Kernel Loader

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Revision as of 04:12, 31 August 2019 by SciresM (talk | contribs) (→‎Structures: KInitialPageAllocator)
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The Kernel Loader ("KernelLdr"/"Kernelldr") was added in 8.0.0. It is responsible for applying relocations to the Kernel, and mapping the Kernel's .text/.rodata/.data/.bss at a random slide.

Kernel Loader

KernelLdr is called immediately by the Kernel's crt0 (after it deprivileges from EL2 to EL1, if required), with the following signature:

   void KernelLoader_Main(uintptr_t kernel_base_address, KernelMap *kernel_map, uintptr_t ini1_base_address);


First, it clears BSS, and then sets SP = <BSS end>.

    for (uint64_t *i = __bss_start; i != __bss_end; i++) {
        *i = 0;
    SP = __bss_end;

Next, it applies relocations to itself and calls its init array.

    KernelLdr_ApplyRelocations(&KernelLdr_Main, __dynamic_start);

Then, it calls the function which relocates the kernel, and jumps back to the kernel entrypoint.

    // KernelLdr_LoadKernel returns (relocated_kernel_base - original_kernel_base).
    uintptr_t kernel_relocation_offset = KernelLdr_LoadKernel(kernel_base, kernel_map, ini_base);
    // dtor called for static page allocator.
    // Jumps back to the kernel code that called KernelLdr_Main.
    ((void (*)(void))(kernel_relocation_offset + LR))();


TODO: Fill this out


This is just standard libc init array code. .init_array is empty in all available binaries.


TODO: Fill this out


This just clears the allocator's next address.

    this->next_address = 0;



Offset Size Description
0x0 4 .text offset
0x4 4 .text end offset
0x8 4 .rodata end offset
0xC 4 .rodata end offset
0x10 4 .rwdata offset
0x14 4 .rwdata end offset
0x18 4 .bss offset
0x1C 4 .bss end offset
0x20 4 INI1 load offset
0x24 4 .dynamic end offset
0x28 4 .init_array end offset
0x2C 4 .init_array end offset


KInitialPageAllocator is just a simple linear allocator.

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 vtable;
0x8 8 Next Address;


Offset Size Description
0x0 8 void *(*Allocate)(KInitialPageAllocator *this);
0x8 8 void (*Free)(KInitialPageAllocator *this, void *address);