Manu services

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Revision as of 21:12, 24 March 2018 by Hexkyz (talk | contribs)
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Manu ("Manufacturing") services are provided by the 010000000000B14A sysmodule, which is installed at the factory but not on normal retail systems.


Cmd Name Notes
0 InitUsbTransferPipeFsFile Takes 4 bytes of input, and produces 0 bytes output.
1 FsFile_Exists Takes an X descriptor, and produces, 8 bytes output.
2 FsFile_Read Takes 0x18 bytes of input, a B descriptor, and an X descriptor, and produces 0 bytes of output.
3 FsFile_Write Takes 0x18 bytes of input, an A descriptor, and an X descriptor, and produces 0 bytes of output.
4 InitUsbTransferPipeRaw Takes 4 bytes of input, and produces 0 bytes of output.
5 Raw_Read Takes 0x10 bytes of input and a B descriptor, and produces 8 bytes of output.
6 Raw_Write Takes 0x10 bytes of input and an A descriptor, and produces 8 bytes of output.

All commands are wrappers for usb:ds requests with USB configured as:

VID:           0x057E (Nintendo Co., Ltd)
PID:           0x3000
bcdDevice:     0x0100 (1.00)
Manufacturer:  "Nintendo"
Product:       "NintendoSdkDebugger"
SerialNumber:  "SerialNumber"

SystemInitializer only uses cmd1..cmd3.


Takes an unknown u32 (ID?) and configures a transfer pipe over usb:ds for file access mode.


Takes an input path string (type-0x9 buffer), returns 8-bytes for the output u8 flag.

Checks whether the specified file exists.

This is "FsFile::Exists" in SystemInitializer.


Takes a type-0x6 output buffer and a type-0x9 input string path buffer, and 3 u64s: <same size value from databuf>, unk, <same size value from databuf>. Where unk is probably offset?

Reads data from the specified file.


Same as FsFile_Read except the databuf is a type-0x5 input buffer.

Writes data to the specified file.

SystemInitializer also uses this as "FsFile::Create" with all input u64s set to 0.


Takes an unknown u32 (ID?) and configures a transfer pipe over usb:ds for raw access mode.


Takes a type-0x6 output buffer and 2 u64s: offset and size.

Reads raw data from the device.


Takes a type-0x5 input buffer and 2 u64s: offset and size.

Writes raw data to the device.