Switch System Flaws

From Nintendo Switch Brew
Revision as of 10:38, 13 March 2017 by Coc4tm (talk | contribs)
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System Flaws are used to execute unofficial code (homebrew) on the Nintendo Switch. This page is a list of known and public Switch System Flaws.

List of Switch System Flaws

There are currently no public Switch System Flaws.


Summary Description Fixed with hardware model/revision Newest hardware model/revision this flaw was checked for Timeframe this was discovered Discovered by
No public hardware exploits

ARM TrustZone software

ARM TrustZone

Summary Description Successful exploitation result Fixed in system version Last system version this flaw was checked for Timeframe this was discovered Public disclosure timeframe Discovered by
No public ARM TrustZone exploits

Kernel software


Summary Description Successful exploitation result Fixed in system version Last system version this flaw was checked for Timeframe this was discovered Public disclosure timeframe Discovered by
No public Kernel exploits

Browser userspace


Summary Description Fixed with software update Newest software update this flaw was checked for Timeframe this was discovered Discovered by
CVE-2016-4657 A Proof-of-concept webkit exploit using switch web browser : https://github.com/LiveOverflow/lo_nintendoswitch/blob/master/poc1.html None 2.0.0 12/03/17 ???