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During [[Factory_Setup|factory setup]], the Switch goes through calibration and the generated data from this process is written to two [[Flash_Filesystem|NAND user partitions]] ('''PRODINFO''' and '''PRODINFOF''').

'''PRODINFOF''' is a FAT12 compliant filesystem and it's structure can be found [[Flash_Filesystem#PRODINFOF|here]]. It's mainly used to keep calibration logs and other assorted files.

'''PRODINFO''' is a raw binary blob containing the main calibration data, which ranges from hardware IDs to system keys.

= CAL0 =
This is the raw data stored under the PRODINFO partition. Each block of data is padded to 16 bytes, being the last 2 bytes a CRC16 over said block.

Bellow is a list of offsets and sizes for each block of raw calibration data.

{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Field
! Description
| 0x0000
| 0x04
| magic
| "CAL0" header magic.
| 0x0004
| 0x04
| unk0
| Always 0x07.
| 0x0008
| 0x04
| calib_data_size
| Total size of calibration data minus the 0x20 bytes header.
| 0x000C
| 0x02
| version
| Always 0x01.
| 0x000E
| 0x02
| revision
| Increases each time calibration data is installed.
| 0x0020
| 0x20
| calib_data_sha256
| SHA256 hash calculated over calibration data.
| 0x0040
| 0x1D
| config_id1
| Configuration ID string.
| 0x0060
| 0x20
| unk1
| Empty.
| 0x0080
| 0x04
| wlan_country_codes_num
| 0x0084
| 0x17C
| wlan_country_codes
| 0x0210
| 0x06
| wlan_mac_addr
| 0x0220
| 0x06
| bd_addr
| 0x0230
| 0x06
| accelerometer_offset
| 0x0238
| 0x06
| accelerometer_scale
| 0x0240
| 0x06
| gyroscope_offset
| 0x0248
| 0x06
| gyroscope_scale
| 0x0250
| 0x18
| serial_number
| 0x0270
| 0x30
| device_key_ecc_p256
| Device key ECC-P256 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x02B0
| 0x180
| device_cert_ecc_p256
| Device certificate ECC-P256 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x0440
| 0x30
| device_key_ecc_b233
| Device key ECC-B233 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x0480
| 0x180
| device_cert_ecc_b233
| Device certificate ECC-B233 variation (active).
| 0x0610
| 0x30
| eticket_key_ecc_p256
| ETicket key ECC P256-variation (empty and unused).
| 0x0650
| 0x180
| eticket_cert_ecc_p256
| ETicket certificate ECC-P256 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x07E0
| 0x30
| eticket_key_ecc_b233
| ETicket key ECC-B233 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x0820
| 0x180
| eticket_cert_ecc_b233
| ETicket certificate ECC-B233 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x09B0
| 0x110
| ssl_key
| SSL key (empty and unused).
| 0x0AD0
| 0x04
| ssl_cert_size
| Total size of the SSL certificate.
| 0x0AE0
| 0x800
| ssl_cert
| SSL certificate. Only ssl_cert_size bytes are used.
| 0x12E0
| 0x20
| ssl_cert_sha256
| SHA256 over the SSL certificate.
| 0x1300
| 0x1000
| random_number
| Random generated data.
| 0x2300
| 0x20
| random_number_sha256
| SHA256 over the random data block.
| 0x2320
| 0x110
| gamecard_key
| Gamecard key (empty and unused).
| 0x2440
| 0x400
| gamecard_cert
| Gamecard certificate.
| 0x2840
| 0x20
| gamecard_cert_sha256
| SHA256 over the gamecard certificate.
| 0x2860
| 0x220
| eticket_key_rsa
| ETicket key RSA-2048 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x2A90
| 0x240
| eticket_cert_rsa
| ETicket certificate RSA-2048 variation (active).
| 0x2CE0
| 0x18
| battery_lot
| Battery lot string ID.
| 0x2D00
| 0x800
| speaker_calib_value
| Speaker calibration values. Only 0x5A bytes are used.
| 0x3510
| 0x04
| region_code
| 0x3520
| 0x50
| amiibo_key
| Amiibo key.
| 0x3580
| 0x14
| amiibo_cert_ecqv
| Amiibo certificate ECQV variation.
| 0x35A0
| 0x70
| amiibo_cert_ecdsa
| Amiibo certificate ECDSA variation.
| 0x3620
| 0x40
| amiibo_key_ecqv_bls
| Amiibo ECQV-BLS key.
| 0x3670
| 0x20
| amiibo_cert_ecqv_bls
| Amiibo certificate ECQV-BLS variation.
| 0x36A0
| 0x90
| amiibo_root_cert_ecqv_bls
| Amiibo root certificate ECQV-BLS variation.
| 0x3740
| 0x04
| product_model
| 0x3750
| 0x06
| color_variation
| 0x3760
| 0x0C
| lcd_backlight_brightness_mapping
| 0x3770
| 0x50
| device_ext_key_ecc_b233
| Extended device key ECC-B233 variation (active).
| 0x37D0
| 0x30
| eticket_ext_key_ecc_p256
| Extended ETicket key ECC-P256 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x3830
| 0x50
| eticket_ext_key_ecc_b233
| Extended ETicket key ECC-B233 variation (empty and unused).
| 0x3890
| 0x240
| eticket_ext_key_rsa
| Extended ETicket key RSA-2048 variation (active).
| 0x3AE0
| 0x130
| ssl_ext_key
| Extended SSL key (active).
| 0x3C20
| 0x130
| gamecard_ext_key
| Extended Gamecard key (active).
| 0x3D60
| 0x04
| lcd_vendor_id

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