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These are not accessible without the required TLS client cert+privk, minus the time URL which can be accessed without any client cert+privk at all.
These are not accessible without the required TLS client cert+privk, minus the time URL which can be accessed without any client cert+privk at all.
== User-Agent ==
NIM generates two User-Agent strings:
  snprintf(..., "User-Agent: NintendoSDK Firmware/%s-%u (platform:%s; did:%016llx; eid:%s)", <string at [[System_Version_Title|sysver]]+0x68>, {u32 from [[System_Version_Title|sysver]]+4}, "NX", DeviceId, {[[NSD_services|NSD]] cmd11 output});
  snprintf(..., "User-Agent: NintendoSDK Firmware/%s-%u (platform:%s; eid:%s)", <string at [[System_Version_Title|sysver]]+0x68>, {u32 from [[System_Version_Title|sysver]]+4}, "NX", DeviceId, {[[NSD_services|NSD]] cmd11 output});
Where the 64bit DeviceId is extracted from the 0x10-bytes at outbuf+0xC6 from [[Settings_services|set:cal]] cmd14.
== sun ==

Revision as of 03:59, 27 June 2017




Presumably Network Time Sync?


  • https://sun.hac.%%.d4c.nintendo.net/v1/system_update_meta?device_id=%016llx
  • ...
  • https://aqua.hac.%%.d4c.nintendo.net/required_system_update_meta?device_id=%016llx
  • https://%s.hac.%%.d4c.nintendo.net/t/%c/%016llx/%u?device_id=%016llx
  • https://%s.hac.%%.d4c.nintendo.net/c/%c/%s
  • https://aauth-%.ndas.srv.nintendo.net/v1/time
  • ...
  • "https://dauth-%.ndas.srv.nintendo.net/v1/device_auth_token" CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS is set to the output from: snprintf(..., "system_version=%08x&client_id=%s", <output parsed from a func>, "<hard-coded hex string>");

These are not accessible without the required TLS client cert+privk, minus the time URL which can be accessed without any client cert+privk at all.


NIM generates two User-Agent strings:

 snprintf(..., "User-Agent: NintendoSDK Firmware/%s-%u (platform:%s; did:%016llx; eid:%s)", <string at sysver+0x68>, {u32 from sysver+4}, "NX", DeviceId, {NSD cmd11 output});
 snprintf(..., "User-Agent: NintendoSDK Firmware/%s-%u (platform:%s; eid:%s)", <string at sysver+0x68>, {u32 from sysver+4}, "NX", DeviceId, {NSD cmd11 output});

Where the 64bit DeviceId is extracted from the 0x10-bytes at outbuf+0xC6 from set:cal cmd14.
