Difference between revisions of "BCAT services"

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Line 231: Line 231:
| 30101 || [3.0.0+] GetTopicList
| 30101 || [3.0.0+] GetTopicList
| 30110 || [6.0.0+]
| [[#30110]] || [6.0.0+]
| 30200 || IsSystemUpdateRequired
| 30200 || [[#IsSystemUpdateRequired]]
| 30201 || [8.0.0+]
| 30201 || [8.0.0+]
| 30210 || [10.0.0+]
| [[#30210]] || [10.0.0+]
| 30300 || RequestImmediateReception
| 30300 || RequestImmediateReception
Line 261: Line 261:
| 90100 || GetNewsDatabaseDump
| 90100 || GetNewsDatabaseDump
=== 30110 ===
Returns two u64s. Current usage and total size of the news-mounted savedata 0x8000000000000090.
=== IsSystemUpdateRequired ===
Matches the version in news-sys:/sup.version against the result from system setting news!system_version.
=== 30210 ===
Returns the Database version retrieved from system setting news!db_version
== INewlyArrivedEventHolder ==
== INewlyArrivedEventHolder ==

Revision as of 23:46, 11 July 2020

BCAT (Background Content Asymmetric synchronized delivery and Transmission) encompasses a set of content download/upload related services.

bcat:a, bcat:m, bcat:u, bcat:s

These are "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IServiceCreator".

These were added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name Notes
0 CreateBcatService Takes an input u64 ProcessId, returns an #IBcatService
1 CreateDeliveryCacheStorageService Takes an input u64 ProcessId, returns an #IDeliveryCacheStorageService
2 CreateDeliveryCacheStorageServiceWithApplicationId Takes an input u64 TitleId, returns an #IDeliveryCacheStorageService
3 [2.0.0-2.3.0] CreateDeliveryCacheProgressService Takes an input u64 ProcessId, returns an #IDeliveryCacheProgressService
4 [2.0.0-2.3.0] CreateDeliveryCacheProgressServiceWithApplicationId Takes an input u64 TitleId, returns an #IDeliveryCacheProgressService

Equivalent to 3DS BOSS(SpotPass). See here for BCAT-content-container.


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IBcatService".

This was added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name
10100 #RequestSyncDeliveryCache
10101 [5.0.0+] RequestSyncDeliveryCacheWithDirectoryName
10200 [5.0.0+] CancelSyncDeliveryCacheRequest
20100 #RequestSyncDeliveryCacheWithApplicationId
20101 [5.0.0+] RequestSyncDeliveryCacheWithApplicationIdAndDirectoryName
20300 [8.0.0+] #GetDeliveryCacheStorageUpdateNotifier
20301 [8.0.0+] #RequestSuspendDeliveryTask
20400 [9.0.0+] #RegisterSystemApplicationDeliveryTask
20401 [9.0.0+] #UnregisterSystemApplicationDeliveryTask
20410 [9.1.0+] SetSystemApplicationDeliveryTaskTimer
30100 SetPassphrase
30101 [2.0.0-2.3.0]
30102 [2.0.0-2.3.0]
30200 [3.0.0+] RegisterDeliveryTask
30201 [3.0.0+] UnregisterDeliveryTask
30202 [3.0.0+] BlockDeliveryTask
30203 [3.0.0+] UnblockDeliveryTask
30210 [9.1.0+] SetDeliveryTaskTimer
30300 [8.0.0+] RegisterSystemApplicationDeliveryTasks
90100 GetDeliveryTaskList
90200 #GetDeliveryList
90201 [3.0.0+] ClearDeliveryCacheStorage
90202 [8.0.0+] ClearDeliveryTaskSubscriptionStatus
90300 [3.0.0+] GetPushNotificationLog


No input/output.

[3.0.0+] Now returns an #IDeliveryCacheProgressService.


Takes an input u64 nn::ApplicationId, no output.

[3.0.0+] Now takes an additional 8-bytes of input, and returns an #IDeliveryCacheProgressService.


Takes an input u64 nn::ApplicationId, returns an #INotifierService.


Takes an input u64 nn::ApplicationId, returns an #IDeliveryTaskSuspensionService.


Takes an input u64 nn::ApplicationId, no output.


Takes an input u64 nn::ApplicationId, no output.


Takes a type-0x6 output buffer, returns a total of 4-bytes of output.

[3.0.0+] Now takes a total of 8-bytes of input, and returns an additional 4-bytes of output.


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IDeliveryCacheProgressService".

This was added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name
0 GetEvent
1 GetImpl


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IDeliveryCacheStorageService".

This was added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name
0 CreateFileService
1 CreateDirectoryService
10 EnumerateDeliveryCacheDirectory


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IDeliveryCacheFileService".

This was added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name
0 Open
1 Read
2 GetSize
3 GetDigest


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IDeliveryCacheDirectoryService".

This was added with [2.0.0+].

Cmd Name
0 Open
1 Read
2 GetCount


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::INotifierService".

Added with [8.0.0+].

Cmd Name Notes
0 GetEvent


This is "nn::bcat::detail::ipc::IDeliveryTaskSuspensionService".

Added with [8.0.0+].

Cmd Name Notes
0 GetEvent

news:a, news:c, news:m, news:p, news:v

These are "nn::news::detail::ipc::IServiceCreator".

On [1.0.0] these are "nn::news::detail::ipc::INewsService", see #INewsService.

Cmd Name Notes
0 CreateNewsService No input, returns an #INewsService.
1 CreateNewlyArrivedEventHolder No input, returns an #INewlyArrivedEventHolder.
2 CreateNewsDataService No input, returns an #INewsDataService.
3 CreateNewsDatabaseService No input, returns an #INewsDatabaseService.
4 CreateOverwriteEventHolder No input, returns an #IOverwriteEventHolder.


This is "nn::news::detail::ipc::INewsService".

Cmd Name
10100 PostLocalNews
20100 SetPassphrase
30100 GetSubscriptionStatus
30101 [3.0.0+] GetTopicList
#30110 [6.0.0+]
30200 #IsSystemUpdateRequired
30201 [8.0.0+]
#30210 [10.0.0+]
30300 RequestImmediateReception
30400 [3.0.0+] DecodeArchiveFile
30500 [8.0.0+] ? (Takes a total of 8-bytes of input, a handle, and a type-0x9 input buffer, returns an #IUnknown2)
30900 [1.0.0] (No input, returns an #INewlyArrivedEventHolder)
30901 [1.0.0] (No input, returns an #INewsDataService)
30902 [1.0.0] (No input, returns an #INewsDatabaseService)
40100 SetSubscriptionStatus
40101 [3.0.0+] RequestAutoSubscription
40200 ClearStorage
40201 ClearSubscriptionStatusAll
90100 GetNewsDatabaseDump


Returns two u64s. Current usage and total size of the news-mounted savedata 0x8000000000000090.


Matches the version in news-sys:/sup.version against the result from system setting news!system_version.


Returns the Database version retrieved from system setting news!db_version


This is "nn::news::detail::ipc::INewlyArrivedEventHolder".

Cmd Name
0 Get


This is "nn::news::detail::ipc::INewsDataService".

Cmd Name
0 Open
1 OpenWithNewsRecordV1
2 Read
3 GetSize
1001 [6.0.0+] OpenWithNewsRecord


This is "nn::news::detail::ipc::INewsDatabaseService".

Cmd Name
0 GetListV1
1 Count
2 CountWithKey
3 UpdateIntegerValue
4 UpdateIntegerValueWithAddition
5 UpdateStringValue
1000 [6.0.0+] GetList


This is "nn::news::detail::ipc::IOverwriteEventHolder".

Cmd Name
0 Get


This was added with [8.0.0+].

Cmd Name

prepo:a, prepo:a2, prepo:m, prepo:u, prepo:s

These are "nn::prepo::detail::ipc::IPrepoService".

Cmd Name
10100 SaveReportOld ([1.0.0-5.1.0] SaveReport)
10101 SaveReportWithUserOld ([1.0.0-5.1.0] SaveReportWithUser)
10102 [6.0.0+] SaveReportOld2 ([1.0.0-9.2.0] SaveReport)
10103 [6.0.0+] SaveReportWithUserOld2 ([1.0.0-9.2.0] SaveReportWithUser)
10104 [10.0.0+] SaveReport
10105 [10.0.0+] SaveReportWithUser
10200 RequestImmediateTransmission
10300 GetTransmissionStatus
10400 [9.0.0+] GetSystemSessionId
20100 SaveSystemReport
20101 SaveSystemReportWithUser
20200 [4.0.0+] SetOperationMode
30100 ClearStorage
30200 [6.0.0+] ClearStatistics
30300 [6.0.0+] GetStorageUsage
30400 [6.0.0+] GetStatistics
30401 [6.0.0+] GetThroughputHistory
30500 [6.0.0+] GetLastUploadError
30600 [10.0.0+] GetApplicationUploadSummary
40100 [2.0.0+] IsUserAgreementCheckEnabled
40101 [2.0.0+] SetUserAgreementCheckEnabled
50100 [10.0.0+] ReadAllApplicationReportFiles
90100 [6.0.0+] ReadAllReportFiles ([1.0.0-5.1.0] GetStorageUsage)
90101 [1.0.0]
90102 [1.0.0]
90200 [5.0.0-5.1.0] GetStatistics
90201 [5.0.0-5.1.0] GetThroughputHistory
90300 [5.0.0-5.1.0] GetLastUploadError

Data reporting

The "Play Report" (prepo) service uploads system and user information to a cloud server. This includes the following fields:

lc_recorded_at (followed by a timestamp)
nc_recorded_at (followed by a timestamp)

And the contents of the following file:


All the information is periodically uploaded to the following URL:

  • https://receive-%.dg.srv.nintendo.net/post

It also checks the validity of the device's authentication token using the following URL:

  • https://dauth-%.ndas.srv.nintendo.net/v1/device_auth_token