | [9.0.0+] GetAuthenticationInfoForWin | |
901 | [9.0.0+] ImportAsyncForWin | |
997 | DebugUnlinkNintendoAccountAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
998 | DebugSetAvailabilityErrorDetail |
This is "nn::account::nas::IAuthorizationRequest".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSessionId | |
10 | InvokeWithoutInteractionAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
19 | IsAuthorized | |
20 | GetAuthorizationCode | |
21 | GetIdToken | |
22 | GetState |
This is "nn::account::http::IOAuthProcedure".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend |
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa".
Added with [3.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetAccountId | |
101 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
102 | GetNickname | |
103 | GetProfileImage |
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetRequestWithTheme | |
101 | IsNetworkServiceAccountReplaced | |
[2.0.0-5.1.0] 199 | GetUrlForIntroductionOfExtraMembership |
This is "nn::account::detail::INotifier".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSystemEvent |
This is "nn::account::profile::IProfile".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #Get |
1 | #GetBase |
10 | #GetImageSize |
11 | #LoadImage |
Takes an output type-0x1A buffer for #UserData, returns an output #ProfileBase.
No input, returns an output #ProfileBase.
No input, returns an output u32 for the size of the image buffer.
Takes an output type-0x6 buffer, returns the same output u32 as #GetImageSize.
The output buffer contains the JPEG profile image icon. This is valid for both Miis and character icons.
This is "nn::account::profile::IProfileEditor".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #Get |
1 | #GetBase |
10 | #GetImageSize |
11 | #LoadImage |
100 | #Store |
101 | #StoreWithImage |
Takes a #ProfileBase and an input type-0x19 buffer for #UserData.
Takes a #ProfileBase, an input type-0x19 buffer for #UserData, and an input type-0x5 buffer.
This is "nn::account::detail::IAsyncContext".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSystemEvent |
1 | Cancel |
2 | HasDone |
3 | GetResult |
This is "nn::account::detail::ISessionObject".
Cmd | Name |
999 | Dummy |
This is "nn::account::IAccountServiceForApplication".
This was moved to ns with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Takes an input userID, returns an #IProfile. |
6 | [3.0.0+] GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
60 | [5.0.0-5.1.0] ListOpenContextStoredUsers | |
99 | [6.0.0+] DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | #InitializeApplicationInfoV0 | |
101 | GetBaasAccountManagerForApplication | Takes an input userID, returns an #IManagerForApplication. |
102 | AuthenticateApplicationAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
103 | [4.0.0+] CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
120 | CreateGuestLoginRequest | Returns an #IGuestLoginRequest. |
130 | [5.0.0+] LoadOpenContext | |
131 | [6.0.0+] ListOpenContextStoredUsers | |
140 | [6.0.0+] #InitializeApplicationInfo | |
141 | [6.0.0+] ListQualifiedUsers | |
150 | [6.0.0+] IsUserAccountSwitchLocked |
InitializeApplicationInfo* is used by the user-process during service init.
Takes a PID and an input u64 pid_placeholder, no output.
Takes a PID and an input u64 pid_placeholder, no output.
This is "nn::account::baas::IGuestLoginRequest".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSessionId |
[1.0.0-2.3.0] 11 | |
12 | GetAccountId |
13 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId |
14 | GetNickname |
15 | GetProfileImage |
21 | [3.0.0+] LoadIdTokenCache |
This is "nn::account::baas::IManagerForApplication".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheForApplication | |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
160 | [5.0.0+] StoreOpenContext | |
170 | [6.0.0+] LoadNetworkServiceLicenseKindAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncNetworkServiceLicenseKindContext. |
This is "nn::account::detail::IAsyncNetworkServiceLicenseKindContext".
This was added with [6.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSystemEvent | |
1 | Cancel | |
2 | HasDone | |
3 | GetResult | |
100 | GetNetworkServiceLicenseKind |
This is "nn::account::IAccountServiceForSystemService".
This was moved to ns with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Returns an #IProfile. |
6 | [3.0.0+] GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
60 | [5.0.0-5.1.0] ListOpenContextStoredUsers | |
99 | [6.0.0+] DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | GetUserRegistrationNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
101 | GetUserStateChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
102 | GetBaasAccountManagerForSystemService | Returns an #IManagerForSystemService. |
103 | GetBaasUserAvailabilityChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
104 | GetProfileUpdateNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
105 | [4.0.0+] CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
106 | [9.0.0+] GetProfileSyncNotifier | |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
112 | LoadSaveDataThumbnail | |
113 | [5.0.0+] GetSaveDataThumbnailExistence | |
120 | [10.0.0+] ListOpenUsersInApplication | |
130 | [6.0.0+] ActivateOpenContextRetention | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
140 | [6.0.0+] ListQualifiedUsers | |
150 | [10.0.0-10.2.0] AuthenticateApplicationAsync | |
151 | [12.0.0+] EnsureSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccountAsync | |
152 | [12.0.0+] LoadSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccount | |
190 | [1.0.0-9.2.0] GetUserLastOpenedApplication | |
191 | [7.0.0+] UpdateNotificationReceiverInfo ([5.0.0-5.1.0] ActivateOpenContextHolder) | |
997 | [3.0.0+] DebugInvalidateTokenCacheForUser | |
998 | DebugSetUserStateClose | |
999 | DebugSetUserStateOpen |
[10.0.0+] DebugSetUserStateClose/DebugSetUserStateOpen now takes an additional 8-bytes of input.
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration".
This was added with [8.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Takes a type-0x9 input buffer, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetAccountId | |
101 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
102 | GetNickname | |
103 | GetProfileImage | |
110 | RegisterUserAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
111 | GetUid |
This is "nn::account::IBaasAccessTokenAccessor".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | EnsureCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | LoadCache | |
2 | GetDeviceAccountId | |
50 | [1.0.0-6.2.0] RegisterNotificationTokenAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
51 | [1.0.0-6.2.0] UnregisterNotificationTokenAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
This is "nn::dauth::detail::IService".
Cmd | Name |
0 | EnsureAuthenticationTokenCacheAsync ([5.0.0-5.1.0] GeneratePostData) |
1 | [6.0.0+] LoadAuthenticationTokenCache |
2 | [6.0.0+] InvalidateAuthenticationTokenCache |
10 | [6.0.0+] EnsureEdgeTokenCacheAsync |
11 | [6.0.0+] LoadEdgeTokenCache |
12 | [6.0.0+] InvalidateEdgeTokenCache |
20 | [11.0.0+] EnsureApplicationAuthenticationCacheAsync |
21 | [11.0.0+] LoadApplicationAuthenticationTokenCache |
22 | [11.0.0+] LoadApplicationNetworkServiceClientConfigCache |
23 | [11.0.0+] IsApplicationAuthenticationCacheAvailable |
24 | [11.0.0+] InvalidateApplicationAuthenticationCache |
[10.0.0+] EnsureEdgeTokenCacheAsync now takes an additional 8-bytes of input.
This is "nn::dauth::detail::IAsyncResult".
This was added with [6.0.0+].
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetResult |
1 | Cancel |
2 | IsAvailable |
3 | GetSystemEvent |
This is "nn::account::IAccountEntityServiceForAccountPolicy".
This was added with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Returns an #IProfile. |
6 | GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
99 | DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | GetUserRegistrationNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
101 | GetUserStateChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
102 | GetBaasAccountManagerForSystemService | Returns an #IManagerForSystemService. |
103 | GetBaasUserAvailabilityChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
104 | GetProfileUpdateNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
105 | CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
106 | GetProfileSyncNotifier | |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
112 | LoadSaveDataThumbnail | |
113 | GetSaveDataThumbnailExistence | |
120 | ListOpenUsersInApplication | |
130 | ActivateOpenContextRetention | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
140 | ListQualifiedUsers | |
151 | EnsureSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccountAsync | |
152 | LoadSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccount | |
170 | GetNasOp2MembershipStateChangeNotifier | |
191 | UpdateNotificationReceiverInfo | |
200 | BeginUserRegistration | |
201 | CompleteUserRegistration | |
202 | CancelUserRegistration | |
203 | DeleteUser | |
204 | SetUserPosition | |
205 | GetProfileEditor | Takes an input userID and returns an #IProfileEditor. |
206 | CompleteUserRegistrationForcibly | |
210 | CreateFloatingRegistrationRequest | Returns an #IFloatingRegistrationRequest. |
211 | CreateProcedureToRegisterUserWithNintendoAccount | Takes a total of 0x4-bytes of input and a handle, returns an #IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration. |
212 | ResumeProcedureToRegisterUserWithNintendoAccount | Takes a total of 0x14-bytes of input and a handle, returns an #IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration. |
230 | AuthenticateServiceAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
250 | GetBaasAccountAdministrator | Returns an #IAdministrator. |
290 | ProxyProcedureForGuestLoginWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa. |
291 | ProxyProcedureForFloatingRegistrationWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa. |
299 | SuspendBackgroundDaemon | Returns an #ISessionObject. |
900 | SetUserUnqualifiedForDebug | |
901 | UnsetUserUnqualifiedForDebug | |
902 | ListUsersUnqualifiedForDebug | |
997 | DebugInvalidateTokenCacheForUser | |
998 | DebugSetUserStateClose | |
999 | DebugSetUserStateOpen | |
1000 | CreateIAccountEntityServiceForApplication | Returns an #IAccountEntityServiceForApplication. |
1100 | CreateIUserStateManager | Returns an #IUserStateManager. |
10050 | IsUserRegistrationRequestPermittedForAccountPolicy | |
10105 | CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsyncForAccountPolicy |
This is "nn::account::profile::IProfile".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #Get |
1 | #GetBase |
10 | #GetImageSize |
11 | #LoadImage |
Takes an output type-0x1A buffer for #UserData, returns an output #ProfileBase.
No input, returns an output #ProfileBase.
No input, returns an output u32 for the size of the image buffer.
Takes an output type-0x6 buffer, returns the same output u32 as #GetImageSize.
The output buffer contains the JPEG profile image icon. This is valid for both Miis and character icons.
This is "nn::account::profile::IProfileEditor".
Cmd | Name |
0 | #Get |
1 | #GetBase |
10 | #GetImageSize |
11 | #LoadImage |
100 | #Store |
101 | #StoreWithImage |
Takes a #ProfileBase and an input type-0x19 buffer for #UserData.
Takes a #ProfileBase, an input type-0x19 buffer for #UserData, and an input type-0x5 buffer.
This is "nn::account::detail::IAsyncContext".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSystemEvent |
1 | Cancel |
2 | HasDone |
3 | GetResult |
This is "nn::account::detail::ISessionObject".
Cmd | Name |
999 | Dummy |
This is "nn::account::detail::INotifier".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSystemEvent |
This is "nn::account::baas::IManagerForSystemService".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
101 | RefreshNotificationTokenAsync | |
110 | GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForLogin | |
111 | InvalidateServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
113 | GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns a total of 0x4-bytes of output. |
120 | GetNintendoAccountId | |
121 | CalculateNintendoAccountAuthenticationFingerprint | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCache | |
131 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
132 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
133 | GetNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCache | |
134 | RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsync | |
135 | RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
140 | GetNetworkServiceLicenseCache | |
141 | RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
142 | RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
This is "nn::account::baas::IFloatingRegistrationRequest".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSessionId | |
12 | GetAccountId | |
13 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
14 | GetNickname | |
15 | GetProfileImage | |
21 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | RegisterUser | |
101 | RegisterUserWithUid | |
102 | RegisterNetworkServiceAccountAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
103 | RegisterNetworkServiceAccountWithUidAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
110 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
111 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
This is "nn::account::baas::IAdministrator".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
100 | SetSystemProgramIdentification | |
101 | RefreshNotificationTokenAsync | |
110 | GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForLogin | |
111 | InvalidateServiceEntryRequirementCache | |
113 | GetServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns a total of 0x4-bytes of output. |
120 | GetNintendoAccountId | |
121 | CalculateNintendoAccountAuthenticationFingerprint | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCache | |
131 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
132 | RefreshNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
133 | GetNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCache | |
134 | RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsync | |
135 | RefreshNintendoAccountVerificationUrlCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
140 | GetNetworkServiceLicenseCache | |
141 | RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsync | |
142 | RefreshNetworkServiceLicenseCacheAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
200 | IsRegistered | |
201 | RegisterAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
202 | UnregisterAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
203 | DeleteRegistrationInfoLocally | |
220 | SynchronizeProfileAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
221 | UploadProfileAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
222 | SynchronizeProfileAsyncIfSecondsElapsed | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
250 | IsLinkedWithNintendoAccount | |
251 | CreateProcedureToLinkWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage. |
252 | ResumeProcedureToLinkWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage. |
255 | CreateProcedureToUpdateLinkageStateOfNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
256 | ResumeProcedureToUpdateLinkageStateOfNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
260 | CreateProcedureToLinkNnidWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
261 | ResumeProcedureToLinkNnidWithNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
280 | ProxyProcedureToAcquireApplicationAuthorizationForNintendoAccount | Returns an #IOAuthProcedure. |
290 | GetRequestForNintendoAccountUserResourceView | |
300 | TryRecoverNintendoAccountUserStateAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
400 | IsServiceEntryRequirementCacheRefreshRequiredForOnlinePlay | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an output u8. |
401 | RefreshServiceEntryRequirementCacheForOnlinePlayAsync | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
410 | [13.1.0+] CheckRequiredLicenseForLexAsync | |
900 | GetAuthenticationInfoForWin | |
901 | ImportAsyncForWin | |
997 | DebugUnlinkNintendoAccountAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
998 | DebugSetAvailabilityErrorDetail |
This is "nn::account::nas::IAuthorizationRequest".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSessionId | |
10 | InvokeWithoutInteractionAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
19 | IsAuthorized | |
20 | GetAuthorizationCode | |
21 | GetIdToken | |
22 | GetState |
This is "nn::account::http::IOAuthProcedure".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend |
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForExternalNsa".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetAccountId | |
101 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
102 | GetNickname | |
103 | GetProfileImage |
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForNintendoAccountLinkage".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetRequestWithTheme | |
101 | IsNetworkServiceAccountReplaced |
This is "nn::account::nas::IOAuthProcedureForUserRegistration".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | PrepareAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
1 | GetRequest | |
2 | ApplyResponse | |
3 | ApplyResponseAsync | Takes a type-0x9 input buffer, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
10 | Suspend | |
100 | GetAccountId | |
101 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId | |
102 | GetNickname | |
103 | GetProfileImage | |
110 | RegisterUserAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncContext. |
111 | GetUid |
This is "nn::account::IAccountEntityServiceForApplication".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Takes an input userID, returns an #IProfile. |
6 | GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
99 | DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | #InitializeApplicationInfoV0 | |
101 | GetBaasAccountManagerForApplication | Takes an input userID, returns an #IManagerForApplication. |
102 | AuthenticateApplicationAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
103 | CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
120 | CreateGuestLoginRequest | Returns an #IGuestLoginRequest. |
130 | LoadOpenContext | |
131 | ListOpenContextStoredUsers | |
140 | #InitializeApplicationInfoV1 | |
141 | ListQualifiedUsers | |
150 | IsUserAccountSwitchLocked | |
160 | InitializeApplicationInfoV2 | |
10050 | IsUserRegistrationRequestPermittedForAccountPolicy | |
10100 | InitializeApplicationInfoV0ForAccountPolicy | |
10140 | InitializeApplicationInfoV1ForAccountPolicy | |
10160 | InitializeApplicationInfoV2ForAccountPolicy |
InitializeApplicationInfo* is used by the user-process during service init.
Takes a PID, an input u64 pid_reserved, and returns an output u8 bool.
Takes an input u8 bool isNetworkServiceAccountRequired, returns an output Uid.
Takes a PID and an input u64 pid_placeholder, no output.
Takes a PID and an input u64 pid_placeholder, no output.
This is "nn::account::baas::IGuestLoginRequest".
Cmd | Name |
0 | GetSessionId |
12 | GetAccountId |
13 | GetLinkedNintendoAccountId |
14 | GetNickname |
15 | GetProfileImage |
21 | LoadIdTokenCache |
This is "nn::account::baas::IManagerForApplication".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | CheckAvailability | |
1 | GetAccountId | |
2 | EnsureIdTokenCacheAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
3 | LoadIdTokenCache | |
130 | GetNintendoAccountUserResourceCacheForApplication | |
150 | CreateAuthorizationRequest | Returns an #IAuthorizationRequest. |
160 | StoreOpenContext | |
170 | EnsureIdTokenCacheForOnlinePlayAsync | No input, returns an #IAsyncContextForLoginForOnlinePlay. |
This is "nn::account::baas::IAsyncContextForLoginForOnlinePlay".
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetSystemEvent | |
1 | Cancel | |
2 | HasDone | |
3 | GetResult | |
100 | GetNetworkServiceLicenseInfoForOnlinePlay |
This is "nn::account::detail::IUserStateManager".
Cmd | Name |
100 | EnableQualificationLimitation |
101 | DisableQualificationLimitation |
110 | SelectQualifiedUsers |
900 | [14.0.0+] |
901 | [14.0.0+] |
902 | [14.0.0+] |
This is "nn::account::IAccountServiceForSystemService".
This was added with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Returns an #IProfile. |
6 | GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
99 | DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | GetUserRegistrationNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
101 | GetUserStateChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
102 | GetBaasAccountManagerForSystemService | Returns an #IManagerForSystemService. |
103 | GetBaasUserAvailabilityChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
104 | GetProfileUpdateNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
105 | CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
106 | GetProfileSyncNotifier | |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
112 | LoadSaveDataThumbnail | |
113 | GetSaveDataThumbnailExistence | |
120 | ListOpenUsersInApplication | |
130 | ActivateOpenContextRetention | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
140 | ListQualifiedUsers | |
151 | EnsureSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccountAsync | |
152 | LoadSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccount | |
170 | GetNasOp2MembershipStateChangeNotifier | |
191 | UpdateNotificationReceiverInfo | |
997 | DebugInvalidateTokenCacheForUser | |
998 | DebugSetUserStateClose | |
999 | DebugSetUserStateOpen |
This is "nn::account::IAccountServiceForSystemServiceWithProfileEditor".
This was added with [13.0.0+].
Cmd | Name | Notes |
0 | GetUserCount | |
1 | GetUserExistence | |
2 | ListAllUsers | |
3 | ListOpenUsers | |
4 | GetLastOpenedUser | |
5 | GetProfile | Returns an #IProfile. |
6 | GetProfileDigest | |
50 | #IsUserRegistrationRequestPermitted | |
51 | #TrySelectUserWithoutInteraction | |
99 | DebugActivateOpenContextRetention | No input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
100 | GetUserRegistrationNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
101 | GetUserStateChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
102 | GetBaasAccountManagerForSystemService | Returns an #IManagerForSystemService. |
103 | GetBaasUserAvailabilityChangeNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
104 | GetProfileUpdateNotifier | Returns an #INotifier. |
105 | CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync | Returns an #IAsyncContext. |
106 | GetProfileSyncNotifier | |
110 | StoreSaveDataThumbnail | |
111 | ClearSaveDataThumbnail | |
112 | LoadSaveDataThumbnail | |
113 | GetSaveDataThumbnailExistence | |
120 | ListOpenUsersInApplication | |
130 | ActivateOpenContextRetention | Takes a total of 0x8-bytes of input, returns an #ISessionObject. |
140 | ListQualifiedUsers | |
151 | EnsureSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccountAsync | |
152 | LoadSignedDeviceIdentifierCacheForNintendoAccount | |
170 | GetNasOp2MembershipStateChangeNotifier | |
191 | UpdateNotificationReceiverInfo | |
205 | GetProfileEditor | Takes an input userID and returns an #IProfileEditor. |
997 | DebugInvalidateTokenCacheForUser | |
998 | DebugSetUserStateClose | |
999 | DebugSetUserStateOpen |
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x4? | ? |
0x4 | 0x4? | Icon ID. 0 = Mii, the rest are character icon IDs. |
0x8 | 0x1? | Profile icon background color ID |
0x9 | 0x7 | ? |
0x10 | 0x10 | Some ID related to the Mii? All zeros when a character icon is used. |
0x20 | 0x60 | Usually zeros? |
This is a 0x80-byte struct.
Offset | Size | Description |
0x0 | 0x10 | userID |
0x10 | 0x8 | POSIX UTC timestamp, for last account edit. |
0x18 | 0x20 | UTF-8 Nickname. Official sw uses strncpy to copy this into another struct (nn::account::Nickname ), with a NUL-byte written after the copied data.
This is a 0x38-byte struct.
This is "nn::account::Uid". This is a 0x10-byte struct. This contains 2 u64s for the UserId.