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Line 1: Line 1:
= Secure Monitor Calls =
= SMC =
The secure monitor provides two top level handlers of which each provides a range of sub handlers.
The secure monitor provides two top level handlers of which each provides a range of sub handlers.
Secure Monitor Calls follow the ARM SMC calling convention up to a small change:
Secure Monitor calls follow the ARM SMC calling convention with a small change:
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
! Bit number || Bit mask || Description
! Bits || Description
| 31 || 0x80000000 || Set to 0 means Yielding Call; Set to 1 means Fast Call.
| 0-7 || Function Number
| 30 || 0x40000000 || Set to 0 means SMC32 convention; Set to 1 means SMC64.
| 8-15 || Argument Type
| 29-24 || 0x3F000000 || Service Call ranges.
| 16-23 || Reserved
| 23-16 || 0x00FF0000 || Must be zero.
| 24-29 || Call Range
| 15-8 || 0x0000FF00 || Argument type. This is different from the ARM SMC calling convention.
| 30 || Call Convention (0 = SMC32, 1 = SMC64)
| 7-0 || 0x000000FF || Function number within the range call type.
| 31 || Call Type (0 = Yielding Call, 1 = Fast Call)
Line 24: Line 23:
SMC arguments are passed using registers X0-X7 with X0 always sending the call sub-id and returning the result of the call.
SMC arguments are passed using registers X0-X7 with X0 always sending the call sub-id and returning the result of the call.
== ID 0 ==
== FunctionId0 ==
Functions exposed to user-mode processes using [[SVC|svcCallSecureMonitor]]. SMCs should be called from CPUID 3 (where SPL runs).
Functions exposed to user-mode processes using [[SVC|svcCallSecureMonitor]]. SMCs should be called from CPUID 3 (where SPL runs).
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
! Sub-ID || Name || In || Out
! Value || Name
| 0xC3000401 || SetConfig || ||
| 0xC3000002 || GetConfig (Same as ID 1, Sub-ID 4) || ||
| 0xC3000401 || SetConfig
| 0xC3000003 || CheckStatus || ||
| 0xC3000002 || [[#GetConfig|GetConfig]] (same as in [[#FunctionId1]])
| 0xC3000404 || GetResult || ||
| 0xC3000003 || GetResult
| 0xC3000E05 || ExpMod || ||
| 0xC3000404 || GetResultData
| 0xC3000006 || GetRandomBytes (Same as ID 1, Sub-ID 5) || ||
| 0xC3000E05 || ModularExponentiate
| 0xC3000007 || [[#GenerateAesKek]] || ||
| 0xC3000006 || [[#GenerateRandomBytes|GenerateRandomBytes]] (same as in [[#FunctionId1]])
| 0xC3000008 || [[#LoadAesKey]] || ||
| 0xC3000007 || [[#GenerateAesKek|GenerateAesKek]]
| 0xC3000009 || [[#CryptAes]] || ||
| 0xC3000008 || [[#LoadAesKey|LoadAesKey]]
| 0xC300000A || [[#GenerateSpecificAesKey]] || ||
| 0xC3000009 || [[#ComputeAes|ComputeAes]]
| 0xC300040B || [[#ComputeCmac]] || ||
| 0xC300000A || [[#GenerateSpecificAesKey|GenerateSpecificAesKey]]
| [1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100C || [[#LoadRsaOaepKey]] || ||
| 0xC300040B || [[#ComputeCmac|ComputeCmac]]
| [5.0.0+] 0xC300D60C || [[#EncryptRsaKeyForImport]] || ||
| [1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100C || [[#DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey|DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey]]
| [1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100D || [[#DecryptRsaPrivateKey]] || ||
| [5.0.0+] 0xC300D60C || [[#ReencryptDeviceUniqueData|ReencryptDeviceUniqueData]]
| [5.0.0] 0xC300100D || [[#DecryptOrImportRsaKey]] || ||
| 0xC300100D || [[#DecryptDeviceUniqueData|DecryptDeviceUniqueData]]
| [1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100E || [[#LoadSecureExpModKey]] || ||
| [1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100E || [[#DecryptAndImportLotusKey|DecryptAndImportLotusKey]]
| 0xC300060F || [[#SecureExpMod]] || ||
| 0xC300060F || [[#ModularExponentiateByStorageKey|ModularExponentiateByStorageKey]]
| 0xC3000610 || [[#UnwrapRsaOaepWrappedTitleKey]] || ||
| 0xC3000610 || [[#PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey|PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey]]
| 0xC3000011 || [[#LoadTitleKey]] || ||
| 0xC3000011 || [[#LoadPreparedAesKey|LoadPreparedAesKey]]
| 0xC3000012 || [2.0.0+] UnwrapAesWrappedTitleKey || ||
| 0xC3000012 || [2.0.0+] [[#PrepareEsCommonKey|PrepareEsCommonKey]]
Line 81: Line 78:
** Further, this means: Actual AES/RSA keys never leave TrustZone.
** Further, this means: Actual AES/RSA keys never leave TrustZone.
=== GenerateRandomBytes ===
The [[#enum_CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase_TitleKey]] represents a RSA wrapped AES key.
Takes an u64 '''Size'''. Returns [[#Result]] and '''RandomBytes'''.
'''Size''' is limited to 0x38 (for fitting in return registers).
=== GenerateAesKek ===
=== GenerateAesKek ===
Takes an "access key" as input, an [[#enum_CryptoUsecase]].
Takes an "access key" as input, an [[#CryptoUsecase]].
Returns a session-unique kek for said usecase.
Returns a session-unique kek for said usecase.
Line 92: Line 91:
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], and a wrapped AES key.
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], and a wrapped AES key.
The session kek must have been created with [[#enum_CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase_Aes]].
The session kek must have been created with [[#CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase Aes]].
=== CryptAes ===
=== ComputeAes ===
Encrypts/decrypts using Aes (CTR and CBC).
Encrypts/decrypts using AES (CTR and CBC). Takes an [[#CipherMode]].
Key must be set prior using one of the [[#LoadAesKey]], [[#GenerateSpecificAesKey]] or [[#LoadRsaWrappedAesKey]] commands.
Key must be set prior using one of the [[#LoadAesKey]] or [[#GenerateSpecificAesKey]] commands.
=== GenerateSpecificAesKey ===
=== GenerateSpecificAesKey ===
Todo: This one seems unrelated to [[#enum_CryptoUsecase]].
Takes a wrapped AES key and decrypts it using static data.
=== LoadRsaOaepKey ===
=== ComputeCmac ===
Calculates CMAC over input data.
=== DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey ===
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], a wrapped AES key, and a wrapped RSA private key.
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], a wrapped AES key, and a wrapped RSA private key.
The session kek must have been created with [[#enum_CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase_RsaOaep]].
The session kek must have been created with [[#CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase TitleKey]].
This function was removed in [[5.0.0]], and replaced with [[#EncryptRsaKeyForImport]].
[5.0.0] This function was removed and replaced with [[#ReencryptDeviceUniqueData]].
=== EncryptRsaKeyForImport ===
=== ReencryptDeviceUniqueData ===
Takes in two session keks created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], two wrapped AES keys, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.
Takes in two session keks created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], two wrapped AES keys, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.
Decrypts and validates the wrapped RSA private key with the first kek/wrapped key, and re-encrypts it with the second if valid.
Decrypts and validates the wrapped RSA private key with the first kek/wrapped key, and re-encrypts it with the second if valid.
The re-encrypted key is then passed to the user, for use with [[#DecryptOrImportRsaKey]].
The re-encrypted key is then passed to the user, for use with [[#DecryptDeviceUniqueData]].
=== DecryptRsaPrivateKey ===
=== DecryptDeviceUniqueData ===
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], a wrapped AES key, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], a wrapped AES key, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.
The session kek must have been created with [[#enum_CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase_RsaPrivate]].
The session kek must have been created with [[#CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase RsaPrivate]].
[4.0.0+] The SMC handler when certain conditions pass and SMC_ID==0xC300100D now returns error 0x6 instead of calling the handler funcptr.
[4.0.0+] The SMC handler when certain conditions pass and FunctionId0==0xC300100D now returns error 0x6 instead of calling the handler funcptr.
=== DecryptOrImportRsaKey ===
[5.0.0+] This function now takes an additional input [[#DecryptOrImportMode]]. This extends the original functionality to enable importing private keys into the security engine instead of decrypting them.
This function replaced [[#DecryptRsaPrivateKey]] in [[5.0.0]], adding an additional enum member argument.
=== DecryptAndImportLotusKey ===
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], and a wrapped RSA key.
This SMC extends DecryptRsaPrivateKey's original functionality to enable importing private keys into the security engine instead of decrypting them, when certain enum members are passed.
The session kek must have been created with [[#CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase RsaSecureExpMod]].
=== LoadSecureExpModKey ===
[5.0.0] This function was removed.
Takes a session kek created with [[#GenerateAesKek]], and a wrapped RSA key.
The session kek must have been created with [[#enum_CryptoUsecase|CryptoUsecase_RsaSecureExpMod]].
=== ModularExponentiateByStorageKey ===
Performs an ExpMod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the [[#DecryptAndImportLotusKey]] command.
This function was removed in [[5.0.0]], and replaced with [[#EncryptRsaKeyForImport]].
[5.0.0+] This now uses any exponent previously loaded with [[#DecryptDeviceUniqueData]] and takes an [[#SecureExpModMode]].
=== SecureExpMod ===
=== PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey ===
Performs an Exp Mod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the [[#LoadSecureExpModKey]] command.
=== UnwrapRsaOaepWrappedTitleKey ===
Takes an Rsa-Oaep-wrapped TitleKey, an RSA Public Key, and a label hash.
Takes an Rsa-Oaep-wrapped TitleKey, an RSA Public Key, and a label hash.
Performs an Exp Mod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the [[#LoadRsaOaepKey]] command, and then validates/extracts a Titlekey from the resulting message.
Performs an ExpMod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the [[#DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey]] command, and then validates/extracts a Titlekey from the resulting message.
Returns a session-unique AES key especially for use in [[#LoadTitleKey]].
Returns a session-unique AES key especially for use in [[#LoadTitleKey]].
=== LoadTitleKey ===
[5.0.0+] This now uses any exponent previously loaded with [[#DecryptDeviceUniqueData]].
Takes a session-unique AES key from [[#UnwrapAesWrappedTitleKey]] or [[#UnwrapRsaOaepWrappedTitleKey]].
=== enum CryptoUsecase ===
=== LoadPreparedAesKey ===
{| class=wikitable
Takes a session-unique AES key from [[#PrepareEsCommonKey]] or [[#PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey]].
! Value || Name
=== PrepareEsCommonKey ===
| 0 || CryptoUsecase_Aes
Takes an AES-wrapped common TitleKey and returns a sealed AES key.
| 1 || CryptoUsecase_RsaPrivate
| 2 || CryptoUsecase_RsaSecureExpMod
| 3 || CryptoUsecase_RsaOaep
== ID 1 ==
== FunctionId1 ==
Functions exposed to the kernel internally.
Functions exposed to the kernel internally.
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
! Sub-ID || Name || In || Out
! Value || Name
| 0xC4000001 || [[#CpuSuspend]] || X1=power_state, X2=entrypoint_addr, X3=context_id || None
| 0xC4000001 || [[#SuspendCpu|SuspendCpu]]
| 0x84000002 || [[#CpuOff]] || None || None
| 0x84000002 || [[#PowerOffCpu|PowerOffCpu]]
| 0xC4000003 || [[#CpuOn]] || X1=target_cpu, X2=entrypoint_addr, X3=context_id, X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result
| 0xC4000003 || [[#PowerOnCpu|PowerOnCpu]]
| 0xC3000004 || [[#GetConfig]] (Same as ID 0, Sub-ID 2) || W1=config_item, X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result, X1,X2,X3,X4=config_val
| 0xC3000004 || [[#GetConfig|GetConfig]] (same as in [[#FunctionId0]])
| 0xC3000005 || [[#GetRandomBytes]] (Same as ID 0, Sub-ID 6) || X1=size, X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result, X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7=rand_bytes
| 0xC3000005 || [[#GenerateRandomBytes|GenerateRandomBytesNonBlocking]]
| 0xC3000006 || [[#Panic]] || W1=panic_color, X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result
| 0xC3000006 || [[#ShowError|ShowError]]
| 0xC3000007 || [2.0.0+] [[#ConfigureCarveout]] || X1=carveout_index, X2=region_phys_addr, X3=region_size, X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result
| 0xC3000007 || [2.0.0+] [[#SetKernelCarveoutRegion|SetKernelCarveoutRegion]]
| 0xC3000008 || [2.0.0+] [[#ReadWriteRegister]] || X1=reg_addr, W2=rw_mask, W3=in_val, X4,X5,X6,X7=0 || X0=result, W1=out_val
| 0xC3000008 || [2.0.0+] [[#ReadWriteRegister|ReadWriteRegister]]
=== CpuSuspend ===
=== SuspendCpu ===
Standard ARM PCSI SMC. Suspends the CPU (CPU0).
Takes an u64 '''PowerState''', an u64 '''EntrypointAddress''' and an u64 '''ContextId'''. No output.
The kernel calls this SMC on shutdown with '''power_state''' set to 0x0201001B (power level: 0x02==system; power type: 0x01==powerdown; ID: 0x1B).
Suspends the CPU (CPU0).
=== CpuOff ===
The kernel calls this SMC on shutdown with '''PowerState''' set to 0x0201001B (power level: 0x02==system; power type: 0x01==powerdown; ID: 0x1B).
Standard ARM PCSI SMC. Turns off the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).
=== CpuOn ===
=== PowerOffCpu ===
Standard ARM PCSI SMC. Turns on the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).
No input/output.
Turns off the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).
=== PowerOnCpu ===
Takes an u64 '''TargetCpu''', an u64 '''EntrypointAddress''' and an u64 '''ContextId'''. Returns [[#Result]].
Turns on the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).
=== GetConfig ===
=== GetConfig ===
Takes a '''config_item''' and returns an associated '''config_val'''.
Takes a [[#ConfigItem]]. Returns [[#Result]] and a '''ConfigValue'''.
==== ConfigItem ====
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! ConfigItem || Name
! Value || Name
| 1 || [[#DisableProgramVerification]]
| 1 || [[#DisableProgramVerification]]
Line 207: Line 206:
| 2 || [[#DramId]]
| 2 || [[#DramId]]
| 3 || [[#SecurityEngineIrqNumber]]
| 3 || [[#SecurityEngineInterruptNumber]]
| 4 || [[#Version]]
| 4 || [[#FuseVersion]]
| 5 || [[#HardwareType]]
| 5 || [[#HardwareType]]
| 6 || [[#IsRetail]]
| 6 || [[#HardwareState]]
| 7 || [[#IsRecoveryBoot]]
| 7 || [[#IsRecoveryBoot]]
Line 221: Line 220:
| 9 || [1.0.0-4.0.0] [[#BootReason]]
| 9 || [1.0.0-4.0.0] [[#BootReason]]
| 10 || [[#MemoryArrange]]
| 10 || [[#MemoryMode]]
| 11 || [[#IsDebugMode]]
| 11 || [[#IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabled]]
| 12 || [[#KernelConfiguration]]
| 12 || [[#KernelConfiguration]]
Line 229: Line 228:
| 13 || [[#IsChargerHiZModeEnabled]]
| 13 || [[#IsChargerHiZModeEnabled]]
| 14 || [4.0.0+] [[#IsKiosk]]
| 14 || [4.0.0+] [[#RetailInteractiveDisplayState]]
| 15 || [5.0.0+] [[#NewHardwareType]]
| 15 || [5.0.0+] [[#RegulatorType]]
| 16 || [5.0.0+] [[#NewKeyGeneration]]
| 16 || [5.0.0+] [[#DeviceUniqueKeyGeneration]]
| 17 || [5.0.0+] [[#Package2Hash]]
| 17 || [5.0.0+] [[#Package2Hash]]
==== DisableProgramVerification ====
===== DisableProgramVerification =====
[[Process Manager services|PM]] checks this item and if non-zero, calls fsp-pr SetEnabledProgramVerification(false).
[[Process Manager services|PM]] checks this item and if non-zero, calls fsp-pr SetEnabledProgramVerification(false).
==== DramId ====
===== DramId =====
This is extracted directly from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Value
! Value
! Description
! Description
| 0
| EristaIcosaSamsung4gb
| 0
| 1
| DramId_EristaIcosaSamsung4gb
| EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| 1
| 2
| DramId_EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| 2
| 3
| DramId_EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| [11.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix1y4gb ([1.0.0-10.2.0] EristaCopperSamsung4gb)
| 3
| 4
| Reserved
| EristaIcosaSamsung6gb
| 4
| 5
| DramId_EristaIcosaSamsung6gb
| [12.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix1y4gb ([4.0.0-11.0.1] EristaCopperHynix4gb)
| 5
| 6
| [4.0.0+] Reserved (DramId_EristaIcosaHynix6gb)
| [13.0.0+] MarikoAulaHynix1y4gb ([4.0.0-12.1.0] EristaCopperMicron4gb)
| 6
| 7
| [4.0.0+] Reserved (DramId_EristaIcosaMicron6gb)
| [15.0.0+] Reserved ([5.0.0-14.1.2] MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb, [4.0.0-4.1.0] Reserved)
| 7
| 8
| [5.0.0+] DramId_MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb ([4.0.0-4.1.0] Reserved)
| [5.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung4gb
| 8
| 9
| [5.0.0+] DramId_MarikoIowaSamsung4gb
| [5.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung8gb
| 9
| 10
| [5.0.0+] DramId_MarikoIowaSamsung8gb
| [6.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix4gb ([5.0.0-5.1.0] Reserved)
| 10
| 11
| [6.0.0+] DramId_MarikoIowaHynix4gb ([5.0.0-5.1.0] Reserved)
| [7.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| 11
| 12
| [7.0.0+] DramId_MarikoIowaMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| [5.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung4gb
| 12
| 13
| [5.0.0+] DramId_MarikoHoagSamsung4gb
| [5.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung8gb
| 13
| 14
| [5.0.0+] DramId_MarikoHoagSamsung8gb
| [7.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| 14
| 15
| [7.0.0+] DramId_MarikoHoagHynix4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| [7.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| 15
| 16
| [7.0.0+] DramId_MarikoHoagMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
| [15.0.0+] Reserved ([8.0.0-14.1.2] MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY)
| 17
| [9.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbX
| 18
| [9.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbX
| 19
| [9.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1y4gbX
| 20
| [14.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1z4gb ([9.0.0-13.2.1] MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbY)
| 21
| [14.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1z4gb ([9.0.0-13.2.1] MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbY)
| 22
| [14.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1z4gb ([13.0.0-13.2.1] Reserved, [9.0.0-12.1.0] MarikoAulaSamsung1y4gb)
| 23
| [10.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1y8gbX
| 24
| [10.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1y4gbX
| 25
| [11.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron1y4gb
| 26
| [11.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron1y4gb
| 27
| [11.0.0+] MarikoAulaMicron1y4gb
| 28
| [11.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1y8gbX
| 29
| [16.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb)
| 30
| [16.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoHoagx1x2Samsung4gb)
| 31
| [16.0.0+] MarikoAulaHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoAulax1x2Samsung4gb)
| 32
| [16.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY)
| 33
| [16.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoHoagSamsung4gbY)
| 34
| [16.0.0+] MarikoAulaMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoAulaSamsung4gbY)
This is extracted directly from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
[[PCV_services|PCV]] selects memory training tables based on DramId.
[[PCV_services|PCV]] selects memory training tables based on DramId.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Platform
! SocType
! DramId
! Platform
! Revision
! DramId
! DVFS version
! Revision
| jetson-tx1
| Erista
| N/A
| jetson-tx1
| 0x07
| N/A
| 0x07
Line 321: Line 379:
| nx-abcb
| Erista
| EristaIcosaSamsung4gb
| nx-abcb
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaSamsung4gb
| 0x07
Line 336: Line 395:
| nx-abcb
| Erista
| EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| nx-abcb
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| 0x07
Line 351: Line 411:
| nx-abcb
| Erista
| EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| nx-abcb
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| 0x07
Line 366: Line 427:
| nx-abca2
| Erista
| EristaIcosaSamsung4gb or EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| nx-abca2
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaSamsung4gb, EristaIcosaMicron4gb
| 0x07
Line 381: Line 443:
| nx-abca2
| Erista
| EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| nx-abca2
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaHynix4gb
| 0x07
Line 396: Line 459:
| nx-abca2
| Erista
| EristaIcosaSamsung6gb
| nx-abca2
| 0x07
| EristaIcosaSamsung6gb
| 0x07
Line 411: Line 475:
| nx-abca2
| Mariko
| MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| 0x03
| MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb
| 0x03
Line 419: Line 484:
| nx-abca2
| Mariko
| MarikoIowaSamsung4gb or MarikoHoagSamsung4gb
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| 0x03
| MarikoIowaSamsung4gb, MarikoHoagSamsung4gb
| 0x03
Line 427: Line 493:
| nx-abca2
| Mariko
| MarikoIowaSamsung8gb or MarikoHoagSamsung8gb
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| 0x03
| MarikoIowaSamsung8gb, MarikoHoagSamsung8gb
| 0x03
Line 435: Line 502:
| nx-abca2
| Mariko
| MarikoIowaHynix4gb or MarikoHoagHynix4gb
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| 0x03
| MarikoIowaHynix4gb, MarikoHoagHynix4gb
| 0x03
Line 443: Line 511:
| nx-abca2
| Mariko
| MarikoIowaMicron4gb or MarikoHoagMicron4gb
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
|  0x03
| MarikoIowaMicron4gb, MarikoHoagMicron4gb
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbX
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbX
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoHoagSamsung1y4gbX
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbY
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbY
| 0x03
| Mariko
| nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd
| MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbA
| 0x03
nx-abcb (Copper) is the SDEV unit. Among other differences, this has extra hardware to support HDMI output.
'''nx-abca2''' ('''Icosa''' in '''Erista''', '''Iowa''' in '''Mariko''') hardware types are variations of the retail, EDEV and SDEV form factors.
'''nx-abcb''' ('''Copper''' in '''Erista''', '''Calcio''' in '''Mariko''') is unreleased. Among other differences, this has extra hardware to support HDMI output.
[8.0.0+] '''nx-abcc''' ('''Hoag''') was added for the Lite retail and HDEV form factors.
nx-abca2 (Icosa) hardware types are variations of the retail form factor.
[10.0.0+] '''nx-abcd''' ('''Aula''') was added for the OLED Model retail and ADEV form factors.
Erista memory is LPDDR4, while Mariko memory is LPDDR4X.
'''Erista''' memory is LPDDR4, while '''Mariko''' memory is LPDDR4X.
==== SecurityEngineIrqNumber ====
===== SecurityEngineInterruptNumber =====
SPL uses this for setting up the security engine IRQ.
SPL uses this for setting up the security engine IRQ.
==== Version ====
===== FuseVersion =====
The current [[Package2#Versions|Package1 Maxver Constant]] - 1.
The current [[Package2#Versions|bootloader maximum version]] - 1.
==== HardwareType ====
===== HardwareType =====
[1.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8 and 2 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]]. It can be 0 (Icosa), 1 (Copper), 2 (Hoag) or 3 (Invalid).
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Description
| 0 || Icosa
| 1 || Copper
| 2 || [8.0.0+] Hoag ([1.0.0-7.0.1] Invalid)
| 3 || [4.0.0+] Iowa
| 4 || [8.0.0+] Calcio
| 5 || [10.0.0+] Aula
| 15 || Invalid
[4.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8, 2 and 16-19 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]]. It can be 0 (Icosa), 1 (Copper), 2 (Hoag), 3 (Mariko) or 4 (Invalid).
[1.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8 and 2 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
[7.0.0+] This item no longer depends on fuses and can only be 0 (Icosa) or 0xF (Invalid) in retail units.
[4.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8, 2 and 16-19 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
==== IsRetail ====
[7.0.0+] This item can now only be 0 (Icosa) or 15 (Invalid) in Erista units.
This item is obtained by checking bits 9 and 0-1 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]]. It can be 0 (Debug), 1 (Retail) or 2 (Invalid).
==== IsRecoveryBoot ====
Hardware is '''Icosa''' (Erista retail, EDEV and SDEV) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType1]] (bit 2) is 1 and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType2]] (bit 8) is 0.
Hardware is '''Copper''' (unreleased Erista model) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType1]] (bit 2) is 0 and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType2]] (bit 8) is 1.
[4.0.0+] Hardware is '''Iowa''' (Mariko retail, EDEV and SDEV) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType3]] (bits 16-19) is 1.
[8.0.0+] Hardware is '''Hoag''' (Mariko Lite retail and HDEV) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType3]] (bits 16-19) is 2.
[8.0.0+] Hardware is '''Calcio''' (unreleased Mariko model) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType1]] (bit 2) is 0 and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType2]] (bit 8) is 1.
[10.0.0+] Hardware is '''Aula''' (Mariko OLED Model retail and ADEV) if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareType3]] (bits 16-19) is 4.
===== HardwareState =====
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Description
| 0 || Development
| 1 || Production
| 2 || Invalid
This item is obtained by checking bits 9 and 0-1 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
Hardware is '''Development''' if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareState1]] (bits 0-1) is 3 and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareState2]] (bit 9) is 0.
Hardware is '''Production''' if [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareState1]] (bits 0-1) is 0 and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|HardwareState2]] (bit 9) is 1.
===== IsRecoveryBoot =====
Used to determine if the system is booting from SafeMode firmware.
Used to determine if the system is booting from SafeMode firmware.
Under normal circumstances, this just returns bit 0 of the active [[BCT#bootloader0_info|bootloader info]]'s attribute field.
Under normal circumstances, this just returns bit 0 of the active [[BCT#bootloader0_info|bootloader info]]'s attribute field.
==== DeviceId ====
===== DeviceId =====
[[NIM_services|NIM]] checks if this item matches the [[Settings_services|set:cal]] DeviceId with byte7 cleared. If they don't match, a panic is thrown.
[[NIM_services|NIM]] checks if this item matches the [[Settings_services|set:cal]] DeviceId with byte7 cleared. If they don't match, a panic is thrown.
==== BootReason ====
===== BootReason =====
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Description
| 0 || Invalid
| 1 || AcOk
| 2 || OnKey
| 3 || RtcAlarm1
| 4 || RtcAlarm2
Used to determine how the system booted.
Used to determine how the system booted.
==== MemoryArrange ====
===== MemoryMode =====
[[Process Manager services|PM]] uses this item for selecting the appropriate size for each [[SVC#LimitableResource|LimitableResource_Memory]].
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Bits
! Description
| 0-3
| Purpose (0 = None, 1 = ForStandard, 2 = ForAppletDev, 3 = ForSystemDev)
| 4-7
| Size (0 = 4GB, 1 = 6GB, 2 = 8GB)
[[Process Manager services|PM]] and the kernel decide memory arrangement based on MemoryMode.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! MemoryArrange
! MemoryMode
! Description
| 0
| 0x01
| Standard
| 1
| 0x02
| StandardForAppletDev
| 2
| 0x03
| StandardForSystemDev
| 3
| 0x11
| Expanded
| 4
| 0x12
| ExpandedForAppletDev
| 5
| 0x21
| ExpandedForMarikoDev
==== IsDebugMode ====
===== IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabled =====
Kernel uses this to determine behavior of svcBreak positive arguments. It will break instead of just force-exiting the process which is what happens on retail.
Kernel uses this to determine behavior of [[SVC#svcBreak|svcBreak]] positive arguments. It will break instead of just force-exiting the process which is what happens on retail.
[2.0.0+] This is also used with certain debug [[SVC|SVCs]].
[2.0.0+] This is also used with certain debug [[SVC|SVCs]].
Line 495: Line 731:
[3.0.0+] [[Loader services|RO]] checks this and if set then skipping NRR rsa signatures is allowed.
[3.0.0+] [[Loader services|RO]] checks this and if set then skipping NRR rsa signatures is allowed.
The value of this field is loaded from [[BootConfig]] unsigned-config+0x10 u8 bit1.
===== KernelConfiguration =====
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Bits
! Description
| 0
| EnableNonZeroFillMemory
| 1
| EnableUserExceptionHandler
| 2
| EnablePmuAccess
| 3
| [8.0.0+] EnableExtraThreadResourceAllocation
| 4
| [13.0.0+] DisableDynamicSystemResourceAllocation
| 8
| CallShowErrorOnPanic
| 16-17
| MemorySize
==== KernelConfiguration ====
Kernel reads this when setting up memory-related code.
Kernel reads this when setting up memory-related code.  
Bit 0 is a boolean determining whether kernel should it will memset various allocated memory-regions with 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A ('X', 'Y', 'Z') instead of zero. This allows Nintendo devs to find uninitialized memory bugs.
'''EnableNonZeroFillMemory''' is a boolean determining whether kernel should it will memset various allocated memory-regions with 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A ('X', 'Y', 'Z') instead of zero. This allows Nintendo devs to find uninitialized memory bugs.
Bit 1 is a boolean determining whether kernel should forcefully enable usermode exception handlers (when false, only certain aborts (((1LL << (esr >> 26)) & 0x1115804400224001) == 0, typically data/prefetch aborts) that occur when the faulting address is in a readable region with MemoryType_CodeStatic will trigger usermode exception handlers).
'''EnableUserExceptionHandler''' is a boolean determining whether kernel should forcefully enable usermode exception handlers (when false, only certain aborts (((1LL << (esr >> 26)) & 0x1115804400224001) == 0, typically data/prefetch aborts) that occur when the faulting address is in a readable region with MemoryType_CodeStatic will trigger usermode exception handlers).
Bit 2 is a boolean determining whether kernel should enable usermode access to the Performance Monitors (whether PMUSERENR_EL0 should be 1 or 0).
'''EnablePmuAccess''' is a boolean determining whether kernel should enable usermode access to the Performance Monitors (whether PMUSERENR_EL0 should be 1 or 0).
Bits 8-15 are a boolean determining whether kernel should call smcPanic on error instead of infinite-looping.
'''EnableExtraThreadResourceAllocation''' is a boolean determining whether the kernel should increase the KThread slabheap capacity by 160. This also increases object capacities that are calculated based on number of threads.
Bits 16-17 determine how much memory is available. 00/03 = 4 GB, 01 = 6 GB, 02 = 8 GB.
'''CallShowErrorOnPanic''' is a boolean determining whether kernel should call smcPanic on error instead of infinite-looping.
==== IsChargerHiZModeEnabled ====
'''MemorySize''' determines how much memory is available. 00/03 = 4 GB, 01 = 6 GB, 02 = 8 GB.
===== IsChargerHiZModeEnabled =====
This tells if the TI Charger (bq24192) is active.
This tells if the TI Charger (bq24192) is active.
==== NewKeyGeneration ====
===== RetailInteractiveDisplayState =====
This item is obtained from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM2|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM2]] if bit 11 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]] is set, [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM0|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM0]] matches 0x8E61ECAE and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM1|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM1]] matches 0xF2BA3BB2.
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Description
[5.0.0+] [[Filesystem services|FS]] can now use this value for the '''KeyGeneration''' parameter when calling [[#GenerateAesKek|GenerateAesKek]] during "GetBisEncryptionKey".
| 0 || Disabled
| 1 || Enabled
==== IsKiosk ====
This item is bit 10 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
This item is bit 10 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]].
[4.0.0+] [[Settings_services|Settings]] uses this value to overwrite the quest flag from [[Settings_services#set:sys|GetQuestFlag]]. This is used to detect if a Switch is a kiosk unit for display at retail stores.
[4.0.0+] [[Settings_services|Settings]] uses this value to overwrite the quest flag from [[Settings_services#set:sys|GetQuestFlag]]. This is used to detect if a Switch is a kiosk unit for display at retail stores.
==== NewHardwareType ====
===== RegulatorType =====
This item is currently hardcoded to 0.
[5.0.0+] [[PCV_services|PCV]] uses this value in combination with [[#HardwareType|HardwareType]] to configure power blocks and memory tables for different hardware.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Value
! Value
! SoC
! SocType
! Power Blocks
! Power Blocks
| 0
| 0
| T210
| Erista
| GM20B (0x12B)
| GM20B (0x12B)
| max77620_sd0, max77621_cpu and max77621_gpu
| max77620_sd0, max77621_cpu and max77621_gpu
| 1
| 1
| T214
| Mariko
| GM2?? (0x12E)
| GM20B_B (0x12E)
| max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu
| max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu
| 2
| 2
| T214
| Mariko
| GM2?? (0x12E)
| GM20B_B (0x12E)
| max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu
| max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu
==== Package2Hash ====
[5.0.0+] [[PCV_services|PCV]] uses this value in combination with [[#HardwareType|HardwareType]] to configure power blocks and memory tables for different hardware.
This is a SHA-256 hash calculated over the [[Package2|package2]] image. Since the hash calculation is an optional step in pkg2ldr, this item is only valid in recovery mode. Otherwise, an error is returned instead.
===== DeviceUniqueKeyGeneration =====
This item is obtained from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM2|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM2]] if bit 11 from [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4]] is set, [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM0|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM0]] matches 0x8E61ECAE and [[Fuse_registers#FUSE_RESERVED_ODM1|FUSE_RESERVED_ODM1]] matches 0xF2BA3BB2.
=== GetRandomBytes ===
[5.0.0+] [[Filesystem services|FS]] can now use this value for the '''KeyGeneration''' parameter when calling [[#GenerateAesKek|GenerateAesKek]] during "GetBisEncryptionKey".
Takes a '''size''' and returns '''rand_bytes'''.
The kernel limits '''size''' to 0x38 (for fitting in return registers).
===== Package2Hash =====
This is a SHA-256 hash calculated over the [[Package2|package2]] image. Since the hash calculation is an optional step in pkg2ldr, this item is only valid in recovery mode. Otherwise, an error is returned instead.
=== Panic ===
=== ShowError ===
Issues a system panic.
Takes an u32 '''Color''' and issues a system panic.
The kernel always calls this with '''panic_color''' set to 0xF00.
The kernel always calls this with '''Color''' set to 0xF00.
=== ConfigureCarveout ===
=== SetKernelCarveoutRegion ===
Configures memory controller carveout regions.
Takes an u64 '''Index''', an u64 '''Address''' and an u64 '''Size'''. Returns [[#Result]].
If '''carveout_index''' is 0, '''region_phys_addr''' and '''region_size''' are used to configure '''MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT4'''.
If '''Index''' is 0, '''Address''' and '''Size''' are used to configure '''MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT4'''.
If '''carveout_index''' is 1, '''region_phys_addr''' and '''region_size''' are used to configure '''MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT5'''.
If '''Index''' is 1, '''Address''' and '''Size''' are used to configure '''MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT5'''.
Any other '''carveout_index''' values are invalid.
Any other '''Index''' values are invalid.
The kernel calls this with '''carveout_index''' set to 0, '''region_phys_addr''' set to 0x80060000 and '''region_size''' set to a dynamically calculated size which covers all the kernel and built-in sysmodules' DRAM regions.
The kernel calls this with '''Index''' set to 0, '''Address''' set to 0x80060000 and '''Size''' set to a dynamically calculated size which covers all the kernel and built-in sysmodules' DRAM regions.
=== ReadWriteRegister ===
=== ReadWriteRegister ===
Takes an u64 '''Register''', an u32 '''Mask''' and an u32 '''InValue'''. Returns [[#Result]] and an u32 '''OutValue'''.
Relays [[SVC#svcReadWriteRegister|svcReadWriteRegister]] to the Secure Monitor.
Relays [[SVC#svcReadWriteRegister|svcReadWriteRegister]] to the Secure Monitor.
= Errors =
= CryptoUsecase =
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Name
| 0 || Aes
| 1 || RsaPrivate
| 2 || SecureExpMod
| 3 || RsaOaep
| 4 || [5.0.0+] RsaImport
| 5 || [5.0.0+]
| 6 || [5.0.0+]
= CipherMode =
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Name
| 0 || CbcEncrypt
| 1 || CbcDecrypt
| 2 || Ctr
= DecryptOrImportMode =
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Name
| 0 || DecryptRsaPrivateKey
| 1 || ImportLotusKey
| 2 || ImportEsKey
| 3 || ImportSslKey
| 4 || ImportDrmKey
= SecureExpModMode =
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Name
| 0 || Lotus
| 1 || Ssl
| 2 || Drm
= EsKeyType =
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Name
| 0 || TitleKey
| 1 || ElicenseKey
= Result =
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
! Value || Description
! Value || Description
| 2 || Invalid input
| 0 || Success
| 1 || Not implemented
| 2 || Invalid argument
| 3 || In progress
| 4 || No async operation
| 5 || Invalid async operation
| 3 || Busy
| 6 || [8.0.0+] Not permitted

Latest revision as of 00:58, 6 March 2024


The secure monitor provides two top level handlers of which each provides a range of sub handlers.

Secure Monitor calls follow the ARM SMC calling convention with a small change:

Bits Description
0-7 Function Number
8-15 Argument Type
16-23 Reserved
24-29 Call Range
30 Call Convention (0 = SMC32, 1 = SMC64)
31 Call Type (0 = Yielding Call, 1 = Fast Call)

If bit n is set in the argument type then parameter Xn is treated as a pointer and the kernel will setup address translation for it in svcCallSecureMonitor.

SMC arguments are passed using registers X0-X7 with X0 always sending the call sub-id and returning the result of the call.


Functions exposed to user-mode processes using svcCallSecureMonitor. SMCs should be called from CPUID 3 (where SPL runs).

Value Name
0xC3000401 SetConfig
0xC3000002 GetConfig (same as in #FunctionId1)
0xC3000003 GetResult
0xC3000404 GetResultData
0xC3000E05 ModularExponentiate
0xC3000006 GenerateRandomBytes (same as in #FunctionId1)
0xC3000007 GenerateAesKek
0xC3000008 LoadAesKey
0xC3000009 ComputeAes
0xC300000A GenerateSpecificAesKey
0xC300040B ComputeCmac
[1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100C DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey
[5.0.0+] 0xC300D60C ReencryptDeviceUniqueData
0xC300100D DecryptDeviceUniqueData
[1.0.0-4.1.0] 0xC300100E DecryptAndImportLotusKey
0xC300060F ModularExponentiateByStorageKey
0xC3000610 PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey
0xC3000011 LoadPreparedAesKey
0xC3000012 [2.0.0+] PrepareEsCommonKey

The overall concept here is the following:

  • All key material (AES and RSA) is stored in userspace, but it's encrypted with random AES kek's ("key encryption keys").
  • Each kek is generated as a function of an access key (picked at random).
  • The kek is generated differently depending on the #CryptoUsecase the key is used for.
    • This means: Each key is "locked" to the #CryptoUsecase it was designated for.
    • You can use a key for a different usecase, but you will only get garbage output.
  • After the kek has been generated, it is wrapped with a session-specific key and given back to userspace.
    • This means: Plaintext kek keys never leave TrustZone.
    • Further, this means: Actual AES/RSA keys never leave TrustZone.


Takes an u64 Size. Returns #Result and RandomBytes.

Size is limited to 0x38 (for fitting in return registers).


Takes an "access key" as input, an #CryptoUsecase.

Returns a session-unique kek for said usecase.


Takes a session kek created with #GenerateAesKek, and a wrapped AES key.

The session kek must have been created with CryptoUsecase Aes.


Encrypts/decrypts using AES (CTR and CBC). Takes an #CipherMode.

Key must be set prior using one of the #LoadAesKey or #GenerateSpecificAesKey commands.


Takes a wrapped AES key and decrypts it using static data.


Calculates CMAC over input data.


Takes a session kek created with #GenerateAesKek, a wrapped AES key, and a wrapped RSA private key.

The session kek must have been created with CryptoUsecase TitleKey.

[5.0.0] This function was removed and replaced with #ReencryptDeviceUniqueData.


Takes in two session keks created with #GenerateAesKek, two wrapped AES keys, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.

Decrypts and validates the wrapped RSA private key with the first kek/wrapped key, and re-encrypts it with the second if valid.

The re-encrypted key is then passed to the user, for use with #DecryptDeviceUniqueData.


Takes a session kek created with #GenerateAesKek, a wrapped AES key, an enum member, and a wrapped RSA private key.

The session kek must have been created with CryptoUsecase RsaPrivate.

[4.0.0+] The SMC handler when certain conditions pass and FunctionId0==0xC300100D now returns error 0x6 instead of calling the handler funcptr.

[5.0.0+] This function now takes an additional input #DecryptOrImportMode. This extends the original functionality to enable importing private keys into the security engine instead of decrypting them.


Takes a session kek created with #GenerateAesKek, and a wrapped RSA key.

The session kek must have been created with CryptoUsecase RsaSecureExpMod.

[5.0.0] This function was removed.


Performs an ExpMod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the #DecryptAndImportLotusKey command.

[5.0.0+] This now uses any exponent previously loaded with #DecryptDeviceUniqueData and takes an #SecureExpModMode.


Takes an Rsa-Oaep-wrapped TitleKey, an RSA Public Key, and a label hash.

Performs an ExpMod operation using an exponent previously loaded with the #DecryptAndImportEsDeviceKey command, and then validates/extracts a Titlekey from the resulting message.

Returns a session-unique AES key especially for use in #LoadTitleKey.

[5.0.0+] This now uses any exponent previously loaded with #DecryptDeviceUniqueData.


Takes a session-unique AES key from #PrepareEsCommonKey or #PrepareEsDeviceUniqueKey.


Takes an AES-wrapped common TitleKey and returns a sealed AES key.


Functions exposed to the kernel internally.

Value Name
0xC4000001 SuspendCpu
0x84000002 PowerOffCpu
0xC4000003 PowerOnCpu
0xC3000004 GetConfig (same as in #FunctionId0)
0xC3000005 GenerateRandomBytesNonBlocking
0xC3000006 ShowError
0xC3000007 [2.0.0+] SetKernelCarveoutRegion
0xC3000008 [2.0.0+] ReadWriteRegister


Takes an u64 PowerState, an u64 EntrypointAddress and an u64 ContextId. No output.

Suspends the CPU (CPU0).

The kernel calls this SMC on shutdown with PowerState set to 0x0201001B (power level: 0x02==system; power type: 0x01==powerdown; ID: 0x1B).


No input/output.

Turns off the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).


Takes an u64 TargetCpu, an u64 EntrypointAddress and an u64 ContextId. Returns #Result.

Turns on the CPU (CPU1, CPU2 or CPU3).


Takes a #ConfigItem. Returns #Result and a ConfigValue.


Value Name
1 #DisableProgramVerification
2 #DramId
3 #SecurityEngineInterruptNumber
4 #FuseVersion
5 #HardwareType
6 #HardwareState
7 #IsRecoveryBoot
8 #DeviceId
9 [1.0.0-4.0.0] #BootReason
10 #MemoryMode
11 #IsDevelopmentFunctionEnabled
12 #KernelConfiguration
13 #IsChargerHiZModeEnabled
14 [4.0.0+] #RetailInteractiveDisplayState
15 [5.0.0+] #RegulatorType
16 [5.0.0+] #DeviceUniqueKeyGeneration
17 [5.0.0+] #Package2Hash

PM checks this item and if non-zero, calls fsp-pr SetEnabledProgramVerification(false).

Value Description
0 EristaIcosaSamsung4gb
1 EristaIcosaHynix4gb
2 EristaIcosaMicron4gb
3 [11.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix1y4gb ([1.0.0-10.2.0] EristaCopperSamsung4gb)
4 EristaIcosaSamsung6gb
5 [12.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix1y4gb ([4.0.0-11.0.1] EristaCopperHynix4gb)
6 [13.0.0+] MarikoAulaHynix1y4gb ([4.0.0-12.1.0] EristaCopperMicron4gb)
7 [15.0.0+] Reserved ([5.0.0-14.1.2] MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb, [4.0.0-4.1.0] Reserved)
8 [5.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung4gb
9 [5.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung8gb
10 [6.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix4gb ([5.0.0-5.1.0] Reserved)
11 [7.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
12 [5.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung4gb
13 [5.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung8gb
14 [7.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
15 [7.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron4gb ([5.0.0-6.2.0] Reserved)
16 [15.0.0+] Reserved ([8.0.0-14.1.2] MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY)
17 [9.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbX
18 [9.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbX
19 [9.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1y4gbX
20 [14.0.0+] MarikoIowaSamsung1z4gb ([9.0.0-13.2.1] MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbY)
21 [14.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1z4gb ([9.0.0-13.2.1] MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbY)
22 [14.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1z4gb ([13.0.0-13.2.1] Reserved, [9.0.0-12.1.0] MarikoAulaSamsung1y4gb)
23 [10.0.0+] MarikoHoagSamsung1y8gbX
24 [10.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1y4gbX
25 [11.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron1y4gb
26 [11.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron1y4gb
27 [11.0.0+] MarikoAulaMicron1y4gb
28 [11.0.0+] MarikoAulaSamsung1y8gbX
29 [16.0.0+] MarikoIowaHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb)
30 [16.0.0+] MarikoHoagHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoHoagx1x2Samsung4gb)
31 [16.0.0+] MarikoAulaHynix1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoAulax1x2Samsung4gb)
32 [16.0.0+] MarikoIowaMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY)
33 [16.0.0+] MarikoHoagMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoHoagSamsung4gbY)
34 [16.0.0+] MarikoAulaMicron1a4gb ([15.0.0-15.0.1] MarikoAulaSamsung4gbY)

This is extracted directly from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4.

PCV selects memory training tables based on DramId.

SocType Platform DramId Revision DVFS
Erista jetson-tx1 N/A 0x07
Erista nx-abcb EristaIcosaSamsung4gb 0x07
Erista nx-abcb EristaIcosaMicron4gb 0x07
Erista nx-abcb EristaIcosaHynix4gb 0x07
Erista nx-abca2 EristaIcosaSamsung4gb, EristaIcosaMicron4gb 0x07
Erista nx-abca2 EristaIcosaHynix4gb 0x07
Erista nx-abca2 EristaIcosaSamsung6gb 0x07
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowax1x2Samsung4gb 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung4gb, MarikoHoagSamsung4gb 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung8gb, MarikoHoagSamsung8gb 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaHynix4gb, MarikoHoagHynix4gb 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaMicron4gb, MarikoHoagMicron4gb 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung4gbY 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbX 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbX 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoHoagSamsung1y4gbX 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbY 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung1y8gbY 0x03
Mariko nx-abca2, nx-abcb, nx-abcc, nx-abcd MarikoIowaSamsung1y4gbA 0x03

nx-abca2 (Icosa in Erista, Iowa in Mariko) hardware types are variations of the retail, EDEV and SDEV form factors.

nx-abcb (Copper in Erista, Calcio in Mariko) is unreleased. Among other differences, this has extra hardware to support HDMI output.

[8.0.0+] nx-abcc (Hoag) was added for the Lite retail and HDEV form factors.

[10.0.0+] nx-abcd (Aula) was added for the OLED Model retail and ADEV form factors.

Erista memory is LPDDR4, while Mariko memory is LPDDR4X.


SPL uses this for setting up the security engine IRQ.


The current bootloader maximum version - 1.

Value Description
0 Icosa
1 Copper
2 [8.0.0+] Hoag ([1.0.0-7.0.1] Invalid)
3 [4.0.0+] Iowa
4 [8.0.0+] Calcio
5 [10.0.0+] Aula
15 Invalid

[1.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8 and 2 from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4.

[4.0.0+] This item is obtained by checking bits 8, 2 and 16-19 from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4.

[7.0.0+] This item can now only be 0 (Icosa) or 15 (Invalid) in Erista units.

Hardware is Icosa (Erista retail, EDEV and SDEV) if HardwareType1 (bit 2) is 1 and HardwareType2 (bit 8) is 0.

Hardware is Copper (unreleased Erista model) if HardwareType1 (bit 2) is 0 and HardwareType2 (bit 8) is 1.

[4.0.0+] Hardware is Iowa (Mariko retail, EDEV and SDEV) if HardwareType3 (bits 16-19) is 1.

[8.0.0+] Hardware is Hoag (Mariko Lite retail and HDEV) if HardwareType3 (bits 16-19) is 2.

[8.0.0+] Hardware is Calcio (unreleased Mariko model) if HardwareType1 (bit 2) is 0 and HardwareType2 (bit 8) is 1.

[10.0.0+] Hardware is Aula (Mariko OLED Model retail and ADEV) if HardwareType3 (bits 16-19) is 4.

Value Description
0 Development
1 Production
2 Invalid

This item is obtained by checking bits 9 and 0-1 from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4.

Hardware is Development if HardwareState1 (bits 0-1) is 3 and HardwareState2 (bit 9) is 0.

Hardware is Production if HardwareState1 (bits 0-1) is 0 and HardwareState2 (bit 9) is 1.


Used to determine if the system is booting from SafeMode firmware.

Under normal circumstances, this just returns bit 0 of the active bootloader info's attribute field.


NIM checks if this item matches the set:cal DeviceId with byte7 cleared. If they don't match, a panic is thrown.

Value Description
0 Invalid
1 AcOk
2 OnKey
3 RtcAlarm1
4 RtcAlarm2

Used to determine how the system booted.

Bits Description
0-3 Purpose (0 = None, 1 = ForStandard, 2 = ForAppletDev, 3 = ForSystemDev)
4-7 Size (0 = 4GB, 1 = 6GB, 2 = 8GB)

PM and the kernel decide memory arrangement based on MemoryMode.

MemoryArrange MemoryMode Description
0 0x01 Standard
1 0x02 StandardForAppletDev
2 0x03 StandardForSystemDev
3 0x11 Expanded
4 0x12 ExpandedForAppletDev
5 0x21 ExpandedForMarikoDev

Kernel uses this to determine behavior of svcBreak positive arguments. It will break instead of just force-exiting the process which is what happens on retail.

[2.0.0+] This is also used with certain debug SVCs.

[3.0.0+] RO checks this and if set then skipping NRR rsa signatures is allowed.

Bits Description
0 EnableNonZeroFillMemory
1 EnableUserExceptionHandler
2 EnablePmuAccess
3 [8.0.0+] EnableExtraThreadResourceAllocation
4 [13.0.0+] DisableDynamicSystemResourceAllocation
8 CallShowErrorOnPanic
16-17 MemorySize

Kernel reads this when setting up memory-related code.

EnableNonZeroFillMemory is a boolean determining whether kernel should it will memset various allocated memory-regions with 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A ('X', 'Y', 'Z') instead of zero. This allows Nintendo devs to find uninitialized memory bugs.

EnableUserExceptionHandler is a boolean determining whether kernel should forcefully enable usermode exception handlers (when false, only certain aborts (((1LL << (esr >> 26)) & 0x1115804400224001) == 0, typically data/prefetch aborts) that occur when the faulting address is in a readable region with MemoryType_CodeStatic will trigger usermode exception handlers).

EnablePmuAccess is a boolean determining whether kernel should enable usermode access to the Performance Monitors (whether PMUSERENR_EL0 should be 1 or 0).

EnableExtraThreadResourceAllocation is a boolean determining whether the kernel should increase the KThread slabheap capacity by 160. This also increases object capacities that are calculated based on number of threads.

CallShowErrorOnPanic is a boolean determining whether kernel should call smcPanic on error instead of infinite-looping.

MemorySize determines how much memory is available. 00/03 = 4 GB, 01 = 6 GB, 02 = 8 GB.


This tells if the TI Charger (bq24192) is active.

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

This item is bit 10 from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4.

[4.0.0+] Settings uses this value to overwrite the quest flag from GetQuestFlag. This is used to detect if a Switch is a kiosk unit for display at retail stores.

Value SocType GPU Power Blocks
0 Erista GM20B (0x12B) max77620_sd0, max77621_cpu and max77621_gpu
1 Mariko GM20B_B (0x12E) max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu
2 Mariko GM20B_B (0x12E) max77620_sd0, max77812_cpu and max77812_gpu

[5.0.0+] PCV uses this value in combination with HardwareType to configure power blocks and memory tables for different hardware.


This item is obtained from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM2 if bit 11 from FUSE_RESERVED_ODM4 is set, FUSE_RESERVED_ODM0 matches 0x8E61ECAE and FUSE_RESERVED_ODM1 matches 0xF2BA3BB2.

[5.0.0+] FS can now use this value for the KeyGeneration parameter when calling GenerateAesKek during "GetBisEncryptionKey".


This is a SHA-256 hash calculated over the package2 image. Since the hash calculation is an optional step in pkg2ldr, this item is only valid in recovery mode. Otherwise, an error is returned instead.


Takes an u32 Color and issues a system panic.

The kernel always calls this with Color set to 0xF00.


Takes an u64 Index, an u64 Address and an u64 Size. Returns #Result.

If Index is 0, Address and Size are used to configure MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT4. If Index is 1, Address and Size are used to configure MC_SECURITY_CARVEOUT5. Any other Index values are invalid.

The kernel calls this with Index set to 0, Address set to 0x80060000 and Size set to a dynamically calculated size which covers all the kernel and built-in sysmodules' DRAM regions.


Takes an u64 Register, an u32 Mask and an u32 InValue. Returns #Result and an u32 OutValue.

Relays svcReadWriteRegister to the Secure Monitor.


Value Name
0 Aes
1 RsaPrivate
2 SecureExpMod
3 RsaOaep
4 [5.0.0+] RsaImport
5 [5.0.0+]
6 [5.0.0+]


Value Name
0 CbcEncrypt
1 CbcDecrypt
2 Ctr


Value Name
0 DecryptRsaPrivateKey
1 ImportLotusKey
2 ImportEsKey
3 ImportSslKey
4 ImportDrmKey


Value Name
0 Lotus
1 Ssl
2 Drm


Value Name
0 TitleKey
1 ElicenseKey


Value Description
0 Success
1 Not implemented
2 Invalid argument
3 In progress
4 No async operation
5 Invalid async operation
6 [8.0.0+] Not permitted