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Revision as of 18:17, 28 June 2017

Creport takes a string containing a pid (?) formatted in base10. This is launched by NS.

Then it uses the svcDebugActiveProcess to start a debug-session for the pid. It loops svcGetDebugEvent to fetch all debug events.

It has a event buffer of 128 u64's that starts with "CREP\x01\x00\x00\x00".

It only cares about type EXCEPTION and ATTACH_PROCESS events.

For ATTACH_PROCESS events it saves the title-id of the crashed process (this is the first u64 of the type-specific data), and a flag whether to dump stack.

For EXCEPTION events, it adds records to the buffer.

Each exception record starts with 2x u64's: exception type, and exception address.

Then depending on exception type it stores:

UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION (0): Always (u64) 0. PREFETCH_ABORT (1): Always (u64) 0. DATA_ABORT (2): (u64) Fault register. UNALIGNED_ACCESS (3): (u64) Fault register. UNDEFINED_SYSCALL (8): (u64) Syscall id. ? (9): Always (u64) 0.

For all exceptions, it then adds more data from svcGetDebugThreadParam/svcGetDebugThreadContext. This reads the flag from ATTACH_PROCESS to determine whether to read 0x10 bytes using svcReadDebugProcessMemory.

All other events (USER_BREAK, etc) don't store any extra data except type and address.

After it has fetched all events.

If it didn't encounter USER_BREAK it constructs an error report:

  • Field10: (String) Error-code string formatted with "%04d-%04d".
  • Field115: (String) Title-id snprintf'ed as "%08llx".
  • Field116: (Bool) 0.

It does *not* add the event buffer to the report if title-id is any of the following:

  • 0100000000001008
  • 010000000000100A
  • 010000000000100B
  • 0100000000001010
  • 0100000000001011

For all other title-ids, it generates a random AES-128 key and iv using csrng.

It encrypts the entire event buffer with this AES key and iv. Then it encrypts the key-iv-pair using RSA-PSS with a hardcoded pubkey and exponent 0x10001.

These are added to the error report:

  • Field206: (Raw) RSA-encrypted AES-key.
  • Field116: (Raw) Encrypted crash-info.

Thus you need the private key to decrypt the crash dump.

Finally, the error report is sent to "erpt:c" cmd1.

It uses "ns:dev" to terminate the pid, and then it throws the following fatal-err depending on exception type

  • 0 -> 0xA8
  • 1 -> 0x2A8
  • 2 -> 0x4A8,
  • 3 -> 0x6A8,
  • 6 -> No fatal-err
  • 8 -> 0x10A8, this also stores the syscall-id as an u64, and the entire thread state in the event buffer.
  • Default: 0x4A2